A little positive news on race relations

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Ps104_33, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    HOUSTON (Reuters) - In the last week, Joseph Brant lost his apartment, walked by scores of dead in the streets, traversed pools of toxic water and endured an arduous journey to escape the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in his hometown New Orleans.

    On Sunday, he was praising the Lord, saying the ordeal was a test that ended up dispelling his lifelong distrust of white people and setting his life on a new course. He said he hitched a ride on Friday in a van driven by a group of white folks.

  2. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    I was hoping I would come to this thread and you would report that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton had both sworn off having their pictures taken and statements reported. ;)

    That would have went a long ways toward improving race relations.

    But your news is good. Exposure to the kindness of others of other races can change a life.
  3. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Thanks for the post but isn't it ironic that we have not heard anything good thing from the Black Democrats including very little thanks from the
    black mayor can't remember the state can't they take any of the blame or is that possible since they are only a beacon of light to their constituants of course they are to blame but they are like the king with no clothes they are blind and D_ _ b sorry that's the way I see it

    They are the real race problem in America
    the Black Democrats who are probably doing the least for the people
  4. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Race is the reason for the existence of the democrates unfortunantly. Blacks vote for the democrates 95 plus percent. Therefore the demos, with the help of traitors like Jackson and Sharpton, must keep the blacks unduley afraid of whites to keep them in the fold. The Democaratic party was the slave party in the civil war, and Ironically, the Republican party, the party of Lincolin, was the anti-slavery party. Did the democrats change their colors or just figure out a way to enslave blacks all over agian after 150yrs?
  5. Filmproducer Guest

    I'm sorry but Jesee Jackson does not make black people unduly afraid of white. It is more like you have been trained as good republicans to disregard everything the man says. Oh, and for the record he did not blame the government response to Katrina on race, he has asked that the vicitims stopped being called refugees. He is right they are not refugees they are citizens of the US. So you do not misinterpret me, he has said that the response was incompetent and that the people affected were poor and mostly black. Like everyone else in the media, who if you do not remember initially brought up the issue of race, he blames the government for being incompetent and ill-prepared for a disaster that has been predicted for years. He said, and I quote,"It is that lack of sensitivity and compassion that represents a kind of incompetence."

    Also he has said that the media response to the violence in the city of NO has criminalized the majority of people. There is truth to his comment. If you would look past the fact he is Jesee Jackson you might see that. The media has shown the same picture of looters and thugs over and over and over. For every one thug there were thousands of people obeying the law, and who were just as scared of the thugs.

    You ask why black people would support the democrats. Look back through history to the Warren court. The democrats were chanpions of the civil rights movement and equal protection of the law.

    You do not like Sharpton or Jackson because they are outspoken for the black community. Their reactions may not always be correct, but they understand the community more than you ever could. You claim the democrats are holding back black America. I feel as if the republicans are holding back the lower classes, (all races in included). It is a difference of opinion. Who is right? That also is a difference of opinion. But I can tell you one thing, many black Americans, many Americans for that matter, will not accept your party because they value individual rights over corporate rights.

    [ September 05, 2005, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Filmproducer ]
  6. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Not too many years ago, ten million Southern Baptists, refused to vote because J.F.K. was a Catholic and they always voted democrat. In those days it happened to be the Democrats who championed the vote for ALL Americans, including Blacks. It was Billy Graham who insisted that his meetings include Blacks in the South and not just in the balcony. It was the late Bobby Kennedy, more than even JFK, who insisted on equal rights, and brought freedom to the Civil Rights workers who were only trying to get the Blacks to register for the vote..A Democrat, I might add.

    And yes, I came South the summer of 1960 to help get Blacks to register. I do have a little experience.

    Good post, Filmproducer; thank you.



    Now let's get off the race issue and on with helping all those poor souls in the South in their desperate need.
  7. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    did anyone see Jesse Jackson's son say God was
    responsible for the disaster in Louisiana and
    south making fun of President Bush to me it is
    showing supreme ignorance on behalf of the black
    community and another slap in the face of those
    who hate racial divisions in our country showing his real agenda destroy white America whenever you can - make everything bad that happens a white
    black problem making race the issue when they cannot come up with ideas that would help those in Mississippi they always use the race card enough is enough and hopefully cspan will give air time to black organizations that are not racially motivated for political advantage at a time when
    people are dying - scavengers always come out when their prey is down on their backs

    hopefully black America will wake up and get those people out of office if they really care about America and raise up leaders who are not
    prejudiced against fellow Americans
  8. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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  9. Filmproducer Guest

    You obviously did not understand when I said look back in history to the Warren Court era. I am not debating that Republicans started the Civil Rights movement. However, the majority of court cases applying due process of law and equal rights came under the Warren Court and were supported by the Democrats, not the Republicans. oh, and Freedom's Cause which political offices are you saying that Sharpton and Jackson should be removed from? I don't recall them being elected to an office.
  10. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    FP, when I speak of Jackson or Sharpton, I am speaking of years of observation not just NO, I know their Mo. I don't think that the Republicans are perfect, but I think the demos have always been underhanded. I doubt if Kennedy and Johnson and others cared about blacks, just blacks votes. They turned many blacks into chronic wards of the state. Show me the progress. I don't see it. If demos are the champions of the black race, I give them a big fat F. Have you ever heard of Larry Elders or Alen Keys. What do you think of them. Look at Robert Byrd, senior democrat who had a long history with the clan.

    As far as Warron, I thought the court was not partison. But the blacks did not start voteing exclusivly for demos until Johnson's great society. Some society? They made alot of progres before gov. medeling, and it seems to now be arrested. That is a shame. Sharpton and Jackson are two of the biggest racist around.

    As long as blacks allow obvious racist and hate mongers such as Jackson and Sharpton be their leaders, they will make no progress, we will make no progress. Because they survive by creating race division. Do you remember Towana Brawly. The people who are ligetimate black leaders shuch as Rice and Thomas and Keys are vilified by most blacks. And let a black try to run as a republican and other blacks will go on the attack and call him a black Judas.

    I once saw a black organization in chicago who was very opposed to Jackson. But I have only seen them once on tv. So you are right their is a media Bias, and it cuts the other way, not the way you think.

    Jim, I don't know who made it a race issue but it wasn't us. See the NO mayor and others. That is the problem. We object strongly to this being made a race issue. We don't think race should have been brought up.
  11. One View New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Jesse Jackson, along with numerous others, is an "enabler".

    Main Entry: en·abler
    Pronunciation: i-'nA-b(&-)l&r
    Function: noun
    : one that enables another to achieve an end; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by helping that individual avoid the consequences of such behavior

    Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

    9th grade Psychology class.

    As for Sharpton, "lest we never forget".

    Nuf said!
  12. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    again film producer you have me mixed up with someone else and this may show that you are not
    carefully watching what is really going on when
    you say corporate America against non-corporate
    I think of the communists and their ideology I assure you unless you were one of them you would not like living under their rule just check out the communist manifesto just ask those sent to gulags for religious belief if you think race relations are bad wait till those like George soros get the power to dictate their morality over Americans be thankful film producer things could get much worse and race relations will be the least of our worries number one we had better
    get things right with Jesus Christ and we had better drop our race hate attitude in America I believe the white and black citizens have heard too much now and those wishing to exacerbate the problem need to recieve their just reward unfortunately those who have thus far capitalized
    from race are still fooling most of the people
    when I saw the all black demo machine on Cspan the other night I knew why they were there before they opened their mouths that's when you should know there's a problem they are overly predictable and horribly lacking lacking moral fortitude predictably accusing and discrediting
    anyone that opposes their views I call this UnAmerican lacking character and principal not forthright and unable to clearly make rational judgements making racial walls unsubstantiated claims falsly all the while engaging in selfagrandizements is essence dividing America they should be marked and labeled thusly and placed among those who disqualify themselves from
    government in America having no place except for the minority of those who hate America because they are in the minority they are perpetuating the cycle like a dog chasing it's tail I am utterly disgusted with them and all like minded
  13. Filmproducer Guest


    1. I don't think that the Republicans are perfect, but I think the demos have always been underhanded. I doubt if Kennedy and Johnson and others cared about blacks, just blacks votes.

    I'm sorry, but the same can be said for Republican politicians. It is always about the vote, that is the GAME of politics.

    2.They turned many blacks into chronic wards of the state.

    You do realize that there are more white people on welfare than black, and because of welfare reform a family is only able to receive welfare for five years. That is a total of five years in a lifetime.

    3.Larry Elders or Alen Keys. What do you think of them. Look at Robert Byrd, senior democrat who had a long history with the clan.

    First of all I am NOT a Democrat, nor do I pretend that all Democrats are champions of the black race or poverty stricken people in general. I am NOT a Republican, for that matter either. Secondly, Larry Elders is looked up to in many "black" circles, as is Keys. For that matter so is Collin Powell, this does not change the fact that Jesse Jackson is a leader in the black community and is respected around the world, just not by you.

    4.As far as Warron, I thought the court was not partison.

    Please notice that I did not say Warren was a Democrat. What I said was his era as Chief Justice was the era when many civil liberties cases were heard, and his court thoroughly applied the "due process clause" of the 5th amendment, and the "equal protection clause" of the 14th, among others. The Democrats were the ones, as Jim previously mentioned, who championed the vote for ALL Americans at this time.

    5. As long as blacks allow obvious racist and hate mongers such as Jackson and Sharpton be their leaders, they will make no progress, we will make no progress.

    I'm sorry I do not agree with everything that Jackson or Sharpton has said, especially Sharpton. However, they had made some LEGITIMATE claims in the past, especially Jackson. I do not pretend that racism is dead in this country, or that some blacks are racist towards whites. Racism is alive and kicking in the United States and it goes both ways.

    6.So you are right their is a media Bias, and it cuts the other way, not the way you think.

    I never claimed that the only media bias is that which makes blacks "look" bad. My research has shown me otherwise. Media bias cuts in all directions and on all political spectrums.
  14. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    FP, I really appreciate the calm and reasoned response.

    I think politics is a dirty game, but it was the demos who decided to wrap up the black votes by making them dependant on the state, but the republicans fought for simple equal rights.

    I've heard Jessie point out that more whites are on welfare than blacks, but you should not fall for that red herring being a bias expert. Blacks are only 17 percent of the population, so of course there are more whites. But as a matter of perportion to their total population, the percent of blacks on welfare is much higher. I blame whites for that and in particular demos, this is what I mean when I say the people who they think are their friends are their worst enemies. I noticed you pointed out that Sharpton and Jacksons are not elected officials. They are defacto leaders, and it is not blacks that keep them there, it is the demos. They are operatives for the demos, and they and the demos need to keep the racial divide going for their very survival. If even 20 percent of blacks decided to vote for another party, the demos would loose a massive amount of power, can't you see this? And they know that, so they have to keep blacks afraid and dependant on their social programs or the ballgame is over. This has done more harm to blacks than Jim Crow, Jim Crow hurt their bodies, the great society took their souls.
  15. Filmproducer Guest


    I think politics is a dirty game, but it was the demos who decided to wrap up the black votes by making them dependent on the state, but the republicans fought for simple equal rights.

    Please explain in more detail and give specific examples, because I am not quite sure I follow you on this one.

    I've heard Jessie point out that more whites are on welfare than blacks, but you should not fall for that red herring being a bias expert. Blacks are only 17 percent of the population, so of course there are more whites. But as a matter of perportion to their total population, the percent of blacks on welfare is much higher.

    First of all, I did not say this because Jesse Jackson claims it. It is true based on quantitative data sets that I have personally reviewed and done extensive research on. Here are some facts for you to chew on. I would like to point out that they are from the early 90's before the Welfare Reform Act was enforced. I am giving these facts, because many people have a false impression that there were on overabundance of people on welfare before reform. Also these figure have not dramatically changed over the years.

    1. There were approximately 5 million people on welfare in 1992.

    2. The black population at the time was roughly 31.4 million people

    3. The average family stayed on welfare for a period of roughly 22 months. Only 20% of families stayed on welfare for more than five years. (This is now a mute point because welfare benefits are limited to five years period)

    4. The average payment for a family of three was $388/month or $4,656/year. (less than half of the $10,860 poverty level)

    5. In 1991 welfare accounted for less than one percent of the US federal outlays

    6. Okay here are some racial breakdowns. please keep in mind that Hispanic is NOT considered a race, but ethnicity and on the census, (and any true academic research), they also choose a race (i.e. white or black or other). Approximately 39% of those receiving welfare were black, 38% non-Hispanic white, 3% Asian, and 17% were Hispanic-white. In a strict racial breakdown, the majority of welfare recipients are white.

    7.African American made up only 29% of the American poor

    What is interesting to note is that:

    1.65% of poor Americans shown on television news at the time were black

    2.62% of poor Americans shown in newsmagazines at the time were black.

    These last two facts were taken from the research of Dr. Martin Gilens, who is an associate prof. of poly sci. and a fellow at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies at Yale.

    The other facts were taken directly from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Characteristics and Financial Circumstances of AFDC Recipients: Fiscal Year 1991

    I noticed you pointed out that Sharpton and Jacksons are not elected officials.

    I was merely pointing out the fact to Freedom's Cause, if not for any other reason. Of Course I realize they are leaders in the black community.
  16. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    FP, Read my post slower. I did not say you said it because jessie said it. I said, "I heard him say it". You should not be mislead by the claim at all. I think I agree with your numbers, and I think in the past the media bias cut the other way as you say. No disagreement there.

    But you did not deal with my claim. As a matter of their total numbers, blacks have a significantly higher percentage on welfare than whites, Jew, Asians, (I'm not sure about latino's because that picture is changeing rapidly) That is a fact. They lead in all kinds of ugly statistics. But we don't want to really be honest about it because blacks don't want to deal with it, and some whites, thinking blacks are not capable of doing better, give them a pass as they would a child or pet. That is real racisim, but I know blacks, under the right circumstances are as cabable as anyone, but deep down even many blacks don't believe this, and that is sad. But as long as we all hide from the truth for whatever reason, things will not change.

    I think you missed my points About Jackson and Sharpton. I know you know they are leaders. You would have to be very dense not to realize that. And I know you are very inteligent. I was saying that they are black leaders because Demos empower them to be. They are not kept in power by blacks. I know there are opposistion parties (so to speak) why don't we ever hear from them. That is the media Bias. And where does it come from?

    Just some more points- States provide for welfare mostly, so the point about it being 1 percent of federal outlay is misleading. But if you count medicaid and foodstamps etc. It is a massive amount of both federal and state money. We all know that.

    20% of families on welfare for more than 5 yrs? 20% a massive number of families,white or black. Why are you trying to minimize things? Next you will tell me that the prisions aren't mostely filled with black men, and that most black women have their children in wedlock. This is not about making blacks look bad. This is about the truth. It is about no longer being enablers. Isn't it the truth that will set us free?

    [ September 06, 2005, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Bunyon ]
  17. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Thank you film producer bunyon for good replies
    I think you are using a balanced approach and fair trying to base things on facts - facts and truth will help us get to a good ending how desperately we need the Lord to help us He is all Truth and He truly loves us Thank God for America my you both Bless God today with me
  18. Filmproducer Guest

    As a matter of their total numbers, blacks have a significantly higher percentage on welfare than whites, Jew, Asians, (I'm not sure about latino's because that picture is changeing rapidly) That is a fact.

    That may be true, but did you really look at the numbers? If you recall '92 was the height of the recession, and there were 5 million total people on welfare. If 38% were black, that means approximately 1.9 million black people were on welfare. While that number is a higher percentage in proportion to other races, you must remember that the black population in '92 was 31.4 million people. Clearly there were not enough black people on welfare to support a claim that the black population in America has become dependent on the welfare state.

    Did you know that in 2001 the poverty levels for African Americans was at a historic low of 22.7%. Mind you this is 22.7% of 32.9 million people living at or below the poverty line. During this same time the poverty levels of non-Hispanic white Americans rose from .4% to 7.8% (approximately 15.3 million people).

    If you want to look at even more current numbers. In 2004, according to the US Dept. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 26.5%, of working African Americans 16 and over, worked in management, professional, and related occupations. 23.8% worked in the service occupations. 26.3% worked in sales and office occupation. 6.8% worked in natural resource, construction, or maintenance occupations, and 16.7% worked in production, transportation, and material moving occupations. These numbers are not drastically different from the breakdown of the non-Hispanic white. which were 35.6%, 15.2%, 25.5%, 11.2%, and 12.4% respectively. My point is that the African American population is more diverse than you think it is.

    That is real racisim, but I know blacks, under the right circumstances are as cabable as anyone, but deep down even many blacks don't believe this, and that is sad

    Look at the above numbers, while there are a lot of poor African Americans, they are not dependent on the welfare state, and many would take offense to this statement. I know you did not mean any offense, but there is not a black person around who does not believe they are capable. Now this is not to say that everything is fine in the community, however, any complaints would be from a socioeconomic stance rather than a racial stance. Many studies have been done in this area, it is a shame when small sound bites are heard on the news and race is blamed, when in reality it is a socioeconomic issue and African Americans, as well as others know and believe this.

    I will address your other comments in the next post.
  19. Filmproducer Guest

    I was saying that they are black leaders because Demos empower them to be. They are not kept in power by blacks. I know there are opposistion parties (so to speak) why don't we ever hear from them.

    Now I don't have much to say for Sharpton, but I do believe you are wrong about Jesse Jackson. You are looking at it from the perspective of a Republican. Honestly, what do you really know about Jackson and the Rainbow/PUSH coalition, other than the news bites and commentary. Now you claim that black people do not keep them in power, but the Democrats. I beg to disagree. Have you ever heard of thousand churches connected? It is program started by Jackson under the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. Now it is based on Martin Luther King's 4th movement of "equal opportunity and shared economic security". Now they are partnered with Freddie Mac, Citigroup, Intuit, Equifax, The New York Stock Exchange, and others. It is a curriculum and training based program based on the 2,350 references to financial stewardship in the Bible. Here are the goals:

    1.debt elimination- based on Romans 3:8
    2.responsible credit management- based on Ps. 37:21
    3.home owner rather than renter- based on Pv. 19:14
    4.investment- based on Mt. 25:14-30
    5.asset protection- based on IIKings 20:1
    6.technology- Pv. 18:15

    Now this is just one of many programs of Jackson's, however they do not talk about this on the news, they instead show clips where he says race is involved in some way. The African Americans "keep" him in power because he helps the community. The 1000 churches connected is only one of many programs aimed at helping the poor and underrepresented.

    On the flip side, you asked why others were not. Well, let me ask you this. What have they done in the black community or for it? Now Jackson has not run since, I believe, 1988. He has instead focused his efforts on helping the poor, as is seen through his programs and his staunch support of workers rights, universal health care, and the "New Market Initiative" (business investment in underrepresented communities). People support him, because he is there on the front lines and they see it. He is not only for African Americans, but for all the "poor".

    Now I am not claiming that the others do nothing for the community, however, their work is not visibly recognizable and politically debatable. In other words, while Condi Rice's job as Sec of State is commendable and her decisions and choices do affect America as a whole they do not do anything specifically for the African American community and, as with any political office, will be criticized and picked apart by the opposition.
  20. Filmproducer Guest

    20% of families on welfare for more than 5 yrs? 20% a massive number of families,white or black. Why are you trying to minimize things? Next you will tell me that the prisions aren't mostely filled with black men, and that most black women have their children in wedlock. This is not about making blacks look bad. This is about the truth. It is about no longer being enablers. Isn't it the truth that will set us free?

    You right the truth will set us free. That 20% is now a moot point, because PWORA eliminated welfare after five years. however, that 20% was made up all races, not just black people and a large majority of it was children. Did you know that even to this day children receive welfare? that number also comprised of those with physical disabilities. Yes, some of them were also taking advantage of the situation, but definitely not all.

    Now lets look at things from a different perspective. You said that most black women do not have their children in wedlock. If you are talking about young women and premarital sex I would agree, but there is another side to the coin. Premarital sex is a HUGE problem in the US for all races. Did you know that a white girl is three times as likely to get an abortion? Why is that? Probably socioeconomic status, culture, and yes even religion. My point is that while it is a problem in the African American community, it is also a problem in all of the US. Personally, I believe we do not address the problem enough as a society, but that's another post altogether.

    I will also not argue with you about the prison population. Just remember that while almost 50% of the prison population is black, 50% of black males are NOT in prison. Blacks do have a disproportionate amount of people in prison compared to the racial breakdown of the US. On another note there have been numerous studies into why this is. Again i leave this to another post, otherwise I will be typing for a long time. :D

    My whole point is that we as a society need to look beyond the surface to the real core of the issue. Suprisingly we might find something. only then can we move forward together as "ONE nation, UNDER God".