A MUST READ for Fundamentalists

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Greg Linscott, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. swaimj <img src=/swaimj.gif>

    Jul 20, 2000
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    This SHOULD surprise because in many cases it is not true. While here in the US, IFBs practice separation from SBCs, in the mission field they often work together. Missionaries from both sides (and many of the major IFB mission boards) recognize that foreign nationals are not "in the loop" regarding the reasons for separation between the two. Trying to explain it is confusing. So, often SBCs and IFBs cooperate on the field or at least withhold criticism of one another.
  2. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    My only point was that sitting here in 2005 we have a great knowledge of what happened recently, but it is out of context from times past. For instance, DD keeps talking about MacArthru would have been a fundamentalist 80 years ago if he was doing what he does now. The truth is that if MacArthru had lived 80 years ago, he wouldn't have been doing what he does now. That is my point about the landscape being so vastly different. When we don't recognize that, it leads to historical myopia (near sightedness).

    With respect to secondary separation, I don't think it was a huge controversy in fundamentalism as a whole. It was a parochial issue that appeared bigger than it actually was because it was published in SOTL. I just don't think it was that big of a deal.
  3. swaimj <img src=/swaimj.gif>

    Jul 20, 2000
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    I conpletely disagree with you on the importance of the historic disagreement on "secondary separation" within fundamentalism. You say that the issue got big play in the SOTL. It did. It also got big play from BJU. In 1969 BJU published a pamphlet which they mailed out to many fundamental pastors. I know because my father, who was a pastor, got one in the mail. He was not an alumnus of BJU. The pamphlet announced BJU's separation from John R. Rice over the "secondary separation" (a term which the panphlet dismissed) issue and that Rice was no longer welcome to speak in chapel at BJU. Later, in 1974 or 75, BJU had a musical group that was scheduled to minister at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship meeting in Charlotte, NC at the church Jack Hudson pastored. Because Soutwide was featuring Warren Wiersbe who was at that time pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, Dr. Bob Jr. publicly withdrew the BJU team from Southwide and excoriated Southwide for not practicing separation.

    Pastor Larry, you can say that the issue of "secondary separation" was not that big if you like. I remember these events very vividly. They were times of GREAT controversy in fundamentalism and DEEP division. When the history of fundamentalism is written, these events will be related in chapters, not in footnotes. Perhaps you are not aware of them. Perhaps you were not a fundamentlist at that time. I don't know your background. I can assure you that this was no small matter.

    The controversy we see today is EXACTLY the same issue as was being fought over then. Then it was Wiersbe. Was it compromise to have him speak to a group of fundamentalists? Now it is MacArthur. Is it compromise to have him speak to a group of fundamentalists? How about having his youth director at a fundamental meeting; is that compromise? What about those who sponsor the meeting, in this case Frank Hamrick, do we separate from him? How about other speakers who appear on the platform like Olilla and Bixby, do we separate from them? What if I attend the meeting and at the end Holland is on the platform and I stand and join in singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds", is that lack of separation?

    Bauder is correct that the term "disobedient brother" has not been rigidly defined by fundamentalists. I know you have said that you agree with this. This lack of clear defintion is not an issue which might potentially lead to a problem in fundamentalism down the road. Rather it is the major source of fundamentalist infighting over the last 35+ years. Younger men who are fundamentalists look back on these events and they view them as a catfight among a bunch of ego-maniacs. They view the current infighting the same way. It is the major reason many of them are leaving the movement. If separation is a major doctrine, then fundamentalists should be able to clearly define it.
  4. Christlifter New Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    I get lost in the words....Jesus is God, The Bible stands, Ye must be born again, He is coming again. Stake a strong stand on sea or on land for the Master's our Friend. Thats all I know.
  5. Greg Linscott <img src =/7963.jpg>

    Feb 16, 2004
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    If that really is all you know, brother, you'd better get grounded, or sooner or later you're going to be swayed. There's no shame in being a simple man, but there is in remaining one.

    II Timothy 2:15.
  6. aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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  7. swaimj <img src=/swaimj.gif>

    Jul 20, 2000
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    Thanks for posting the link.
  8. LRL71 New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    How'd you find the website for AACC&S??? Thanks for sharing the info; I had posted here earlier that the AACC&S was the college/seminary 'arm' of the American Association of Christian Schools, but I wasn't able to find the website. :rolleyes:

    Now, do I have egg on my face or what! :eek:
  9. aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    It was just by accident. Someone pointed me to a certain blog and that blog just happened to have a reference to the AACC&S web site.

  10. swaimj <img src=/swaimj.gif>

    Jul 20, 2000
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    AACS and AACC&S ARE sister organizations (and they kindof resemble each other :D ). I'm surprised that there is no link from one to the other on the web-sites.
  11. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    There is a link to AACS from the AACCS site.