Any Youth helping in VBS this year?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by MissAbbyIFBaptist, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Always before the youth had a class at my church, but htis year we are doing everything else. We are either helping the teachers, in hte kitchen fixing supper, or working on the games outside.
    I've got nursery. So far I'm the only worker there. I have three babies for sure going to be in there, and visitors useualy bring their babies, and the crankey toddlers are sent to the nursery too. Oh I hope my friend Tabbie desides to help!
    Are any of ya'll working in VBS? What's ya'lls theme? We always do our own, and I don't know what it is yet! Besides I'm not sure what I can really do with a two year old, a one year old, and a newborn. Is it too early to start reading Bible sotries to them? If I did, maybe I can borrow some of the color sheets that go along with the lesson like our sunday school teachers use for the little ones.
    SO if you are working what are you doing? Are you going to teach a class all by yourself? I don't think I could, but I guess others could.
    ~Miss Abby
  2. Audrey <img src="

    Mar 27, 2002
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    We do our own themes as well, Abby, and this year, we're doing this jungle.. thing.

    Anyway, I'll be teaching 1st-2nd grade this year, with a couple of the high school girls helping out.
  3. UnashamedYouth New Member

    Sep 12, 2001
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    I created a thread on this I helped this year with 4 year olds
  4. TeenforChrist New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Im helping with vacation bible school.
    Im doing rec. (which is games and activites)
    and helping with the 2s and 3s :eek: .
    Are theme is set in London, its a mystery
    type thing. Its called the great kingdom caper.

    post more later
