A Belated Revelation...

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by The Galatian, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Iraq War is Aiding Terrorism
    Sept. 24: A new U.S. government classified report states that the war in Iraq is hurting the fight against terrorism.
    - Washington Post

    Imagine that.
  2. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I would parse it as the occupation of Iraq

    The United States is very good at war and taking real estate but they are abysmal when it comes to occupation The policies imposed on soldiers who are geared to take real estate is terrible they deserve better. Plus you have cronyism coming out of the bush culture and leadership in the Republican party turning blind eyes to the misappropriation of billions that is multi-billions ,for that the bush culture is due for an impeachment.

    This (N.I.E.) report I hear was given as a help to the President in April but his incompetence turned a blind eye..again! 16 agencies...I repeat 16 agencies all of them came to the conclusion ...now we will wait for the the spin...something to the effect ...ya got to stir up the hornets nest in the short term....more incompetence and cynicism on the part of the bush culture of incompetence.

    imho H.H.S

  3. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    It is rather curious the blame game that is taken on by libs. "The President Policies are creating terrorism" "the war in Iraq is creating terrorism" the Israelis' are creating terrorism". It is a fallacy meant to misdirect and achieve a political agenda by propagating misinformation.

    When an individual commits a legally defined murder do we allow for his or her perceived reasons? When someone deals drugs do we allow for what instigated them to commit this crime?

    Terrorists commit terror not because of governmental policies or mistreatment but because and only because the evil is in their heart to do.

    As far as Iraq is concerned Iran supports and creates the terrorism in that region. Iran has long wanted to be in control of the entire middle east. And the libs want Iraq to at least appear to be worse than it is so that they can gain power. Most certainly if things are going well they cannot obtain their goal.

    The whole strategy of the libs is based on the failure of the other side rather than what they can actually accomplish.

    Sad really. Create strife to win politically. I say:

    God Bless America!:thumbs: :godisgood:
  4. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    This whole diatribe is a mini lesson in misdirection IMHO.
  5. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    We calls them as we sees them.

    How is it misdirection? From what? How can the OP be a misdirection when it is by definition the topic of the thread?

    In what way is it a fallacy? I'm getting the impression that you don't understand what a fallacy is. Are you any relation to Louis Booth?

    Yes, we do, both in determing guilt and in sentencing , if any.

    That is true of some and not true about others.

    "Libs" don't have to pretend that Iraq is worse than it is as it is horrendous enough. Iran sponsors terrorism there, but who opened that border? Once the Iraqi national army was defeated, who became responsible for civil order and national security? Why do people like you shun responsibility?

    No, it's both.

    That's what the Roves of the right-wing have been doing so well for the last six years or more and then they have the gall to accuse others of employing their tactics.
  6. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    It is Bush's own intelligence agencies who say that he aided terrorism by invading Iraq. It is his people saying we are in greater danger because he invaded.

    I don't think they found that. They pretty much blamed it on the invasion of Iraq.

    Ah, so all the intelligence agencies are now out to get Bush, too. Amazing.
  7. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Maybe it would be good to remember that islam has had a significant hand in starting and growing terrorism . . .
  8. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    I think our intelligence people were commenting on what this administration did to help them.
  9. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    When the forged memos/leaked classified info is against Bush, it's OK.

    When this memo gets de-classified, later today, I expect the hand-wringing to stop. The latest in the "we got him now" archives. Along with the Plame non-issue, & Rather's forged memos. One thing's for sure, the dems never get enough dung on their shoes. Or egg on their face.

    Gonna be a great November.
  10. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    "Asked about recently leaked internal U.S. intelligence estimates that claimed the Iraq war was fueling terrorist recruiting, Rice said: "Now that we're fighting back, of course they are fighting back, too."

    "I find it just extraordinary that the argument is, all right, so they're using the fact they're being challenged in the Middle East and challenged in Iraq to recruit, therefore you've made the war on terrorism worse.

    "It's as if we were in a good place on Sept. 11. Clearly, we weren't," she added.

    "These are people who want to fight against us, and they're going to find a reason. And yes, they will recruit, but it doesn't mean you stop pursuing strategies that are ultimately going to stop them," Rice said."
  11. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    And even Bush's own intelligence people have found that invading Iraq benefitted the terrorists, and made us less safe.

    And while Bush knew this since April, he hid the study, and continued to tell Americans that invading Iraq made us safer.

    Obviously, there are those in his administration who are now alarmed enough to let this leak so Americans will know.

    The terrorists already know, of course. It was just us who were in the dark about the consequences of Bush's actions.
  12. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    You just said that you would not encourage intelligence leaks . . .

    And now you want the POTUS to become a traitor . . .

    You are audacious.
  13. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Didn't say it, but I wouldn't.

    Don't see how. Since his silence on the finding aided the terrorists, the disloyalty was lying to us about the consequences of invading. Besides, he can declassify whatever he wants. Keep in mind, the terrorists already knew that Bush's invasion was a windfall for them. The finding was classified to protect Bush, not national security.

    Not enough to make up stories about other people.
  14. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Hugh Hewitt completely destroys this issue.

    Keep in mind that the National Intelligence Estimate, portions of which were declassified today --hailed by the New York Times on Sunday as "a consensus view of the 16 disparate spy services inside government"-- begins its "Key Judgments" section this way:
    United States-led counterterrorism efforts have seriously damaged the leadership of al-Qa'ida and disrupted its operations; however, we judge that al-Qaida will continue to pose the greatest threat to the Homeland and US interests abroad by a single terrorist organization.
    The Times' reporters and editors that ran Sunday's stories were either chumps who got played by anti-Bush leakers, or purposefully deceptive agenda journalists from the anti-Bush fanatics division.
    Read all of the declassified sections of the report. Nothing in it supports the Pelosi-Dean-Reid-Murtha Democrats' demand to cut-and-run from Iraq. Just the opposite in fact: "If democratic reform efforts in Muslim majority nations progress over the next five years, political participation probably would drive a wedge between intransigent extremists and groups willing to use the political process to achieve their local objectives."...

    The democratic Party and its agenda journalist allies are campaigning for retreat from Iraq, a retreat that would be a decisive victory for the jihadists. Thus any vote for any Congressional Democrat is a vote against victory and a vote for vulnerability.
    And that is the conclusion supported by the NIE, touted just 48 hours ago by the left as the key document of this political season.


    Better luck, next time. But check the facts, first.

    Gonna be a great November.
  15. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Bush released the least damaging portions of the report. Even so, the Dallas Morning news reports show a very damaging assessment.

    The report concludes that Iraq has become a recruiting tool for terrorists. Contrary to what we were being told, is is now undeniably clear that invading Iraq provided aid to terrorists.

    Bush released 4 carefully edited pages of a 20 page report, and announced that Americans couild "see for themselves" what was in the report.

    Not quite yet. But a reckoning is coming.
  16. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    The released part of the document shows the exact opposite of what you say it did. You cannot say what the document concludes, unless you were in congress back in April, when they read it. So please, don't fib.

    Second, it was the first release that was careless, like the Plame affair, & Rathergate, it was plastered all over the place, before facts were checked. It's like Aslan'spal runs the democrat media relations department. You are usually smarter than to fall for such things, but I'm guessing yer a Bush-hater first, libertarian second.

    Anyhoo, yes, the reckoning day is coming, and I fully expect you to call us stupid & gullible, after the dems get their rear end handed to them, yet again.
  17. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Nope. In fact, it concludes that our presence is Iraq is benefitting the terrorists. That's the part Bush didn't try to hide. Guess what the part he's hiding is like.

    Seems unlikely. It appears that there are Americans in the Pentagon who became alarmed at the lies Bush was feeding us, and leaked the document to undercut him.

    Turns out that Rove and Cheney were peddling the information all over Washington. Nothing careless about that.

    Nothing careless about that, either. According to the secretary who typed the documents for Bush's commander, the papers Rather was sent were not the ones she copied, but the information on them was accurate. Clearly, someone who remembed Bush frequent absences without leave, gave Rather the information to embarass Bush. We know it was someone who was there, because the information was correct, according to the lady who typed the original documents for his commander. Nothing haphazard about that.

    Just yesterday, I praised Bush on this board. But the hard-core Bush apologists never let facts get in the way of their imaginations.

    Gullible, maybe. There aren't that many Americans who still trust or respect Bush.

    I figure that even the democrats ought to be able to pull out a win, given the drumroll of scandals we're seeing, day after day.

    But given the nature of the democrats, it will be only a marginal improvement if they win.
  18. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    They won't win. Americans don't hate Bush as much as you say we do, and the Dems won't be trusted with national security. I'm betting the dems will improve their base when they stop taking money from Soros, Moveon.org, & the daily kos.
    "If you want money for people with minds that hate, all I can tell you is brother you have to wait...."

    And no, I cannot wade through all your posts to find the one where you praise Bush. You probably wouldn't wade through mine, to find the many where I have criticized him.

    As far as the leak, it was shameful. There is no excuse.
  19. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Terrorists or Islamics are not driven by policies. While that has become the excuse it isn't a viable one.

    When an abortion clinic is blown up (and I do not condone that) who blames the policies of the clinic. Certainly not libs. But when it comes to Iraq hypocrisy abounds.

    Terrorists are motivated by their own teachings and Koran. They live their lives under an impossible weight of trying to "balance the scale" (Surah 17) which means they must every minute of the day working hard not to commit the unpardonable sin Of which there are many.

    While living under this impossible "scale" they have no eternal security in fact it is sinful to assume that you would enter into heaven. A Muslim is not supposed to assume upon Allah that you are going to heaven. Unconditional love is a foreign concept. "Allah only loves those who obey him" (Surah 2:15)

    If you die under a declared fatwa you are guaranteed to go to heaven.

  20. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    The sad thing is, you could be right. I'm beginning to think the democrats are so far behind the curve on campaign technology that they can't even win against the pack of crooks and fools we have now.

    Didn't say they hate him. They don't respect him. They don't trust him, and think he's a liar. And they think he's a failure. But they don't hate him.

    I've done it several times in the past few months. But as I said, neocons never let the facts get in the way of their beliefs.

    Big deal. Everybody criticizes him. You'd have to be a fool to think he wasn't doing a bad job.

    Heh, two wrongs don't make a right, um? Still, it's instructive to learn that Bush knew that his war was helping the terrorists, and told us just the opposite. Notice, too, that when the cat was out of the bag, he promptly declassified the part that was least damaging, then said the American people could judge, from the edited fragment he presented, what the report said.

    Hard to find dishonesty so naively presented.