A Way to Solve Immigration and Iraq

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by saturneptune, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Yes, that's correct, and we could start with the 1986 immigration reform laws that were suppose to solve all the problems.
  2. Joined:
    Dec 21, 2003
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    Sadly, the "round 'em up and deport 'em" crowd just doesn't get it.

    It would cost BILLIONS of dollars to try and track them all down, then house and feed them etc. until their deportation hearings. And it would be IMPOSSIBLE to ever find them all.

    Since many illegals are living with LEGALS, house-to-house searches would be the only way to find a lot of them. There would obviously be violent resistance in many cases, meaning plenty of dead law enforcement officers. The potential for civil liberties abuses would also be enormous.

    It would be inevitable that mistakes would be made, meaning a lot of LEGALS would undoubtedly be rounded up and incarcerated. Which means major lawsuits from the ACLU and other leftist entities, many of which the government would LOSE. The taxpayers would thus end up paying out additional enormous sums of money to legals and their leftist lawyers.

    Also, "deport" isn't some kind of magic word. The "round 'em up and deport 'em" crowd doesn't understand that just because we drop them off in Mexico, does NOT mean they're not going to RETURN the next day or next week! We currently deport tens of thousands of them every year, but most of them slip right back over the border in short order!

    The ONLY feasible way of getting rid of them for good is to make sure they have NO access to jobs and welfare/social services. If we don't FIRST deny them access to those things, most of them will sneak right back in the country before we know it.

    If illegals are unable to get jobs and welfare, the vast majority of them will leave very shortly, of THEIR OWN accord! Thus the American taxpayers will be saved BILLIONS of dollars, and our law enforcement/legal system will not be overrun trying to round up, incarcerate, feed, house, process and deport that many millions of people.
  3. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    It can be done. See previous postings. I may well become the chief of the "round 'em up and deport 'em" crowd. I like all your other ideas of how to get 'em out of our homeland. If we'll do those things then we wouldn't have as much "rounding up" to do! :thumbs:
  4. exscentric Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2004
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    " It would cost BILLIONS of dollars to try and track them all down"

    And trillions when they hit social services and social security - think billions looks lots better to me :laugh:
  5. Joined:
    Dec 21, 2003
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    It CANNOT be logically or intelligently done your way.

    There's no need to spend BILLIONS of dollars, overwhelm our already overloaded legal system, and watch law enforcement officers being KILLED doing house to house searches.

    If they cannot get jobs or welfare, they will leave promptly of their own accord! They have no intention of starving to death here.

    Use your head instead of your emotions!
  6. Joined:
    Dec 21, 2003
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    How is it going to cost "trillions", when MY method will have already eliminated ALL welfare and social services in the FIRST PLACE?!

    YOUR way will cost us hundreds of billions of dollars, overwhelm our police forces and legal systems, result in police officers and other innocent people being killed, etc.

    If we eliminate their access to social services/welfare etc. NOW, as I suggest, please explain how they could "hit" them later?!

    Use your head.
  7. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    Every day law enforcement risks lives to enforce the law. That's what we do. Criminals hide among non-criminals. Sometimes the wrong people are picked up. All the problems you describe of dealing with law breakers are already faced daily. If we had the attitude that it was difficult, risky, or too expensive then all the criminals would have a free pass. That's what illegal aliens are - criminals, law breakers, trouble makers, bad guys, etc. - and we need to apply at least the same degree or effort and force to dealing with them as we do the rest of the ciminals among us. Emotion? The emotion I feel is the disgust towards Congress and the President for trying to force the illegal aliens upon us instead of carrying out justice. I want them to do what's right - not what's easy. That's what I've always had to do. We CAN carry it out if we want to do so.
  8. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    So what?

    Law enforcement always costs money.
  9. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Not only that but we don't have to track them down, just send the paddy wagons to where they gather in the thousnads for their corporate sponsored "protests".
  10. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    So, if you're correct, it may not be so difficult as some would like to think it is.

    We arrest about 15 million criminals per year in the USA. Some portion of those are illegal aliens that we sometimes let go. If we'd just set a goal of 1 to 2 million illegal aliens per year, together with all the other goals mentioned to reduce the incentive for coming here, we'd could be rid of the problem in a decade or less instead of facing an even bigger problem.
  11. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    We do not want to start hunting people down. What would happen is that legal Hispanics would get mistaken for illegals and wrongly sent to Mexico. Let's avoid that Pandoras box. Just cut off the jobs and services. they will meander home on their own. No extra money spent.
  12. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    So then, by this logic, should we also stop looking for all the other criminals among us since they look like the rest of us and could be mistaken for them?

    Nope, that's no excuse not to enforce the law. If we don't enforce it then it will continue to be meaningless. For certain, we should do all we can to discourage them from coming and from staying but we should also agressively round up and send home those that aren't here. That, also, would be another incentive to leave.

    It can be done if we want it to be done. We can start with those already being arrested for other criminal acts and then let go. We can continue by addressing the known hot spots. We can engage the entire nation's law enforcement in the effort. We can be serious about it or we can shy away from the problem thinking it's too difficult, too politically sensitive, or too expensive.
  13. Joined:
    Dec 21, 2003
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    You can round millions of them up and drop them off in Mexico. But if you don't take away their access to jobs and welfare/social services FIRST, virtually ALL of them will be right back in the country within a week! So HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars will have been wasted, not to mention many law enforcement lives lost.

    If we IMMEDIATELY deny them access to jobs and welfare/social services, they will leave of their own accord! We won't have to waste hundreds of billions of dollars rounding them up, just to see most of them back in the country within a week! They have NO intention of starving to death here.
  14. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    We must, as you suggest, remove the incentives to come here and that includes removing all the benefits and welfare that are already costing us billions per year in government taxes and private expenditures. It means ending the "anchor baby" misrepresentation of the Constitution. It means no public or private education. It means no driver license.

    It just means that if you're not here legally you don't belong here. It's like a guest in your home that you didn't invite. They have no right to be there or to partake of anything except what we wish to give them. You have a right, and even an obligation to your family, to remove them.

    We must also realize that not all illegal aliens are going to willingly return from whence they came just because the law is tightened up to eliminate some of these benefits to which they currently have access. Many are going to stay until they're made to leave. They will claim this is their land and they have a right to be here. It's the same principle as allowing a squatter to stay on your land too long.

    We've been conducting raids to round up and deport illegal aliens for a long time. Other than some of the recent political grandstanding there haven't been any bad results for doing this. They just haven't been as many of them as there should be. We need to greatly expand that effort. We need to apply pressure everywhere until illegal aliens realize that there is no safe haven for them and there best choice is to go home.

    The risk to law enforcement when dealing with criminals of all types has always been real. You can get killed enforcing the law even by accident. That, in itself, is no excuse not to enforce the law. This risk is part of the job and if it doesn't fall to the officers it will fall to rest when the job isn't done. That's part of what the typical motto "To Serve and To Protect" implies. Risk to one's self is taken whenever you agree to serve or protect others.

    The cost of rounding up illegal aliens is somehow viewed by many as so immense to be out of the realm of probability. Yet it pales when compared to the cost of not doing so. We can not afford to permit illegal aliens to remain in our country whether by the incentives they have or our lax law enforcement.

    The real problem with rounding up illegal aliens is the fear that it can't be done without causing some kind of massive demonstrations and revolt among them and their supporters. That's possible but the risks of it will grow every single year as we let the numbers grow and take no action, take minor action, or concede defeat. We must demonstrate a will to do whatever is required else we are defeated before we start. Too many politicians and pundits have already thrown in the towel and have even taken up the banners of lawlessness.

    We need to set quotas for reduction in the number of illegal aliens in this country with a target of zero in ten years. We need to progressively ratchet up our actions to meet or exceed those quotas. If it can be done cooperatively that's great. If not, then we need to ratchet up even faster. If we do not the problem will overtake us and will be our downfall.