Any 'major" Differences Between the TR/CT For A greek text?

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by JesusFan, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Thank you all for your advice and prayers. I have talked to my pastor and he said that he is not sure where he learned the "eth" issue from, but he will study it out and publically apologize if he's wrong. He said he had no intention of misleading anyone.
    I can't ask for more than that and I feel much better. We had a very good talk and everything is ok. :thumbs:

    The thought of leaving the church was really tearing me up, so I know it's not God's will that I leave.
    Thank you again. You have been so much help to me.
  2. Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    Sad situation with your pastor

    All I can do is give you some personal experience. My daughter and her husband got really involved in a Fundamental Baptist Church of which I had visited and heard sermons where the pastor threw in a statement like "That's from the KJV.", "If you don't beat your kids you are ungodly and don't love them. (His idea of beat, I believe is a razor strap, etc.). I joined the church in order to help my daughter out, but after some of the sermons he has preached lately I have been having problems with my decision. I grew up in SBC churches and they were all pretty conservative for their day and most still are. The Fundamental Preacher says all the SBC's are liberal and he took me out to eat and started questioning me at what the SBC's in town are up to and sadly, I realized he had no idea what they were doing, so his statements regarding the liberal preaching was all off.

    Then I got to hear Bible teaching where he used the KJV vs. the NIV to prove the KJV is right and the NIV is the "Non Inspired Version". Obviously, he really believes that without the KJV you cannot become saved. The sad thing is that this is off limits in a discussion with my kids, they take it as an attack on their church when I talk to them about translations. This preacher literally believes in kicking a person out of church if they use another Bible translation, if they are living in sin (and he sets the standards himself because he says the NT church didn't vote so the preacher calls it). I have watched him name people in what he called a business meeting and just say they are off the rolls because of the way they are living and the church doesn't hear any more. Well, why isn't somebody trying to help these people and give them support and bring them back into the flock. Last night he got into Calvinism and his reason that it is all corrupt and an abomination is because the Baptists that use it are saying that God has fore-knowledge and he admits that, but he says that God picks who is going to be saved and points to every verse such as John 3:16.

    Basically, my point is once they start reaching this stuff from Ripplinger (Who has taught my preacher that the logo on the NKJV is not a company logo but "666".) Once these people who are mostly fairly uneducated start hearing this stuff without another side, they become literally militant about it.

    I still attend, but it is becoming difficult. I have heard him say that people who are sick must be on the death bed or they are sinning for not attending church. I was exposed to some explosive chemicals and it absorbed through my skin in an accident and interacted with other medications I have to take for blood pressure. I had to stay in bed two weeks because Nitroglycerine (which is in a lot of booster chemicals) slows the heart as does the Beta blockers I was taking. I didn't get much of a welcome home when I returned last night.

    I guess all I can say is that once a preacher has bought into these deadly beliefs, they will spend all of their time fighting for those beliefs and although they preach soul-winning, the life-style comes first as related to these beliefs and it is my guess that you will end up having to leave if you are going to have peace, or keep you mouth shut and let them teach it. I have already been told by my daughter that she would appreciate it if I wait until my grandson is 18 ( he's now 7) before I should talk to him about translations. I bought him a nice KJV Bible and he was all excited because it was an expensive one with the thin paper and excellent binding. Interestingly, at 7 the first thing he asked was is it a "KJV" because that is The Bible.

    It is sad, but I honestly think that Satan is using these new attacks on good solid churches to make Christians just look dumber to the non-christian population; because it is quite embarassing for a visitor to come in from an SBC and leave after hearing one of these sermons. KJVO is brought up at least two to three times in every sermon and he quotes that the scripture he is reading is the true Word of God because it is from the 1611 (KJV). 1611 KJV is in their church logo symbol. He handed out 1611 editions that were printed without the notes or the Apocrypha to show the people nothing has changed except spelling. I doubt seriously if anybody read and did much comparison and certainly nobody mentioned the missing books.

    Lucifer's name is missing from all modern translations; though he doesn't tell you Lucifer is Latin for "Morning Star" or however it really is in the Hebrew.
  3. Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    I certainly hope he is serious and will be praying for you that it works out because I know the frustration you have gone through. It sounds like he just bought into some of the KJVO stuff and if he has any sense will also read some books about translation and the origin of the KJV. Our language changes and sometimes it will change so much that even the KJVer's cannot read their own Bibles. I did ask my grandson to quote John 3:16, then I asked him to explain every sentence one at time and he admitted he didn't have any idea what it was talking about. And he is one bright kid.
  4. Amy.G New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Oh Phillip, that church sounds horrible. I could not stay in that environment. I've talked to my pastor in the past about Riplinger and Ruckman also, and he agreed that they are both loons, so he's not coming from that side of the argument thankfully. I respectfully told him that I will continue to use my versions and explained why I believe they are just as much God's word as the KJV and said that I hoped we could just disagree in love. He actually does like the NASB, but still believes the KJV is the "most" accurate. That's fine with me as long as I am not criticized and ostracized for using it.
    We'll see what happens. I've been praying for God to have His way in this. Thank you for your post and support. :flower:
  5. JesusFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    key here to me is IF the pastor is either KJV only or perferred!

    Onlymeans that he views the 1611 KJV ONLY as being word of God in English to us today, while perferred is that it is seen as being best english version, others "adequate"

    IF KJV only, would leave right now
    IF perferred would make sure to use a KJV in church!