3 classes of People

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Jarthur001, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I previously mentioned two biblical divisions into the three classes of people. The first was that of the Jew, Gentile, and the church of God. And another 'triad' was the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man.

    However I'm pretty sure that Scripture does not make any division, or at least does not mention any, of supralapsarian, infralapsarian, and sublapsarian, any more than it makes one among pre-millennial, post-millennial, and a-millennial.

    Uh, how did this thread get so far removed from I.Cor. 10?? :laugh::laugh::laugh:Just askin'!

  2. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    sorry you have to ask Ed; :)
  3. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Sorry..is this addressed to me?
  4. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    No James; I was referring to one of Andy's comments.
  5. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Yes..good point. But I think it has been worth the time spent, showing the holes in old and many times defunked though the years "Now Theory" held by a sect of the Methodist.

    This was the last post to address the OP..

  6. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    I thought you believed in a Omnipresence God. I thought you believed in a everlasting to everlasting God. I thought all Calvinist believed that, but if you only believe that He sees what has happened in time then we can discuss that too. It seems to me the Calvinist belief has really been put to the test in this thread.
  7. Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    What it seems to me is that you believe God knows all
    I agree.
    I also believe God knows all because He is in control of all.
    I don't think you believe that.
  8. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    You Glow, Bro!!!! :thumbs:
  9. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Oh, but I do Dale-C, God is the one who created man and He created man exactly the way He wanted him and that is subject to vanity. You see "subject" that means man can either choose vanity or choose God.
  10. Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    Ok so we disagree that man can choose on his own.

    Bob, we both believe in the same plan of salvation, it is just that your way leaves room for us to persuade people to come. OUr belief is that without God's awakening, they won't come, even though God would never turn anyone away.
  11. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Yes, well....I do.

    and...this too.
    ? This is what I say has not happened. I hold to God and His great decrees that works even today. God worked in the PAST..declaring what would come to past...works NOW..as He brings about His great decrees.....and will always work in days to come..FUTURE. I have shown God is a God of time. Whereas others have said God does not work in time.

    There have been many, many that have tried to derail the facts of the text of the OP. The post speak for themself. We now stand at three wild rides of empty arguments two of which were baseless, with little said to address the OP from the non Calvinist.

    You must be happy if you feel this way...after all...It took 7 pages before a non-Calvinist would agree that one verse was clearing speaking to the unsaved. This was not done by the non-calvinist, till a non-calvinist stepped forward to show others there was nothing to fear in agreeing. The OTHER Non-Calvinist had blinded their own minds from the truth of the text, in fear that if they said it was true, because a Calvinist had asked it...then something was wrong for then they would be agreeing with a Calvinist. :)

    Silly as it sounds..that is just what happened.

    Yet I feel we have withstood all means to mislead from the truth. :smilewinkgrin:

    In Christ...James
  12. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Dale-C, the reason I call those of primitive baptist my brethren is because we believe so close and they believe as you do. I find it hard to reason with the fact you say "God will not turn anyone away" and on the other hand you say "because of man's sinful nature he can't call on God". To me those statements contradict each other. peace
  13. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Hey ya Dale...good to see some support. Its been a good debate today...a real wild one this afternoon. Make sure you read the blow that was placed on the "no time" view....better known as the Methodist "now theory". Ouch!! That had to hurt.. :)

    Just Kidding...

    In Christ...James
  14. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Bob...i maybe able to help you on this one.

    Its all in the order of events. We Calvinist have at least 3 order we go by. Primitive....i think....for the most part are closer to "supers"..supralapsarian/near to hyper...what we debated this morning.

    Here is a link for a overview...

  15. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Ecc 3:11 He hath made every [thing] beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

    But I can address the way you say you believe also but that is not what I believe. I believe God established time for man but not for Himself.

    I think I am the one who stepped forward but really I was not trying not to say it was speaking to the saved it is I have a problem even though Paul is speaking to one of the churches in those days they were full of people who were spys who snuck in unawares and were not christian. Some even to be fed naturally. It was a time of setting up churches and I am sure many came out to just see what was happening and we read about it all the time so I am reluctant to say "saved" in all cases.

    Happy? I am pleased that God gave me the answer the other night how to answer you all in a way that will stand the test. All my preaching career I have always had a few problems with predestination but the other night God just opened it up to me and I don't think I will ever have that problem again and I have rejoiced ever since. I know all will never agree with me but I have peace inside now over Eph: 1 and 2 and Romans 8 and 9. peace:flower:

    James, I agree with the Calvinist on a lot of things and I do mean a lot but only 1 point of the Tulip I think.
  16. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Not the methodist "now theory", the biblical "I AM" fact. :)
  17. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Webdog..I have to say your defence in this one area has surprised me.

    hayah -- haw-yaw…or YAHWAH as some would have it…

    The personal name of our God. The tetragrammaton, what is its meaning?

    It is used 75 times in the Bible

    Hayah means "existed" or "was" in Hebrew... This is a statement of Gods power. Most would give a literally translation as "I-shall-be who I-shall-be. The hebrew does not have a past, present, or future tense. It has indicators of time within the context, with no actual determined time. Even in creation when the tetragrammaton is used it is used as in the past. But it would be wrong for me to say this speaks ONLY of the past..for it does not. The would does not set the tense..the context does. Each time it is used..it is to show power and action...and even when the tense is shown in the english, it is only to indicate WHEN this power/action took place. I AM is not to be limited to NOW. It is not past. It is not futrue. It is....fact of being ABLE to do. Thus we have God. This makes your "no fore with God view" not only a stawman, but wrong. I hope you see this.

    Gen 1:2 And the earth was 01961 without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be 01961 light: and there was light.

    Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be 01961 for meat.

    This crushes the "now theory" for I AM has always done work. His work is in the past we see Him at work today, and we have hope for His work tomorrow. I AM...is the POWER of God to DO!!!! You can look each use of the word up and find this true.

    Gen 27:1 And it came to pass 01961 , that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, [here am] I.

    Exd 3:1 Now Moses kept 01961 the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, [even] to Horeb.

    Gen 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be 01961 a mighty one in the earth.

    Gen 9:26 And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be 01961 his servant.


    1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
    a) (Qal)
    1) -----
    a) to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass
    b) to come about, come to pass
    2) to come into being, become
    a) to arise, appear, come
    b) to become
    1) to become
    2) to become like
    3) to be instituted, be established
    3) to be
    a) to exist, be in existence
    b) to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time)
    c) to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality)
    d) to accompany, be with
    b) (Niphal)
    1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about
    2) to be done, be finished, be gone

    In Christ...James
  18. webdog Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 31, 2005
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    I'm sorry, but it crushes nothing...and is not a strawman. If you eliminate God's omnitemporalness, you are eliminating His omnipresence, and He is not God. Period. I know you don't like it, because it throws a wrench into the reformers manual of foreknow and predestinate, but that's life.

    The Scripture you posted only gives an account of history...man's history, written in phrases and terms man can deal with....because we are bound by time.

    I noticed you like to take one statement, and try to peel and pick it apart, as you have done with "I AM". That was only one simple example given to Andy, and you try to debunk an entire argument from one phrase. You even said that YHWH meant "power", and is most literally translated as "I-shall-be who I-shall-be", yet eliminate God's power by claiming He is not omnitemporal. "I shall be" is future tense...God isn't future, He IS. Take the literal translation, and "let God be who He is", not what you want or need Him to be in order to support a system.
  19. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Hello Webdog,

    I guess I am having trouble following your logic on this webdog. Lets review.

    Upon the use of the word foreknow, there was an assertion made that a Calvinist does not understand the word Foreknow, for a Calvinist thinks of it in terms of man and not God. It was said, God is not bound by time. This is better known as the Now Theory. The Now Theory has been used off and on by freewillers for years.

    The idea is…Gods work is so timeless (not bound to time) and that to us what He did in the past seems as if He is doing right Now. Therefore, When God elected, HE knew the future and based his election on knowing who was saved.

    I have shown, to remove time, this is in fact Hyper-Calvinism and election happens with no thought of time or man. I used the word…”crushed”, at the end, for it was shown that God indeed works within time, with the use of His decrees.

    Your reply was, “This is not true because of “I AM”..” Meaning NOW. I showed where I AM has no tense and it too when used in changing the meaning of “forknow”..is baseless.

    We have now come back to omnitemporalness where we started.

    "Omnitemporal" simply means "existing at all moments of time." This is what I hold to. I have shown God does work in the past…..today..and will tomorrow. What was said before by you and others was that God worked outside of time. This is atemporal and not omnitemporal. Meaning .. “Independent of time”.

    "Omnitemporal" is not the same as "sempiternal," for a sempiternal entity can come into existence at any moment and then stop. An omnitemporal entity cannot fail to exist at any time. Both are seen “in a time frame”…the Past…God elected…today….we have faith…tomorrow…he takes us home.

    Generally, an entity described as "outside of time" is considered timeless or atemporal. So…how is it that you feel omnitemporal changes the meaning of “foreknow” in anyway? This is what I do not understand.

    OR...how is it that...in your words.."I know you don't like it, because it throws a wrench into the reformers manual of foreknow and predestinate, but that's life."..?????????

    Is this yet another stawman?

    In Christ...James

    Sorry...i'm busy today. :)
  20. Jarthur001 Active Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    I just checked back and read my post...

    This as you know is wrong.

    Sempiternal starts and NEVER stops. Existing beyond.. or infinite. As in counting numbers.

    Sorry for the typo.