A few personal Question

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by Bugman, Feb 19, 2002.

  1. Bugman New Member

    Feb 19, 2002
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    Just a few quick questions for everyone
    for my curiosity.

    What do you think is the hardest thing about being a Christian youth today?

    What do you feel that your teacher (pastors, youth leaders, etc...) need to put more emphesis on?

    What is the hardest thing you have had to do becasue you are a Christain?

  2. chachin Guest

    That's a hard question to answer or try. I think the hardest and also easiest times in my christian life have been during the storm and before daylight. Why? Well, no matter how dark it may be at times, God reminds me of his love for me, Jesus, and how the storm will end and daylight will come again. I mean we all know that "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord" right, so even in those times when the world is falling apart I have peace in Jesus. Always looking to Jesus and not at the tempest we can walk on water. Our God is indeed awesome! :D
  3. Daniel New Member

    Jun 3, 2001
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    Probably overcoming cynicism prompted by the failures of the adults around you so that you can experience a genuine walk with God.

    So many people have let youth down due to their lousy examples and testimonies. The cynicism is a natural result.

    Try to overcome, though, in Jesus name!
  4. cuffy7 New Member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    I think that the hardest thing about being a Christian youth today is mediocrity. I face the temptation to be passive every day in my Christian school, and just go with the flow. The hardest thing is to take a stand and be intolerant of all evil because if that's your lifestyle, it's a given that there's gonna be conflict, and lots of it, because we live in a fallen world. Intolerance will result in persecution.

    I think the thing our pastors and teachers don't emphasize enough is KNOWING YOUR BIBLE!! They focus too much on stuff that really doesn't matter. The only way you're gonna be able to resist temptation is if you know your Bible! Know what it says so you will have a ready defense for what you believe. Learn everything you can about your Bible, too. Learn about the literary art, the life ehtic, the authors, the language, everything. Use BOTH edges of your double-edged sword.
  5. All For Christ New Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    I think one of the hardest things about being a Christian is staying pure. We are bomarded everywhere we look with sex. On tv, magazines, books, movies , music, ect. It is hard to keep focased on staying pure.

    I feel youth leaders, pastors ect. need to offer things that will help you with your desire to stay pure. I have found that purity is one of those things that no one really addresses enough!

    I think the hardrest thing I have had to do was break off a friendship with someone who I thought was a Christian. He was getting into drugs and alchohol, and I was not able to convince him to stop, so I had to end the friendship.
  6. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    You have all recognized excellent points of things that we need to be praying about. Luke-warm Christians, temptation, and so much else is something that doesn't disappear with adulthood. I'm glad to see that you are all making efforts to make a strong stand for Christ and to be more and more Christlike.

    In my own walk, I have found that one thing pastors, teachers, and elders have right is to always keep prayer number one. We all know that, but many times that isn't the main focus of our lives. Martin Luther said that when he knew he would have one long busy work day that would last hours on end, he should spend the first 4 hours in prayer- now that is devotion! Let us be able say the same thing- that we pray without ceasing.

    Keep striving to be Christ like!

