Aging gracefully

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Benjamin, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Happy birthday Ed! Don't start a fire with that cake. </font>[/QUOTE]Thank you Brother Benjamin. Fortunately i'm
    on a low carb diet - no cake, no candles :eek:
  2. Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Great Thread!!!!! Gonna have some fun with this one. Not to mention Mr. Ed and all his wisdo-cutification of most threads that he has graced the halls of.
    I have a 78 yr old who lives in our home who is a wonderful friend of our family. He has a great sense of humor (until he has been up for eight or so hours without a nap, then it's "you better watch out boy, or your gonna get a pile drive up your nose"). I keep telling him that I am gonna write a book on "OLD MAN NOISES" and put his picture right on the front of the book. CAN YOU imaging what I am talking about? He has lower and upper false teeth that he got back in 0'six and he won't use polygrip so when he eats at the table it sounds like a dozen wild horses racing for the canyon break. I told him I thot Mazda got rid of the "Wankle" engine, but they must have forgot one and it is in his mouth. He slurp's Ice Cream, speggetti, noodles of all kinds, soup and forgets to not slurp when eating rice and then we have wild convulsions at the table till the windpipe is clear. The poor guy burps and belches TOTALLY unexpected and screams because for some unknown reason it scares him. He has a loud continual drone of a noise that comes from deep within with every exhale of breath but he can't hear it because the hearing aids are all messed up all the time. WWWWwwwwwwhich....brings up the situation of the hearing aids. He tweeks them up for church so he can hear our soft spoken pastor and then every time he rubs his nose,face,cheek,chin,neck, straightens his glasses or even shruggs his shoulders they go off like an Oklahoma tornado alarm and he can't even hear that. I could write a book, I'll tell ya. I know it is an old saying that has been used and used and reused too many times but I just didn't understand it until Bro Darrell came into our lives.
    "Old age ain't for sissy's"
    Thanks -----Bart
  3. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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  4. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    I think peoples thoughts on aging has changed a lot especially in the last twenty years. In my case my hair started graying in my thirties to the point that lots of people mentioned it. Personally I wouldn’t have seriously considered dying it 10 years ago thinking it wasn’t a very manly thing to do but did have it suggested to me along with noticing that most women and a lot of men were doing it. My wife had told me that all the men at her office were dying their hair and talking about it and I thought they were just a bunch of preppy white collar workers (being a Levi 501 jean wearing cabinet maker) At my wife’s office Christmas party I noticed I was the “only” one there with gray hair.

    I don’t do things because other people do but I did it for myself. The reason I mentioned my cousin and family reunion is to point out that it made me realize how drastic a change it made and the difference in cultures and lifestyles. I’ve also compared how I used to be told I looked like Tony Danza quite often years ago who is probably 10 years older than I and never heard that anymore, then saw him on TV without a gray hair on his head. My kids saying, “How come you’re older than all our friend’s parents?” Well, being a dad I would flex and say, “Does this look like an old man to you?” Reply, but you have gray hair! I’ve used all the lines, the horry head of wisdom, to my wife-she gave them to me, no dye I’ll just be the gray haired silver fox, it’s natural and the way I was made. I got to tell you though it does make a drastic difference and I like it.

    People wouldn’t talk about these things years ago, along with all the other things they never talked about. I think some would equate dyeing your hair with acting in impermissible or immoral ways that lead to all sorts of other improper things as rather close-mindedness with issues. Who is insecure, the person that feels a change in hair color might give them a more youthful appearance in a society where people are living to be 100, or people that feel it leads to sin and may ruin your life?
  5. Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Actually, speaking from the culture of my family, folks are too busy working for the basics of life and church to worry about what they look like.
    Solomon said it best.....Vanity.

    Thanks -----Bart "the dueling society was a polite society"
  6. buckster75 Member

    Aug 2, 2005
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    John I figured you were a chardonnay guy.
  7. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    YOU DON'T???
  8. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    Okay, but I have a different view on it and if I’m not sounding polite sometimes I need to be told.

    So would they also say I don’t deserve brown hair, because I was given gray? Kind of like saying I shouldn’t get a hair cut because God makes it grow. Is getting your hair cut vanity?

    Is looking at yourself and considering the shape you’re in for your age vanity or is it consideration of the care you are taking of the temple? What do you compare to? Pertaining to the basics of life; in my line of work I have to be in as good of condition as possible to get the jobs done quickly and make money, and need to consider my entire presentation when bidding a job (ever seen the news doc on how attractive women get better jobs?) I would like to continue working for a long time to come.

    As a consideration of worrying what you look like and serving the church; I would be willing to say that if two 50 year olds came walking up to witness to someone and one had a big gut, rotten brown teeth, and messed up hair and the other took as much care in his appearance as possible that "someone" is going to turn to the later. How would considering one’s overall appearance fall into Solomon’s expression of vanity. I think Solomon was saying everything is vanity in the flesh and that we all go back to dust and we need to be in God while here.

    In edification of the church, I don’t think it’s an option but an obligation to have a godly desire for a healthy body and faithfully be a good steward of God’s temple in every way possible.

    (1Co 3:16) Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
  9. Pipedude Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    I originally said "Trying to hold on to youth (as in dyeing your hair) is the pursuit of fantasy, and that can lead to greater and greater foolishness, some of which could ruin your life."

    It was you who began the thread with the words "I'm not so sure that I’m going to age that gracefully." Go ahead and retract those words. Then we'll have no reason to pursue the question of who is insecure, and who thinketh he standeth.
  10. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    We may be misunderstanding each other, maybe not. I didn’t mean for my words to sound harsh though.

    Thinking I’m not so sure I’m going to age gracefully to me means:

    I’m not going to throw in the towel and give up on the physical condition or appearance of my body or mind so soon. I see myself striving to maintain a smoothly operating body and hopefully look and feel like I work at it.

    Maybe we should start this dance off on a better foot; I could be taking you wrong. I was thinking about your first post and the other posts about dismay with the younger generation when I wrote it but again didn’t mean for it to sound harsh. Your first response to my OP was:

    Not sure if that is concern or telling me I haven’t a chance to make some improvements. Sounds negative though and wonder what trouble?

    Still sounds like concern to me, but now my concern is also for you in saying you “don’t like it one bit. I suppose none of us does.” This sounds negative again and with little hope.

    I realize dyeing my hair does not physically enable me to hold on to my youth, no fantasy about it, just think the appearance is preferable.

    You just told me you think dyeing my hair is my pursuit of fantasy and foolish and not only that but can lead to “greater and greater foolishness” Okay!, you’re welcome to your opinion, you don’t know me nor I you, maybe it’s just concern, but what other greater foolishness that could lead to ruining my life? Sorry, but this sounds like a very negative statement to me for pursuing health and appearance.

    I don’t know, maybe you don’t think I embrace reality, from the negativity in about everything you said about youth and aging, you “don’t like it yourself”, and “don’t think anyone does”, and “I’m foolish for trying”, “not impressed with 21st century men” “whatever” it is for me is I’m getting older and considering the need to embrace all the things I can so that I do enjoy it and feel good about it, and yes, live it for the glory of God.

    My interpretations from your other posts are maybe you don’t like the younger generation that much, I can’t say I totally disagree that many things are becoming permissible and a lot of that is immorality, as for “percentages” I really don’t think there is really a way to distinguish between what the other generations did, but don’t see where you’re going with all that except to voice your opinion of displeasure with today, which seems to have been triggered be me dyeing my hair.

    Maybe you’re just being frank and honest, saying what’s on your mind. I tend to be that way myself sometimes. This brings to mind something else to watch out for, being labeled a “Grouchy old man”
  11. Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Happy birthday ED. Many more to you.
  12. Gwyneth <img src=/gwyneth.gif>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I get to retire next year, God willing I will be 60 ....... I don`t mind grey hair, never will dye it, God looks at the heart..... and I don`t believe He minds a few grey hairs. ;)
  13. Pipedude Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    That being the case, nothing else I said applies to you.

    Christendom is littered with the remains of men who couldn't accept the facts of chronology. Glad to hear that you won't be one.