Animal Abuse!

Discussion in 'Polls Forum' started by bruren777, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. bruren777 New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    We adopted our little dog 4 years ago in December.
    We were told that she had been abused and neglected. There is little history on her, we think she is about 12 years old and we think she is a Maltese mix. She has the sweetest disposition. We took her to the vet for a checkup, she has a heart murmur, they took xrays to check her heart. Her heart is slightly enlarged, but can be managed with medication.

    The xrays also revealed that she has some fractured ribs that had healed over time, someone also had her debarked.

    I can't understand why someone would do that to any animal. Our dog is small, why not give an animal away instead of abusing it.

    Does anyone agree that we need stricter laws to protect animals?

    Actually abusers of animals should get the same treatment they mete out to animals.
  2. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    Sticky subject.

    As the laws stand, I could serve more time in prison for stomping a litter of kittens to death then for killing my wife in her sleep.

    And if PETA had its way, we'd all be vegan and hugging chickens and cows... unless that upset the animals, because then we'd have to bow and pay them homage...

    In Christ,
  3. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Actually we have pretty strict laws on animal abuse. Ever watch those animal cops shows on animal planet? You can abuse a child and not get as much punishment as you could abusing a dog.
    We have a little dog named Rascal. My son lived with his grandmother a few months two summers ago and got Rascal then.( he soon moved back home) and brought rascal with him. My little dog had just died the week before. I did not want anything to do with Rascal, didn't want him near me.
    This little dog, all we can figure is that he was abused before my son got him. He was extremely shy, afraid is more like it. Would not play, would not allow anyone to love on him, much less love on anyone. He was a real mess. Well finally about two weeks later I let him in my room one day when my son was not at home because he looked so pitiful. A few days later he was on my lap in the living room, and a few days I was teaching him it was ok to be loved. Now that dog is definitely mine, he lays with me all the time, sleeps with me, prefers me. He now plays, and picks fights(playing) and loves on people. He is a super do, sometimes though you can still see the results of his abuse. Like when I get on to him for digging in the trash(or worse yet the couch), I try to be loving but firm. My husband said he has never seen anyone bring a dog out of the way he was caused by abuse.
  4. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    In what Trotter said, I think it matter what kind of abuse you are talking about. Pita thinks it is abuse to eat meat. I wouldn't take it that far, it's ridiculous. To them animals are an object of worship.
  5. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I dont think they worship animals! That's pushing it.
  6. TexasSky Guest

    It is unbiblical to abuse an animal.
    God made man caretakers of the animals.
    To use an animal for food or clothing, if it is necessary, is one thing. To express blatant violent cruelty is another.

    Yes, we need stricter laws against un-necessary cruelty.
  7. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Stricter laws? Yes, but abusing children not animals. Already you get more jail time for abusing a dog then a child. Seems priorities are out of wack.
    What would you call it when they focus on animals and make them more important then people, and even to the point of sacrificing human life for animals? their main focus in life is animals, it's almost all they do, they spend their time, money and effort on rescuing animals from meat eaters. They bow down to the created, not the creator.
    Sounds like worship to me.
  8. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    LOL, TexasSky, I don't think there is any 'necessary' cruelty, by definition! But no, we do not need stricter laws. Laws will not change people. We have tons of laws protecting animals now and some people could care less.

    We do rescue work with animals. Right now we have two horses who were badly used. Missy is 20 and was ridden into the ground in competitions and put away hot so many times she is almost lame now. She is a gorgeous animal, and so calm and trusting even after all that. She gets leg massages and wraps every night and 'Bute', a horse pain killer, twice a day. Yesterday morning I saw her actually galloping a bit and kicking up her heels like a young filly. I was stunned!

    Cameo is about 30. She was kept in a confined space so all she could do was turn circles. As a result, when we got her, most the muscles on her right side were atrophied. She had not had dental care and so had lost most of her teeth but could not close her mouth because of a 'snaggle tooth' which was quite long. She was at least 500 pounds underweight. Her ribs are disappearing now with a special mash feed that she can eat (she cannot eat hay as she cannot chew it with no teeth!) and she has a good, solid winter coat that is rich and soft. She loves being led along the street for her afternoon walks and her side is beginning to look normal.

    We have had a horse that we thought was old be only a three year old filly. But she looked horrid from the treatment she had gotten. We had one who was packed wrong and fell off a cliff during a pack trip, gouging out her shoulder.

    We had a dog that was due to be put down because her owners were getting a divorce. We had another dog whose chain had broken and he had caught in in a bush in the hills and was found so dehydrated he could not stand.

    I've sewn up the side of a king snake that was shot by a kid with a bb gun...

    Most animals are hurt due to neglect or stupidity or both. We cannot cure that in human beings. Some are hurt because of intentional cruelty or just lashing out at something weaker and more vulnerable than oneself. We cannot cure that, either. Only Christ can.

    But we can be here for the animals when we can in any way we can.

    Whether it's animals or people, we should stay aware of what is going on around us and try to do what we can when there is something we can do, to help.
  9. bruren777 New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Thanks Helen,
    When I get on my soap box about animal cruelty I can get very outspoken. A lot of animals are defenseless and people who harm animals need to be dealt with.

    As a child I was always bringing home injured wildlife and stray dogs and cats. I even brought home a dog one time and it turned out to be rabid. My mother told me no more stray animals, but that didn't stop me.

    Helen you mentioned child abuse, thats another soap box. Watch for my next post.
  10. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Oh no. You do realize, don't you, that Malteses hare part Vulcan? They are incredibly long lived. I have a Maltese male that just turned 16. He's a cutie, though. All he does is sleep all day. He is only active for about an hour every day. At his age, I'd be the same way

    He's so old that, every day before I leave for work, I check his pulse.
  11. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Yes, we need extremely tough laws against animal cruelty. A lot of those who abuse animals are simply working their way up to abuse people.

    We can have tougher laws against animal cruelty while having even tougher laws against crimes against people, especially children.

    This is not a zero sum game. We can be tougher on all crimes.
  12. TexasSky Guest

    Where do you people live?
    The laws here are MUCH stricter against child abuse than animal abuse.
  13. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    They probably don't mean the laws on the books but the enforcement of the laws on the books.

    Still, just because child abuse takes place is no reason to turn a blind eye to animal abuse.

    We should be tough on both kinds of cruelty.
  14. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I am all for stricter laws against abuse of domestic animals / pets. I think we need to be careful when it comes to farm animals and hunting.

    Joseph Botwinick
  15. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    You mean it's OK to abuse the farm animals who actually work for us? Or maybe it's OK to abuse (read wound for the fun of it or 'sport' of it) animals because they are not domestic?

    I don't get the logic here.
  16. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I don't think there's any disagreement that animals can be humanely used for burden, as in farm animals, and that appropriately slaughtering an animal for consumption is fine.

    Personally, I don't place greater moral value on my dog or fish than I do a cow or horse. Personal value, yes. But moral value no.
  17. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I did not say that. Don't put words in my mouth. All I am saying is that we need to be careful about laws that are targeted at farmers and hunters as it has been my experience that those laws tend to have a anti-farming and hunting bias to it that has nothing to do with actual abuse. They tend to define abuse rather loosely.

    Joseph Botwinick
  18. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Yes, when it comes to animals raised for profit/food. There's mass abuse in those situations, but beef cattle and future chicken nuggets just don't seem to strike the same chord in the human heart as Fluffy!

    I wonder if vets are mandatory reports.
  19. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    LOL, I wasn't putting words in your mouth; I was trying to determine what your mouth was saying!

    Sometimes what we call 'anti-farming' is actually anti-mass production, as in chickens being confined to very tiny cages their entire lives so all they can ever do is lay eggs and not move around. To me, that is cruelty. It is also unnecessary.

    Is that what you were talking about?