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Featured 666 - The scriptural [KJB] Truth

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by One Baptism, May 29, 2017.

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  1. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    A counterfeit antichrist, a sword of terror, set up by Romanism.

    Maometis (Greek) [Muhammad, aka: Abu al Qasim [who was married to the older Catholic Khadija bint Khuwaylid (AD 595 - AD 620); who was a wealthy Roman Catholic, and whose sister was Hala bint Khuwailid, and whose cousin, the son of Khadija's paternal uncle, was Waraqa bin Naufal bin Asad bin 'Abdul 'Uzza, a blind old man, who was a 'christian' convert [likely a practicing gnostic, wherein the gnostic materials in the Qur'an originated], who supposedly read/write the 'scriptures' [gnostic] in Arabic, encouraging 'Muhammad' to receive visions from the 'angel' ['Namus'] calling itself 'Jibril' [supposedly Gabriel [actually Satan] in the cave of Hira, see
    Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 156 and Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 33 and
    Ibn Ishaq, The Life Of Muhammad, A Translation of Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, page 792-794],

    "... a dubiously obscure Latinisation of a Greek transliteration of an Arabic word. ..."

    "... Euthymius Zygabenus and Zonarus wrote the name as Maometh and Cedrenus wrote the name Mouchoumet ..."

    "In the 1923 book the Number And Names Of The Apocalyptic Beasts, David Thom, rejects "Maometis" as a valid translation, observing that "of the seven different ways in which Muhammad's name is written in Euthymus and the Byzantine historians, not one is the orthography in question." - Interpretations see also 666
    I won't even bother with this supposed gematraic '666'. It is vanity. For further materials on Abu al Qasim, perhaps I can start another thread on that subject. There is over a thousand pages of documentation on him and the Qur'an, aHadith, Tafsir, Tarikh, and so on.


    Finally, a few resources that add to the information presented in this thread:

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, section “Rome” [E-Sword App]

    “... One of the most recent views of the name of the beast, from the pen of a Christian writer, we find in Hyponoia, or Thoughts on a Spiritual Understanding of the Apocalypse (Lond. 1844). “The number in question (666) is expressed in Greek by three letters of the alphabet: χ, six hundred; 10, sixty; ῍, six. Let us suppose these letters to be the initials of certain names, as it was common with the ancients in their inscriptions to indicate names of distinguished characters by initial letters, and sometimes by an additional letter, as C. Caius, Cn. Cneus. The Greek letter χ (ch) is the initial of Χριστός (Christ); the letter ξ is the initial of ξύλον (wood or tree); sometimes figuratively put in the New Test. for the cross. The last letter, ῍ is equivalent to σ and τ, but whether an s or an st, it is the initial of the word Satanas, Satan, or the adversary. Taking the first two names in the genitive, and the last in the nominative, we have the following appellation, name, or title: Χριστοῦ ξύλου σατανᾶς, ‘the adversary of the cross of Christ,’ a character corresponding with that of certain enemies of the truth described by Paul (Php_3:19).” SEE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. ...”

    Fausset's Bible Dictionary, section “AntiChrist” [E-Sword App]:

    “... The radicals in Christ are CH, R and ST (X P); Antichrist's monogram personates it, but falls short of it, Ch X St (X) (666). It is curious that the only unquestionable 666 (1Ki_10:14; 2Ch_9:13) in the Old Testament is the 666 talents of gold that came in yearly to Solomon, and were among the correcting influences that misled him. ...”

    “... Moreover, the only two Greek nouns in the New Testament, whose value numerically is exactly 666, are precisely the two expressing the grand corrupters of the church and sources of idolatry, "tradition" (paradosis), the corrupter of doctrine, "wealth" or the pursuit of it (euporia, only in Act_19:25), the corrupter of practice (Col_3:5). ...”

    “... The Hebrew letters of Balaam (type of the false prophet whose spiritual knowledge shall be perverted to Satanic ends; Rev_2:14 favors this, also the fact that Antichrist mainly shall oppress Israel, Daniel 8; 9; 11; 12) amount to 666. The Greek letters of Lateinos (Irenaeus), Rome's language in all official acts, amount to 666. ...”​
  2. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Looked at it. Partly correct and partly incorrect. The partly incorrect is primarily the 'Egyptian' [as 1 head], 'Assyrian' [as 2 Head, Assyria never ruled over all Israel] and 'Ottoman' [as 7 head], among other things. The partly correct are the Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and Papal Rome order in Daniel.

    The date of 1929, is also not the healing of the wound, and the vatican only obtained back a previous loss of the papal states in September 20, 1870. Papal power is not merely in obtaining back territory, nor crown [1799-1801], but in its ability to persecute with the sword of the state, which it does not quite yet have back. It will get it back when the US persecutes for it, becoming the state sword [global political superpower] in the hand of Rome [global spiritual superpower]. Was 1929 a partial healing? Sure, but the healing began way back in 1799-1801, after 'Napoleon' separated the church/state structure of the Papacy in 1798.

    If you would, we can take a look at these things in the Daniel thread & Revelation thread if you would like, and go step by step.

    Also, for myself, I do not like the NIV or ESV, which have demonstrably grievous error in them, and thus do not like supporting them by quoting them where possible.
  3. christiang

    christiang Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Oh, and you're English translation has no errors? How naive. The Assyrians took the Israelites captive, before the Babylonians, so yes, they qualify as a head of the beast. I offered the study as a benefit to you, take it or leave it. I am correct in my interpretation, and you're not gonna find many people teaching what I am teaching.
  4. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The King James Bible is God's Word in English, it is without errors in its words and preservation, Psalms 12:6-7, 19:7; John 10:35 KJB etc.

    I am leaving it.

    I had asked if you wanted to study it together to test it. That you do not speaks volumes about it. Easy to paste something on a blog board without the intense searching scrutiny of the King James Bible, and history.

    Your last sentence speaks volumes to me. Thank you for your time.
  5. christiang

    christiang Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I see that the moderators of this forum love their federal reserve
    The king james is without errors, are you serious? I'm sorry, but I can't continue this discussion further with someone who lacks.... well..... we'll just leave it at that.
  6. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    I apologize if what I have written seemed harsh, cold or distant. I was not attempting to be, but was in earnest about studying [not merely reading a link, which I did some of, as stated, for I indeed looked at it to discuss] with you, but in the other thread [Daniel and Revelation], since that thread would be better suited to do so, since it would cover so much more, and this thread is almost at its end.

    I do not want there to be hardness between us, nor irreconcilable difference. I believe that through humble, teachable, prayerful study of God's word [I belive the KJB, for the English] we can come to the same, unified in truth, position. It is not that I would not give up anything I have previously believed [as stated I used to be Roman Catholic, 30 years], but I must be shown where I am in error, by that same word, even patiently and lovingly.

    Yes, I believe God's word [KJB] is word perfect and preserved [even to this very day, and am able to hold those words in my hand, and are not merely in old tattered documents locked in a scholar's library, or fragmented to nothing in historical antiquity, ie 'originals'] as stated before, and am not ashamed [Romans 1:16 KJB]. Is such a belief [faith] heresy, or error or insanity to believe that there is a perfect word of God in the world?, and since [if, for some] so, where is it? I believe I have shown, that through the sanctuary [Psalms 77:13 KJB], that satan loves to add/subtract from God's word, and to pervert [Galatians 1:7 KJB] and corrupt it where his agencies dare [2 Corinthians 2:17 KJB], though they may do so to some, they cannot do so to all, for God Himself has stated that He would preserve His words [Psalms 12:6,7; Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; John 12:48 KJB].

    If I have unnecessarily offended, forgive me, for I may have pressed too strongly, but I would ask, in charity, have you considered the details in regards the NIV, ESV, ASV, etc in contrast to the KJB?

    KJV Bible Vindicated

    I have studied [read, watched, listed, researched, asked, etc] this matter quite a bit, and came to this conclusion because of the evidences, and so I would still like to discuss with you on the various beasts, heads in the other thread and who they represent.

    I believe, I have shown, by this thread, the truth [as given from scripture [KJB], what the 666 is, and calculates to.
  7. christiang

    christiang Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Brother, all English translations of the scriptures have errors. Why would you think the KJV is free of translation error? I'm going to take a wild guess that you don't speak more than one language to know what happens when you translate words from one language to another. To study the scriptures you have to go into the original text, the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. Don't be naive.
  8. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    I can show them in the NIV, ESV, ASV, etc, but I have not actually seen one in the KJB, and people have offered many 'examples', but when studied thoroughly, the 'examples' never seem to be able to stand against the thus saith the Lord, that His word is perfect.

    This came about because of study, see the link, and the book, video, etc material therein.

    Translation is simply going from one language to another, and God is the one who came down at the Tower of Babel [Genesis 11:7 KJB], giving the languages, and the Bible shows us how to treat translation [Genesis 42:23, Mark 5:41; Acts 1:19, 21:40, 26:14, etc]. Do you believe that God's word can be equally [Ezekiel 18:25,29; equality deals with balance on two sides, from one side and another; Job 31:6; Proverbs 11:1, 16:11; Isaiah 40:12,16] translated into any language from an original language, as shown in the scriptures cited, and elsewhere?

    Is there a Biblical rule, precept, that requires the original language, rather than a translation? From what I read of the scripture, it says that we ought to read, hear and understand in a language that we know, rather in one or many we do not [1 Corinthians 14]. Even in the NT, when a 'foreign' word was used, it was always immediately translated for the common man. Does it mean I do not use a Concordance to "find" a relation or a root, to see more relational words? No, I use a Concordance [KJC, sometimes Strong's] to find those relations, but even a Concordance can sometimes be deceiving. Does it mean I use a Concordance, etc to "define" the word. No. God's word defines itself, even from the beginning.

    Can you show me some original Greek and Hebrew mss, not copies, the 'originals'? How do you know that they are the right ones, compared to the vast [now] extant [and even of past that used to be extant, now deteriated, etc]? For instance, can you show to me the original mss for what was in the hand of King Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 36:23, or in the hands of Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 51:63, or can you show me the original tables that Moses had in Exodus 32:19, or to the ones that God wrote later [as far as I know they are still buried where Jeremiah, etc hid them.]

    Have you considered brother brother Sam Gipps, sermon, 3 Translations that are superior to the original, and can be found in the following video, Beware of Absolute Statements About the Bible [I do not necessarily endorse all his theology, as he is a baptist] -

    To study the scripture, I read that we must go "line upon line" & "precept upon precept", even "here a little and there a little" [Isaiah 28:10,13], even from "alpha" to "omega", from "natural" to "spiritual", type ["shadow", "figure"] to antitype ["figure", "body"], but nowhere in scripture [KJB] does it say, that I am aware, that I have to go to the originals [mss, papyri, codices, or languages]?
    #128 One Baptism, Nov 29, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  9. christiang

    christiang Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    You are making naive assumptions. I am bilingual, and I can tell you without a doubt there are translations. I'll give you a very good example, in the English common KJV translation, there is a verse that reads, "will reign forever and ever", but in the Spanish common RV translation (which is equivalent to KJV), that verse reads, "por los siglos de los siglos", which means for the centuries of the centuries. Which one is more accurate? The Spanish translation, because it more closely conveys the Greek word "aion", which means an age, an aeon more accurately. This is a good example of a translation deviation from the original text, which proves that your assertion that the KJV has no errors is incorrect. You can read my study on the aeons here, Aeonial is Not Eternal, Aeons, and the Mistranslation of Forever and Ever | Wisdom of God . There is no English translation that has no errors, and whoever thinks that is ignorant.
  10. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    The phrase "forever and ever" in the KJB, is defined not by the originals, nor even a foreign language to the primary one, but by the text and context itself. Jesus Christ will indeed reign eternally, without end ["forever and ever"], see Exodus 15:18; Revelation 11:15, 22:5 KJB &c. in other instances, "for ever", contextually, means a specific limited amount of time, see Jonah 2:6 [it can also mean in relation to distance [ie surrounded in every direction, no way out], not always time], see Jonah 1:7 "three days and three nights". "Forever and ever" can also be directly relational to distance [upward and out of sight, ie into the heavens until it can be no longer seen [Revelation 19:3, meaning distance, not time, "rose up" is the operation of the "forever and ever"], and in the case of satans destruction, in Revelation 20:10, "day and night forever and ever", is specifically limited to his length of burning, until he is ashes [Ezekiel 28:18,19; Malachi 4:1 etc.]. So it is not the words behind the words, but how the words are used in the sentences themselves.

    I needed no orignal language, not even a foreign language [spanish, siglos, age [figurative, "Hace siglos que no te veo."], era, epoch, century, etc and so siglos de los siglos, being age to age [if of time], world to world [if of material, el siglo; retirarse del siglo], even forever and ever [ Check out the translation for "siglo" on SpanishDict! ] only the common language and the text and context thereof, locally and altogether.

    Addendum - see Word etymology for "aiw" - *aiw- | Origin and meaning of root *aiw- by Online Etymology Dictionary
    #130 One Baptism, Nov 29, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  11. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Yesterday, a spaceship from the planet Algore, crewed by little green men, landed in Times Square & told the today show execs they'd give them a cancer cure if they fired Matt Lauer. Proof? They fired Lauer!

    Numerology is phony as a Ford Corvette. besides, how about adding up some of those names as they appear in other Bible versions than the KJV/ (NOT "KJB"!)

    Apparently, you're a KJVO. I suggest you head over to the "Bible versions/translations" forum to see how-false the KJVO myth is, and to other threads to see how false preterism is.
  12. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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  13. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    "One Baptism", I shall be happy to debate you on the "Bible versions" forum over the KJVO myth - if you DARE.

    I shall also be happy to challenge you over some of your SAD beliefs. SDA is no more than a pseudo-quasi-Christian CULT.
  14. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    "Debate" - Romans 1:29 KJB, "dare" [I am not 5 years old, and have put away such childish things, 1 Corinthians 13] - 2 Corinthians 10:12; Jude 1:9 KJB King James only? There seems to be a misunderstanding in what I have said. I believe in a perfect [without error in word] and preserved [by God Himself] word. The general title has nothing to do with it, there is no King James controversy, only a perfectly preserved word controversy. It would not have mattered if I had said [and I do not] that I think the NIV is the perfectly preserved word of God, or the Reina Valera - Gomez in Spanish, or the Purificada, or the Olivetan in French, or the Diodati in Italian, or the etc, etc. They who reject the idea of a perfectly preserved word that I can hold in my hand today would just as readily rail against those, had I said them [I do not].

    By the last few posts, you do not seem open to study, and simply want to assert a position. I accept that you have that position. I think it is contrary to the plainest statements in regards perfection [even as Jesus was/is perfect, without error] and preservation [even as Christ Jesus Himself is preserved forever].

    I would be glad to speak with you about what I believe as a Seventh-day Adventist, since what I believe as a Seventh-day Adventist is scriptural [KJB]. If you think that you are able to show me in error in what I believe [God's word is my 'creed'], by the scripture [KJB], since it is the final authority in all matters in faith and practice, please choose one subject, and I will create a new thread, to take a look, at it with you, in all humility, and prayerfully.

    Cult? Such epithets only endear me more closely to my Saviour Jesus Christ [Romans 15:3], heap them up, I have heard far worse. Your word, is my badge of His honour, His perfection [Acts 24:14 KJB]. Sticks and stones may break my bones, and name calling may hurt me deeply, but those who turn away from this last message of mercy to a dying world, I weep for most of all [Luke 23:28 KJB], God knoweth. They will beg to enter in, after the door [Christ] is closed [as it was in the days of Noe, Lot], and they will be unable to do so, though they will seek for it with bitter tears, and be unable to find it [Hebrews 12:17 KJB]. Their howling in gnashing and misery will be too great, too horrible, too sad, too late. Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die [1 John 3:4 KJB]?
    #134 One Baptism, Dec 1, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  15. utilyan

    utilyan Well-Known Member
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    Feb 11, 2016
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    One Baptism is a Seventh Day Adventist.

    Their numerology has Ellen G White ' s name add to 666. (the Prophetess that is kept in the closet when talking to Christians.)

    The whole thing is to attack the Catholic Church. Their prophetess claims the center of all the conflict will be Sunday worship, Claiming that Catholics only want Sunday worship and want to put to death any other day of worship. (Catholics have Mass Every day)

    The Catholic Church is undoubtedly a major force against Abortion.

    If you want the best dirt against SDA it is that they are for abortions.

    Seventh Day Adventist want to keep Abortions, Their hospitals perform abortions.

    You can read their stance on abortion here on their official website:

    When it comes to murdering children, "Attitudes of condemnation are inappropriate in those who have accepted the gospel."

    If you worship on Sunday, you will never stop hearing them, but if you mention abortions
    "The Church does not serve as conscience for individuals"

    To quote them a bit more:

    5) Christians acknowledge as first and foremost their accountability to God. They seek balance between the exercise of individual liberty and their accountability to the faith community and the larger society and its laws. They make their choices according to scripture and the laws of God rather than the norms of society. Therefore, any attempts to coerce women either to remain pregnant or to terminate pregnancy should be rejected as infringements of personal freedom.

    6) Church institutions should be provided with guidelines for developing their own institutional policies in harmony with this statement. Persons having a religious or ethical objection to abortion should not be required to participate in the performance of abortions.

    ^so if you have no objections its "just fine".

    Here is my favorite:

    4) Valuable as it is, human life is not the only or ultimate concern. Self-sacrifice in devotion to God and His principles may take precedence over life itself (Revelation 12:11; 1 Corinthians 13).

    So if that unborn baby gets in your way of your devotion to God, oh well that baby has to go.
  16. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Thank you for bumping this thread [2 Corinthians 13:8 KJB, for even the serpent serves God's purposes], as it keeps the truth of 666 before the people, and others unaware before this moment, may be enlightened by so seeing it.

    I am still awaiting for you to address points 1-12 on my previous post on the Roman 'apologetic' [sorry indeed] on sister White, in that she is a woman, etc., in post #7.

    That I am so acknowledged, as a Seventh-day Adventist, by one such as yourself, is indeed an honour to God's glory.

    Please be aware however, of wheat and tares, and distinguish between sheep and goats.

    For the other subject, you were instructed some while back as to what option you had to address the subject with me. You have yet to avail yourself of that option, and I can begin to see why.
    #136 One Baptism, Dec 4, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  17. utilyan

    utilyan Well-Known Member
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    Feb 11, 2016
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    Why do you support murder?

    Nonsense. Ellen G White is a NAME it is what it advertises to be. Her name is 666.

    You do etymology gymnastics only when it fits you.

    All this is to hide the fact that Seventh Day Adventist support abortion.

    You will continue to hide the fact that you support the murder of children.

    I have shown your official SDA website stating they support murder.


    THOU SHALT NOT KILL, Is a commandment of GOD! Why don't you believe in the commandment of GOD?

    The Catholic church has been the #1 fighting force against abortion.

    Of course you want them gone so you can continue to murder children.

    I want everyone to see how long its going to take just to get this guy to cough up that abortion is wrong. We are 7 pages in and months.
  18. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    Six Hour Warning
    This thread will be closed sometime after 7:30 AM Pacific.
  19. One Baptism

    One Baptism Active Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Thanks Squire, it has been a good run.

    A final note, for those interested in an Audio Book, on Jesus Christ and His life, and the counterfeit, Anti-Christ, see the Desire of Ages project and the Great Controversy project, excellent on the Life of Christ, and the Final Events including the 666 -

    Myers Media

    FREE GC Audio Book
  20. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    This thread is closed.
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