A different angle:My opinion on all the fear mongering Muslim subjects

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by ASLANSPAL, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Do you want an Islamic reformation??? I do....What better place to encourage and give life to a moderate Muslim movement than in the good old United States of America.

    I think the new Muslim Congressman has acted in pure Christian principle as of late actually looking up his Congressman Goode and shaking his hand.
    BTW wasn't he elected and does he not represent his area that is probably very moderate Muslims who are very pro American and love this
    Country. Just my angle on all the silly subjects and attempts to fear-monger and create another boogie man so we can all embrace the bush culture of fear and incompetence. We need to move forward and politically bury the culture of bush and rove and embrace faith and reason and not fear.

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- On his first day in Congress, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota, the first Muslim elected to Congress, finally met the Republican who criticized him for his decision to use the Quran at his ceremonial swearing-in.
    Ellison asked another Democratic member to introduce him to Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Virginia, who spoke out against Ellison in a letter to constituents last month.
    Ellison told CNN that he approached Goode on the House floor and that the brief meeting went well.
    "I shook his hand and he shook mine," Ellison said. "We greeted each other."
    Ellison asked Goode to grab a cup of coffee with him soon and Goode accepted.
    "By reaching out to Congressman Goode I'm not trying to be accepted, I'm trying to build bridges," Ellison said. "In this world there are too many misunderstandings. I want to put a human face on things."

    We must encourage an Islamic reformation to bring them into the future especially in it treatment of women...in this country if those leaders and movement bring on that Reformation...amen in Jesus name.

  2. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Now this is a complete contrast from the fear-mongering I expect debate

    Now this is a complete contrast from the fear-mongering ,I expect debate and those who are posting the Muslim fear-mongering subjects to present their fears...or how moderate Muslims in the United States are a threat.

    Like I said it is a perfect opportunity to encourage an Islamic Reformation from moderate Muslims within the United States bringing to these backward Muslim states ..common sense religion and women's rights that reject the killer bee religion of the wahabists and other extremist.

    What are the options other than total war and the bush culture has messed that up and went for the money and contracts(greed).

    Naked Truth: Islam needs reformation or it will not be in peace with the world.

    Naked Truth: If moderates do not rise up to change Islam and Muslim states then nothing but conflict will come.

    as for the fear-mongering do you want war or do you want reformation of the Muslim World...if you want reformation then quit the stupid fear-mongering of Muslims within the free United States.

    I challenge all those who posted imho the silly subjects on fear of Muslims in the United States to state your case.
  3. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Will woman lead the reformation...good for this rebel

    Q: There is a lot of anger and frustration in your poetry, especially over how men treat women?

    A: This is a universal anger. It is not mine alone. Everyday I see how women are treated in society and I am unable to tolerate it. I express the feelings of all women in my poetry. I hope my poetry will help people think; that more people will write; and that there will be awareness.

    <link not compatible with BB policy deleted - LE>
  4. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    All religions change...it is time for Islam to change we must encourage it

    After my column appeared, I received an email from a reader criticizing me for being too faint-hearted and pussyfooting around the fact that the oppression of women is sanctioned and required by the Koran itself. That brings us, of course, to the much-debated issue of whether intolerance and extremism are intrinsic to Islam. I think the problem is one of resistance to reform and modernization; there are equally misogynist passages to be found in the Bible and in many Christian texts. The difference is that mainstream Judaism and Christianity have largely moved past the patriarchal mindset. At a symposium I attended in October at the American Enterprise Institute, Women in the Middle East: The Beacon of Change, moderator Michael Ledeen made made an apt observation: "The notion that a religion cannot change has always struck me as bizarre and it is a violation of what I understand of religious history to be all about, and for every religion."

    As I noted in my column:
    Several panelists spoke of Muslim feminists' efforts to reform Islam and separate its spiritual message from the human patriarchal baggage. Some of these reformers look for a lost female-friendly legacy in early Islam; others argue that everything in the Koran that runs counter to the modern understanding of human rights and equality should be revised or rejected. These feminists have an uphill battle to fight, and they deserve all the support they can get.
    For Western liberals to defend misogynist practices in Islam on the grounds of multicultural tolerance is not a good way to support Islamic feminist reforms.

    Pro-reformation of the old out dated Islam

  5. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Irshad Manji may be gay but she is courageous and correct

    Irshad Manji

    Irshad Manji (born 1968) is a Canadian author, journalist, and activist. She is a lesbian feminist and critic of Islamic fundamentalism and orthodox interpretations of the Qur'an. She was once described by The New York Times as "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare".[1] Irshad is an advocate for the use of critical thinking, known as ijtihad in Islamic tradition.
    Her bestselling book The Trouble with Islam (since renamed "The Trouble With Islam Today") has been translated in more than a dozen languages, including Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Manji's articles have appeared in many publications, and she makes appearances on television networks including the BBC, MSNBC, CSPAN, CNN, FOX News.[2]


    Manji was born in Uganda in 1968 into an Ithnāˤashariyya household. Her family moved to Canada when she was four, as a result of Idi Amin expelling all South Asians from Uganda. In her book, Manji describes her turbulent youth, which includes being expelled from her Madrasah for questioning whether or not the Prophet Muhammad commanded his army to kill a Jewish tribe, and an incident when her father chased her around the house holding a knife.
    Manji holds a Bachelor's degree in History from the University of British Columbia, and won the Governor-General's Medal as top graduate. She has worked as a legislative aide in the Canadian parliament, press secretary in the Ontario government, and a speechwriter for the leader of the New Democratic Party. She has been a national affairs editorialist for the Ottawa Citizen. She has hosted or produced several public-affairs programs on television, including Q Files (CityTV), In The Public Interest (Vision TV) and Big Ideas (TVOntario), is President of VERB, a Canadian channel aimed at young people and specializing in diversity. She is also a writer-in-residence at Hart House in the University of Toronto.
    Since May 2005 she has been a contributing blogger at The Huffington Post.
    Manji was awarded Oprah Winfrey's first annual Chutzpah Award for "audacity, nerve, boldness and conviction". She is also a recipient of the Simon Wiesenthal Award of Valor.[3] Manji has spoken at a number of forums and is involved in the international public speaking circuit.
    Manji is a friend of controversial writer Salman Rushdie and, like Rushdie, has received numerous death threats. The windows of her apartment are fitted with bullet-proof glass.


    Irshad is an outspoken proponent for Ijtihad; she describes it as Islam’s lost tradition of independent thinking which went into a decline toward the end of the 11th century and was replaced by a stricter literal version of Islam. [1]
    Manji has been a critic of orthodox Islam, especially the treatment of women by some Muslims. She believes that wearing the hijab is a personal choice.
    She has stated her support of the state of Israel, and referred to it as a model for other Middle Eastern nations. [2] Furthermore, she tends to defend Israeli treatment of Palestinians by blaming Palestininians for their circumstances. This includes criticism of the Palestinian leadership use of terrorism; intolerant opinions of some Muslims about Israel; lack of introspection among the Palestinian people; and a desire to play victim.[3] This puts her at odds with many in her community.
    In March 2006 a letter she co-signed entitled with eleven other individuals (most notably Salman Rushdie) was published in response to violent protests in the Islamic world surrounding the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.
    She questions historical interpretations of the Qur'an.


    Manji has also been criticised for her book The Trouble with Islam. One notable example being Tarek Fatah, a liberal Muslim, who repudiated the acknowledgement she gave him at the beginning of The Trouble with Islam after she accused Muslims of "complicity in The Holocaust" and generally alleged that her book "is aimed at making Muslim haters feel secure in their thinking." [4

    Acknowledging anti-Semitism in some parts of the Arab world, therefore, should not require us to gloss over anti-Arab and anti-Muslim feelings in Israel. This reductionist way of thinking permeates The Trouble With Islam Today and gets tiresome very quickly.


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  6. 777 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 25, 2006
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    Hey. I've got an idea! Maybe you oughta have a little chat with your local iman and tell them to call off the fatwahs.

    'Fess up, you wrote this, didn't you?:


    Let's forget the WoTand confiscate all the guns! Right up YOUR alley, eh?

    And a response: http://www.jpfo.org/alert20070108.htm

    Yeah, I just ruined your thread.
  7. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    A-pal calls ann Coulter, a woman who claims Christ as her savior, a reprobate. A-Pal then makes a hero of this christ-denying unrepentant lesbian.

    And yeah, lets take away another right citizens have, because we don't have the nerve to punish real criminals.

    You will NEVER get the guns out of the real American's hands. If we are worried about a certain population getting guns illegally, perhaps we should focus on that population, not law-abiding Americans.
  8. DQuixote New Member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Wul shucks, aslanspal, I thank yew ouda Nvite them MUSlims ta yewr Liddlle Flock Babtist church thar in RAHgeres. Id ud be ah rot nice thang fo yew ta dew. See ifun yew ken sign sumofem up now. Be sure oon lad usens know howt went then now. uhuh uhuh.
  9. StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Ann Coulter may claim to be a Christian but she certainly doesn't act like one. Do you think she shows love towards her fellow man like Christ commanded?
  10. 777 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 25, 2006
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    Well, gee, I don't know. Wouldn't want to judge Ann Coulter, now would we?

    Lectures from liberals on how to be a good Christian go in one ear and out the other, and they should. Look who you condemned.
  11. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    I prefer her love of mankind to say, Jimmy Carter's, so yes. I think she says things she shouldn't, but she could get a kesson in how to really put someone down by reading some of the things said here.
  12. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Islam cannot be reformed, by humans. Allah isn't God, and his followers will go to hell, with or without women's rights. I think our first job is to tell them Jesus Christ is Lord. The Holy Spirit is the reform they most sorely need.

    What faith do you want us to embrace, BTW ?
  13. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I'd rather have an Ann Coulter unafraid to speak out and be branded a snot than somebody who's applauded for always being "politically correct".

    I think that is more Scriptural love than meekly going on with whatever is popular thinking.

    As for aslanpal's post on muslims, Americans themselves coined up a phrase that still goes around among soldiers in my country that are fighting muslim secessionists: A good muslim, is a dead muslim.

    Sounds a lot like "a good Indian is a dead Indian to me" of the Indian suppression era.
  14. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    The fearmongers offer nothing

    The fear-mongers offer nothing
    They want war and death to Muslims they do not understand a Sovereign God and the incremental good that could come from a reformed Islam and myriads of opportunities to reveal Jesus Christ ...the fear mongers do not reveal Him and hold on to their cult heroes of money/greed(Ann Coulter aka P.T. Barnum).
    So I offer a new angle and all the war mongers and fear mongers have to offer is hate for all Muslims who are our chance to put a bridle on extreme jihadists.

    Their is hope in the moderate Muslim world and a Sovereign God can use it because faith is faith is faith and if a Muslim acts on faith ,guess what God is pleased...period no buts attached.

    So it appears they want ...wait...no they need war ..so the pride/arrogance of the bully comes to full bloom...so they need to find someone to hate instead of thinking outside the box and even lift a finger to finds solutions.

    So they will keep up the fear mongering posts on Muslims...I just want to show the viewers their are moderate Muslims who want to reform Islam and they deserve to be noted and need our support.

    God will always bless those who have creative solutions

    All the fear mongers with their concerted efforts to post negative posts on Muslims...they want to throw the baby out with the bath water...I say their is another way and it does not involve death of innocents but brings hope and freedom to many.

    Irshad Manji

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  15. Lagardo New Member

    May 10, 2006
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    Then God was pleased when the faithful Jihadists destroyed the WTC? I assure you, they acted in faith.

    I've been called paranoid for preaching that universalism was coming fast. Thanks for showing a few folks I wasn't paranoid.
  16. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    That woman needs Jesus.

    Why is it that every women's rights advocate is a Christ denyer ?

    This woman cannot be doing God's work, because Satan will not work against himself. A demon cannot cast out demons. Somebody famous once said that.

    A-pal, you think with your heart, which is as dangerous as scripture says it is.
  17. tragic_pizza New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    That is an untrue statement.
  18. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Well, I'm willing to bet 100 pushups that 98% of them are.
  19. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Originally Posted by ASLANSPAL
    The fear-mongers offer nothing
    Their is hope in the moderate Muslim world and a Sovereign God can use it because faith is faith is faith and if a Muslim acts on faith ,guess what God is pleased...period no buts attached.

    That's pretty much blasphemy, and I challenge you to find scriptual support for this position.
  20. tragic_pizza New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    Well, prove it.