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Featured Why is the Country Morally and Economically in the Toilet?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Zaac, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    You just agreed and then negated your agreement all in one sentence.
  2. saturneptune

    saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    If sin had not increased for he last 100 years, then we would be at the same level of sin that existed in 1912.
  3. go2church

    go2church Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    Allow me to clarify - There is a time of Great Tribulation coming, we aren't there yet. When that time of Great Tribulation comes the increase in immorality will be clear and obvious

    I'm not ready to to declare because kids wear their pants low or have their noses pierced that we have fallen into this horrible abyss of immorality never before seen in all of human history. Immorality has always been with us, though expressed in different ways at different times.

    Look at history - there were some pretty immoral things going on in days gone by.
  4. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    That Great Tribulation isn't here yet, but God has told us that things are to get worse and they progressively are getting worse.

    You seem to be okay declaring it not to be there. :laugh: I think a lot of folks just get scared when they have to take stock of the reality that surrounds us. If things really have gotten worse, that means that this world has to be near its end. Folks don't like that because they want to see their kids grow up and they want grandkids or they want to get married , etc, etc.

    But it is indeed worse.

    I don't think anyone is saying that things weren't pretty bad at other times. But you'd have to want to ignore the truth to not see that the world is , as a whole, in the worst shape morally, from the perspective of what folks will boldly do in the open, or in private and then tell the world about.

    All you have to do is look at popular culture to see what is socially aceptable because its been "normalized".
  5. jaigner

    jaigner Active Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Why is this country...in the toilet?

    Well, one time this thing happened we call "the fall." We've always been in the toilet. From the beginning of this country, we've been in the toilet. Civilization has always been in the toilet.

    Maybe we should stop wondering and start being Kingdom people. Rome fell and so will the USA. God's Kingdom is forever.
  6. Oldtimer

    Oldtimer New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Go2Church, I'm 67 years old and have lived all my life in the same general rural area. Things are much worse around here than they were 50 years ago.

    1. Fifty years ago, we rarely ever locked our doors. During the summer, without AC, windows and doors were left open with only screen coverings to keep insects out. If we had to be gone for a considerable length of time, we had to search for the skeleton key to lock the door. Home invasions were simply never heard of around here.

    Not any more. People in our general area have been killed or brutally beaten in home invasions. People now use both regular locks and deadbolts. We even put a stop kick under the knob of our front door at night. Every home on our road has been broken into one or more times, including ours.

    And, we would still be considered a peaceful community based on what's going on in the larger metro areas.

    2. Fifty years ago there were still shot-gun weddings. Or an unmarried girl/woman would go to stay with her "aunt" for a few months before her baby was put up for adoption. To be an unwed mother was shameful as it was considered to be a sign of imorality. No longer. Unwed mothers are now often proud of showing off their "baby bump", even in church.

    3. Fifty years ago, I'd never heard of gang activity. Then, gradually, heard of the gangs in far off places like LA. Then, it moved a little closer with news reports from metro areas in this region. Now, it here. Local small towns and the country side are contending with the results.

    4. Fifty years ago, (or there abouts) we had a televison in the living room. At night, the whole family would gather to watch a little before going to bed. There was nothing on TV that would be offense and inappropriate for 3 year olds or their great grandma. Now, most of what's on TV is in appropriate for anyone to watch. And that often includes the news programming.

    5. While there have always been a few in the community who were drunks and a few on hard drugs. They were the rare exceptions when considering the total population. No longer. And, it's not only booze and drugs. Since NC passed the "education" lottery, we also have peopled addicted to gambling, too.

    6. In the last 50 years, just about any sin that you can name, has increased. Corrupt police officers, corrupt small town governmental officials, gays coming out of their closets, theft of all types, malicious vandalism, etc. & etc. Churches never locked their doors. Now they must. Disabled vehicles with equipment stolen and all the glass broken is common now.

    Fifty years ago I could buy Red Devil Lye at grocery and hardware stores. Not any more. Fifty years ago I didn't need ID to buy cans of spray paint or common cold remedies.

    The regional news is on as I type. What used to be infequently reported, now fills the news on a routine basis.
  7. jaigner

    jaigner Active Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Wow, compared to 1st-century Rome, this sounds like a convent.
  8. kfinks

    kfinks Member
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    Mar 13, 2008
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    I have a similar story. However, going back another 25 years, the story is much bleaker. Moonshine, wife and child abuse, exploition of children in mills, prostitution, et al were rampant in the area. Further back before before WWI, was even worse.

    Are things worse now than they were in the past? Yes and no.
  9. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Still sounds like a lot of folks who are scared to face the reality of what's taking place right in front of us.

    You got some straight Sodom and Gomorrah, pre-Great flood type mass wickedness taking place right now. The problem is that we've allowed the world to "normalize" so much of the wickedness, that not many, even those in the Church view it as evil anymore. So folks don't think things are that bad.
  10. Oldtimer

    Oldtimer New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Zaac, I'm sad to say that you've summed up exactly what's happening, today.

    We're watching what precious little is left of traditonal marriage and traditional family being destroyed right before our eyes.

    We're watching pastors being muzzled in their pulpits. We're not far away from pastors being forbidden to read the scriptures, without being subject to "hate crimes" penalties. The "politically correct" speech movement paved the way for this to become "socially acceptable" to the masses.

    Jaigner wrote:
    How many Christians were in 1st-century Rome? Yes, it was a depraved society that fed Christians to the lions. Yes, during the middle/dark ages Rome burned them at the stake. And, yes, even today in some parts of the world Christians are dying because they carry the banner of the cross.

    Sin has been in this world since satan said: Hath God said? Early on it became so bad, God almost washed His hands of the whole mess, when He sent the flood. In His mercy, He spared one family to give mankind a second chance. History shows what mankind did with that opportunity. And, we've seen His wrath, since then, too. If I understand correctly, Sodom and Gomorrah are still barren wastelands in the Middle East after thousands of years.

    Two thousand years ago, God gave mankind a third and final chance. He, Himself, paid the price.

    Fast forward to this country (and to the world in present times). I've read about great revivals that swept the lands. Satan's domination was repressed, to a large degree by decent, honest, God-fearing peoples. No, sin never disappeared. Yes, every kind of depravity still existed and was practiced by some and was condemmed by the most.

    Many scoff at the thought that there's more sin in the world today than it was 50 years ago. It seems that many don't see the rise in persecutions of Christians, today. No, in this country they are no longer being physically fed to the lions or burned at stakes. That creates martyrs which helps defeat satan's purposes. Satan is using other tactics to erase God's name from our existance, today.

    Those of us who lived through it, and can look back, see the impact of the 1960's hippie free-love movement that swept this country. The Woodstock crowd ushered in a moral decline that's rapidly increasing in this nation. Many of the young who embraced that culture are now in seats of power. Many others who embraced it now have children and grandchildren steeped in "Peace, Brother, Peace".

    We now have pastors preaching acceptance of sin in the name of "tolerance" who would have been thrown out of most Baptist churches in 1959, IMO. Today, even the semblance of showing respect to our Lord in His church is disappearing. There's something wrong when "professing" Christians come to church looking like hookers and gang-bangers and tolorated (condoned). There's something wrong when churches put emphasis on "entertainment" to draw crowds. Crowds who then rush out after services to seek more entertainment. Crowds who complain if the pastor's message is 5 minutes longer than it should have been. And/or if the pastor rebukes them in any manner.

    It's now OK to give condoms to children. It's now OK for abortions to be performed without parental consent, but consent is required to give a kid an aspirin at school. It's now OK to teach about "understanding" of homosexuality in kingergarden classes -- It's "OK" to have two parents of the same gender. It's now OK that under the guise of "religious freedom" a student can't mention Christ in a public prayer at a football game. That is if Christian prayer hasn't already been banned outright, even when off school property.

    It's now PC to persecute Christians, at will, as long as you don't physically feed them to lions or burn them at stakes. It's OK to throw them in jail for "hate speech". It's OK to ban distribution of tracts and Bibles while allowing distribution of anything inspired by satan at events open to the public. Chain saws and jack hammers are being reived up to remove from public view any and everything associated with our Lord.

    Fifty years ago, few Christians thought that could be even a remote possibility.

    Hopefully, a few more true Christians will wake up when a court order comes to take the cross off the church steeple because it offends someone who drives by the church.

    That is if God allows the GROWING EVIL in this world to exist long enough for that to happen.

    Wake up folks, before it's too late to do anything more than bemoan lost opportunities that could have made a difference for your loved ones, your neighbors, and perhaps, for yourself. Our days are numbered, whether He returns tomorrow or waits another thousand years. Whether individually or as a group, we're not promised tomorrow.

    May God have mercy on us all.
    #50 Oldtimer, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2012
  11. go2church

    go2church Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    I think things have always been immoral, others think things are worse then they ever have been - we disagree on that point

    But to a point made earlier - what are you doing about it?

    Working for the Kingdom or doing your best imitation of chicken little?
  12. Zaac

    Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    It's just a crazy point to disagree on when God's word attests that things were going to get worse.

    They got worse before Sodom and Gomorrah.
    They got worse before the Great Flood.
    So man has been on this earth after those events for a much longer time than before those events. It's inevitable that the levels of immorality go up.

    Sure things have always been immoral. But they haven't always been THIS immoral.