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Featured Why do people think that Baptists came from AnaBaptists?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Salty, May 5, 2020.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Why do ______?


    What "Baptists"?

    BINO "Baptists" that adopt the name and precious little or nothing more than the name to go with it that is Biblical, Organizationally, Doctrinally, & Practically?

    Or why do "those children of God CALLED-OUT, to ASSEMBLE, and not forsake assembling" ,.... Get It?

    The 'get it' is for the Bible definition of The Lord's churches from the time He Founded them, called by many names, with 'Baptist' being significant because of their Authority to Baptise.

    ".... There are 6,7,8, distinguishing characteristics of The Lord's churches Taught in The Bible."

    The definition of 'church' as used in the Bible is where Saved souls should start.

    With the proper definition of words, as God Expresses them, doesn't leave room for Satan's false lies about 'churches', beginning with Roman Catholic Civil Union Counterfeit they called "The Church".

    That has NOTHING to do with God.

    That said, lost souls have reason to turn from their sins and toward Jesus.

    There is no reason for a lost person to be interested in figuring out The Lord's churches.

    Anti- Baptists are concerned, as "Baptists" in name only to oppose "Baptists with The Authority of God to Baptise".

    So, when you want a NAME to define the ones who may claim to come from, and/or, have Ana-Baptist Teachings, and wonder why they would think they did, or do: "Ana-Baptists" did not honor pseudo-baptism, alien baptism, mam-made 'baptism of any kind.

    They got called' ana' for 're'.

    Biblically speaking they Baptised all converts by The Authority of God and those convert HAD NOT BIBLICALLY been 'baptised', SCRIPTURALLY, before.

    No matter who TAUGHT they baptised them.

    Your name, then, is:

    Baptists that are "Baptists with The Authority of God to Baptise",

    will certainly claim to come from, and/or, claim similar Teachings as Ana-Baptists that were, or are, "Baptists with The Authority of God to Baptise".
  2. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Regarding a 'candlestick' being to an individual, it would need a verse.

    The Shikina Glory as The Presence of God in The Third Person of The Godhead that was Another Comfortor Promised by Jesus, Who Superintends The Lord's churches WOULD BE REMOVED, whether they continued to play church, or not.

    1 Samuel 4:21-22
    “Then she named the child Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel!” because the ark of God had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband. 22 And she said, “The glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God has been captured.”
    #102 Alan Gross, May 22, 2020
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
  3. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Baptist History: Baptist History Homepage, A Source for Original Baptist Documents

    Anyone claiming the name Baptist may wish to memorize and follow The Lord with regard to His Teachings in The Bible: http://baptisthistoryhomepage.com/hisel.baptist.histry.ntbk.html

    To "A Baptist", or even a Forum using that name, "Baptist",

    "Baptist History" looks like this:

    Chapter 1
    Tracing of Baptist History

    Chapter 2
    Jesus Establishes His Church

    Chapter 3
    Persecution by The Roman Empire

    Nero, 54-68 B.C. 23
    Trajan, 98-117 B.C. 25
    Septimus Severus 193-211
    Decius Trajan, 249-251
    Diocletian, 284-316 30
    Terrible Days (Many Martyrs' Crowns
    Chapter 4
    The Montanists
    Montanists, Origin and Beliefs
    Chapter 5
    The Novatianists

    C. H. Spurgeon 5
    Chapter 6
    Constantine The Great

    Leo I and Boniface III
    Flavius Valerius Constantinus, A.D. 306-337
    Edict of Milan 6

    Chapter 7
    The Donatists
    Quote by J. M. Cramp 72
    Identified with Novatians 73 75
    Donatist 79
    Chapter 8
    Paterins, Puritans, Cathari

    Paterins, (Patarenes)
    Etymology of the Name
    Paterines were Baptist
    Puritans 86
    The Cathari were Baptists
    Chapter 9
    The Paulicians
    Photius (witness of) 91
    Siculus (witness of) 92
    Origin, Doctrine, Persecution 93
    Paulicians were Baptists 97
    Persecuted 98

    #103 Alan Gross, May 22, 2020
    Last edited: May 22, 2020
  4. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Chapter 10
    Development in the Hierarchy, (Roman Catholic)
    The Sign of the Cross 100
    Wax Candles 101
    Mother of God 102

    Purgatory 103
    Origin of Purgatory 104

    Chapter 11
    Further Development in the Hierarchy,
    (Roman Catholic)
    List of Heresies (45 Listed) 106
    Extreme Unction 109
    Baptism of Bells 109
    Transubstantiation 110
    A Roman Miracle? 110
    Catholic Church Councils Listed 112
    Roman Catholic & Greek Orthodox 114

    Chapter 12
    Peter de Bruys 116
    Their Doctrine 117
    Augustus Neander, (Quoted) 117
    Peter de Bruys was a Baptist 118
    Information Source 119
    Persecution 120

    Chapter 13
    The Henricians
    Description of Henry 121
    Henry in Mans 122
    St. Bernard's Account of Henry's Influence 123
    Henry was a Baptist 124
    Historians say Henricians were Baptists 126
    Persecution 126

    Chapter 14
    The Arnoldists
    Orchard's Sketch of Arnold of Brescia 128
    Was Arnold a Baptist? 130
    Persecuted, Arnold's Martyrdom and Doctrine 131

    Chapter 15
    The Waldenses
    Their Name 134

    Their Antiquity 134
    Historical Testimony 136
    Waldenses by Various Names 137
    Another Word on their Origin 138
    Conclusion 140

    Chapter 16
    The Waldenses Continued
    Waldenses Not Protestants 142
    Their View on "Antichrist" 143
    A Confession of Their Faith, (14 Articles) 144
    What the Historians Say 148

    Chapter 17
    The Waldenses Concluded
    Milton's Poem 150
    Loss of Houses and Goods 151
    Everywhere Persecuted 151
    Persecuted by the Crusaders 152

    Chapter 18
    The Albigenses
    Origin 157
    Their Doctrine 157
    Their Persecutions 160
    A Bright Light in Dark Times 162

    Chapter 19
    The Ana-Baptists
    Mosheim's Account 166
    Depths of Their Antiquity 168
    Ana-Baptist Ancestors 169
    Waldenses were Ana-Baptists 170
    Ana-Baptist Beliefs 171

    Chapter 20
    The Bogomils
    Their Locations 173
    Agreed with the Cathari 174

    Antiquity of the Bogomils 175
    Charges Against Them 176
    Quote from J. T. Christian 177
    Their Persecution 178

    Chapter 21
    The Lollards
    Origin of the Lollards 179
    Walter Lollard 180
    Spurgeon in Connection with the Lollards 181
    Their Doctrines 183
    Their Persecutions 184

    Chapter 22
    The Bohemian & Moravian Brethren
    Description of the Land 188
    The Gospel in Bohemia 188
    Peter Waldo 189
    Called "Waldensians" 190
    John Huss 190
    Robert Robinson 192
    Two Classes of Brethren 192
    Their Persecution 192

    Chapter 23
    The Picards & Beghards
    Picards or Pickard 195
    Bohemia 196
    Maximillian II 196
    Doctrine of the Picards 196
    The Beghards 198

    Chapter 24
    Ana-Baptists and the Reformation
    God's Overruling Providence 202
    The Good Doesn't Last 202
    Illustrations of Reform Doctrine 203
    Ana-Baptist Doctrine, Its Antiquity 204

    Church Truth 205
    Conclusion 206

    Chapter 25
    Ana-Baptists and the Reformation Continued
    Christianity not a Culture 209
    Constantine 210
    The Reformation Continues 210
    Same Problems 210
    Religious Force 211
    Luther's Choice 212
    Church Requirements 212
    Salvation by Faith Alone 213
    Non-Public Worship 214

    Chapter 26
    Ana-Baptist and the Reformation Concluded
    The Peace between Catholics and Reformers 216
    The Peace of Augsburg (1555) 216
    The Peace of Westphalia (1648) 217
    Lutheran Persecution 217
    Luther, A Persecutor 218
    Death Warrants 219
    John Calvin, A Persecutor 220
    The Reformers all Alike 221
    Conclusion 222

    Chapter 27
    The Ana-Baptists of Munster
    W. A. Jarrel, Quote of their Diversity 223
    The Munster Disorders 224
    Common Sense, (not Ana-Baptist of the Ordinary
    Sort) 226
    Ana-Baptists Denial 226
    Martyr's Testimony, (Condemnation of the Acts
    Committed at Munster) 227
    Non-Baptist Vindication 228
    Conclusion 229

    Chapter 28
    The Welsh Baptists
    The Gospel of Wales 231
    Concerning Paul 231
    Claudia, (Princess of Wales, Convert of Paul?)232
    Baptists Alone 233
    Were Ancient World Christians Baptist? 235
    David Benedict's Quote concerning 236
    Conclusion 237
    Bibliography 239
    Waldensian Confessions of Faith
    Confession of 1120
  5. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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  6. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Matthew 21:25
    "The immersion of John — where did it come from? From Heaven or from a human source?”

    This question was never answered.
  7. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Lost people aren't into verifying what they believe to be The Authority of John's Baptism, as a man Sent from God The Father, to Baptiste.

  8. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    No one needs to verify baptism as an authority. Nor done in authority. That is the point. The act of Baptism is being obedient, but there is nothing significant nor of authority in the act itself. Baptism can only remove dirt, because it is just washing of water.

    John the Baptist had a ministry of repentance and preparation of the coming of Christ. Baptizing in the Jordan seems to be the only thing he was remembered for.
  9. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Yes, the position these Lost religious people took in The Bible, who weren't into verifying what they believe to be The Authority of John's Baptism, as a man Sent from God The Father, to Baptise, is the denial of God The Father, God The Son, & The Holy Spirit who Saved, Sent, Gave, and Superintended The Authority to Baptise, in Matthew 21:25 "The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him? "who Saved, Sent, Gave, and Superintended The Authority to Baptise that John possessed then, and that has Followed All of The churches that Jesus Built, since that Time.

    Authority in Baptism is the Ultimate Hallmark of All of The Biblically Organized churches that Have Come from The First One Jesus Divinely Founded, Planted, and Promised to Be with until The End of The Age.

    In addition to a denial of God The Father, God The Son, & The Holy Spirit who Saved, Sent, Gave, and Superintended The Authority to Baptise that John possessed then, and that has Followed All of The churches that Jesus Built, since that Time, any current denial of The Authority of John's Baptism, as a man Sent from God The Father, to Baptise, is also a pure denial of The Bible, from the one quoted; Matthew 21:25 "The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?"

    The Authority of John's Baptism, as a man Sent from God The Father, to Baptise, Matters to God The Father, God The Son, & The Holy Spirit.

    The Bible Teaches in many places to Repent and be baptized. That is a Command. That Baptism is not any Baptism. It is The Baptism of John.

    Everyone known to have been saved in the New Testament has a record of having been baptized by The Authority of God, in John's Baptism.

    Jesus Walked 40 to 60 miles in order to be baptized by John.

    In order to fashion false churches having nothing to do with The churches Jesus Built and Promised to Be with through the Indwelling Presence of The Holy Spirit and to forgo and be oblivious to what a church is, or what makes a New Testament church, or most all major Bible Doctrines, people say it doesn't matter.

    Jesus Died for His churches, in the Special Spiritual Union Becoming Diety, to Bring Forth BABIES, in The Marriage relationship to Him.

    Jesus Loved His church and Gave Himself for her.

    With a proper, non-flippant-carnal-denial, and Scriptural understanding of The Bible, Satan's lies of what The Bible about churches will not hold up.

    The children He Calls Out to be Scripturally Baptized Honor and Worship God, in and through His Churches.

    Unto God be Glory, in the churches.

    In Ephesians 1, GOD THE FATHER Placed JESUS CHRIST as The Head of The church:

    19 "And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power,

    20 "Which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places,

    21 "Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age {world}, but also in that which is to come;

    22 "And hath put all things under His feet,
    and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church,

    23 "Which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all."

    In Ephesians 2 God Gives an Architectural Metephor of His Building in which He Dwells, i.e., His assemblies:

    19 "Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and sojourners {foreigners}, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

    20 "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner Stone,

    21 "In Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord;

    22 "In Whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit."

    In Ephesians 3, God Says that is How and Where He is Worshipped;

    20 "Now unto Him Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

    21 "Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

    Ephesians is about The Lord's churches, that are Scripturally Baptised, Saved Individuals, who Congregate as they are Commanded in The New Testament.

    And The Harlot Daughters of The Great Whore DO NOT CARE.
  10. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Except the harlot kept John's Baptism front and center, giving it to infants, keeping the lie that water seals. Only the baptism of the Holy Spirit can do that. And God seals us in the womb at conception. Why do you think the modern versions changed the baptism of the Holy Spirit to immersion?
    Explain how sprinkling is immersion? Not to take it lightly, but water baptism is not Holy Spirit water. John the Baptist understood what water immersion was. Philip in the desert with the Ethiopian knew what is was. Jesus did not baptize. He did allow his disciples to, because they all knew what it does. All disciples and apostles knew what it was. Only the Reformation did not know what it was, because they only knew what the church they were trying to reform taught them. Not many today know or accept the truth. Except perhaps the Baptist and those who hold to Baptist doctrine. Even Catholics can accept Baptist doctrine. They may not practice it.
  11. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    It is a perfect example of my premise, "With a proper, non-flippant-carnal-denial, and Scriptural understanding of The Bible, Satan's lies of what The Bible about churches will not hold up", for you to state, "baptism of the Holy Spirit".



    Also: "the harlot kept John's Baptism"

    Also: "John's Baptism front and center, giving it to infants"

    This I do not know what it means: "And God seals us in the womb at conception".


    Now, this seems almost Rock Solid ...
    .....except.... when you are saying 'baptism' in this paragraph and saying that they knew "what it was" was___?

    What? are you saying the baptism was?

    ...and what baptism 'does'?


    "Why do you think the modern versions changed the baptism of the Holy Spirit to immersion?"

    "Explain how sprinkling is immersion?"

    "Not to take it lightly, but water baptism is not Holy Spirit water."

    "John the Baptist understood what water immersion was."

    "Philip in the desert with the Ethiopian knew what is was."

    "Jesus did not baptize".

    "He did allow his disciples to because they all knew what it does."

    "All disciples and apostles knew what it was."


    Again, your thinking on 'what it was' is___?

    "Only the Reformation did not know what it was, because they only knew what the church they were trying to reform taught them."
  12. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    (I am going to be Loving this if you have a 'Teachable Spirit", and since you understand that Christianity did not begin in the 16th century, God Has you right in position to LEARN, from an OLD SAGE, hopefully.

    If you can be taken from what you are saying to God's Proper Interpretation, you will flip out.

    We'll see.

    It takes God to Do It.

    Ask Him, if you will.

    "God, 'I don't know;

    what does this guy think he knows...'

    MAYBE N O T H I N G,

    and tell Him, you just want to know the Truth,
    and you and He Can Get it, to WORSHIP HIM.)
  13. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Knowing the Truth can only be God’s Will. Satan just wants us to know lies.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    It is a perfect example of my premise, "With a proper, non-flippant-carnal-denial, and Scriptural understanding of The Bible, Satan's lies of what The Bible about churches will not hold up", for you to state, "baptism of the Holy Spirit".

    Not to duke things out about various subjects, but to look for "With a proper, non-flippant-carnal-denial, and Scriptural understanding of The Bible, Satan's lies" don't hold up.

    With that, I continue with the notion for you to consider that, "there is no such thing as Holy Spirit Baptism".

    If that is true, then there won't be any actual Bible Teaching on it and once the Lord's Message is seen, then the passages and parts of them that appear to some as if they show "Baptism of The Holy Spirit" can be dismissed as Satanically influenced.

    If that is not too hard for us, God Can Be Praised by His Revelation of what those passages say.
  15. timtofly

    timtofly Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Only the Holy Spirit can reveal what the Holy Spirit Wills.