another little jewel

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by nodak, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    A few years back, for $1 at a garage sale, I got my favorite Bible.

    It is KJV (I am not KJVO so let's don't go there.)

    It is called the Christian Worker's Edition.

    Rather than study helps, it has a system of underlined chains that focus on salvation. Best witnessing tool I have ever seen.

    Anyone else have one of these? I believe the whole thing is out of print but may be available in the NT only?
  2. glfredrick New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I thought that I had a copy on my bookshelf, but I am mis-remembering. I probably ran across one in someone else's library. It is a good witnessing tool.

    Early on, when I still needed help in witnessing, I marked up my Bible with a series or numbers that lead through the plan of salvation, sort of a "turn to page XXX" deal, where the verses for a salvation plan were underlined.

    These days, all that is committed to memory, and I modify my witnessing encounters to deal with the worldview of the person to whom I am sharing.

    Also, I have found a "canned" presentation, such as EE, CWT, FAITH, etc., to be less than productive. We can no longer assume that our opening the Bible will actually matter in the initial witness encounter, as many people no longer give the Bible the weight or authority it deserves.

    On more than one occasion, I've been stopped cold with a statement like, "I don't give a care for your church or your Bible." At that point, we can either get Arminian and figure that we did not give a great "presentation" and therefore we did not convince the person, or we can get all Calvinistic, and imagine that that person was "not of the elect." In truth, neither may be right. It just may take a different approach, more time, more love and relationship, getting past a sticking point, etc., and using the Bible like a magic incantation, won't help to deal with those sort of issues.

    I expect, on this board, to get a little flack for my statement above, but I am a continuous evangelist who often sees people come to faith in the Lord, so I know that I am not off the wall in my approach in any means. I've built churches with the people that I have (with the Lord's grace!) evangelized.
  3. CF1 New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
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    The NT and Psalms version is available on

    Search for:

    KJV Christian Workers New Testament with Psalms
  4. nodak Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 9, 2008
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    Yes--I thought the NT was available.

    It isn't a canned witnessing tool like the Here's Hope NT can come across.

    With 17 topics and each topic having I would guess 20-50 passages marked, it is more likely to be used topically. If a person has a question you can find the answer by topic.
  5. BobinKy New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    I have a copy of the original Open Bible published by Thomas Nelson. It has (a) between the Testaments the section "The Christian Study Outlines and Notes," (2) underlined verses in New Testament to use for witnessing, and (c) "A Guide to Christian Workers" in the back of the Bible before the Concordance.

    I have used my Open Bible for many years. I really like it.
