A Thread for Christians Only - Salvation

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by KenH, Nov 4, 2002.

  1. npetreley New Member

    Oct 20, 2002
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    I almost agree with this. It's the "choice" part that gives me trouble. I know that a choice was involved, but it wasn't as if God simply held out two hands and said, "the one on the right is heaven, the other is hell - pick of your own free will." So although there certainly was a choice, I wouldn't call it a "free-will" choice.

    Another point: I agree wholeheartedly the "decision" feels more like letting go than accepting. But it is still a dialy (hourly - second by second) struggle to release my life to God in practice. How could I attribute something like that to free will when my fleshly will fights it even now?

    So even if I didn't have Scripture to guide my understanding, I would have to say from personal experience that I was not simply given a choice. I was led through a process and, somewhere along the line, I suppose one or many choices were made. But I would never have made them of my own free will. It was only through the love, grace, and power of God that I could ever have been inclined in that direction, let alone choose it.
  2. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that God gave me a command to repent and believe?

    A Spurgeonite :cool:
  3. Carly33 New Member

    Apr 1, 2002
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    Yes it is a tough one, again I think God is complex, we are finite...we can not understand His methods, because we have no point of reference other than the flesh and this reality.

    Someday it will all be clear, but praise God for the opportunity He gave to me.
  4. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    A gift requires a giver,,,,,,and a receiver.....I humbly received the free gift of God in salvation.

    I thought it was my choice until He said, He did it all on Calvary, then realized it was all of God. We may debate about how we receive that free gift, and the answer will come when we arrive at the gates, and in the words of Spurgeon, the writing on the outside of the arch reads, Whosever will may come,,,,,,and once inside and looking back at the same arch we read, Elect from before the foundation of the earth.

