2 basic questions to all non-Calvinists

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by whetstone, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. rc New Member

    Sep 13, 2004
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    If you are reading in context, Did Paul tell Timothy to Pray for every single person in the world, individually?

    In a hermeneutics class you will be forced to DEEPLY search into everything involved in the text.

    Was there great persecution from the elite, the government on the church at the time? Was there bitterness in the church and lack of loving care for those that were persecuting the church?

    The answer is YES....

    Now in CONTEXT what does Paul say to Timothy about this problem.

    1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for ALL PEOPLE,

    Again KJ.... does Paul tell Timothy we are to take out the worldwide phone book and pray for every single person indiviually?...

    Read on! Paul DEFINES what he means by ALL PEOPLE...

    1 Timothy 2:2 for kings and ALL who are in high positions
    You CAN NOT ignore this Paul DEFINES who He is saying in the ALL PEOPLE by the word FOR which connects the two phrases. This is vital in the proper understanding of the text. He then tells Timothy WHY. For God desires ALL People (DIRECT reference to 2:1... The context shows Paul is telling Timothy that God is not just going to associate with the poor, and lowly, suffering and persecuted but ALL types... including the Kings and authorities, showing Timothy to NOT bias ones self against the rich and the government, the very ones who are persecuting them.

    Thus God desires ALL PEOPLE is CLEARLY in context of 2.1 showing TYPES of people not individually.
  2. OCC Guest

    Thus God desires ALL PEOPLE is CLEARLY in context of 2.1 showing TYPES of people not individually.

    In your opinion...
  3. OCC Guest

    LOL I don't know what happened there. It is too late to edit it but oh well...