Application of 1 Peter 5:1-4

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by PastorSBC1303, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I am preaching through the book of 1 Peter. This coming week I am at 1 Peter 5:1-4. I am interested in hearing thoughts on the best way to make application of this passage to the congregation seeing that it is addressed to elders.

  2. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Whenever I have preached it I have used the opportunity to remind people of the calling I am under. I'm not an errand boy or an employee at the whim of the church - I am a man of God. This is what my function is. This is my role. I don't serve because I "took up preaching" (I've heard people say that), but I am constrained and called.

    It's a good time to remind the people that, since the role of the elder is under such scrutiny, that the people have a role, too, and that's to make sure I can serve willingly and eagerly, as v. 2 says. Heb 13:7,17 are good points of reference.

    It's a good time to help people discern true and false shepherds. Here is a clear plumbline of the elder and a good standard for measuring his service.

    Notice that the glory of God is mentioned twice. Interesting, no? :) Could that be a reason why we serve? :)
  3. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Good thoughts Tom. Thanks. I definitely plan on hitting on those things.

    Would it be legitimate to also say that the people of God have the responsiblity to serve willingly and eagerly as they await the Chief Shepherd along side of us?
  4. TaterTot Guest

    I'm certainly no authority, but I think it would be fair to say that, SBC. Also, I am wondering if v. 5 might be a continualtion in the thought pattern Peter has in v.4. The "elder" (or overseer or shepherd) is to submit to the Chief Chepherd just as young mean are to submit to the older men in v. 5. That would definitely lend itself to more avenues for application for your church members, IMO.

    But then 5 runs into 6 and its hard to see a good diving line in the passage. Otherwise, unless you are preaching to "elders" I am not sure how this might apply personally to the average lay person.
  5. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Well, the text doesn't directly appeal to the laity. However, if the Great Shepherd is Shepherd of the Shepherds, if you will, is He not also Shepherd of the sheep? Thus, I'd make that as an indirect application if you will.

    Tater makes a good point about v. 5. vv 1-5 might be good instructions on how Pastor and flock are to relate to each other, and how all relate to the Chief Shepherd.

    As to how this applies, see my post above, Tater. This has application to non-elders, since it deals with the sacredness of the eldership and their role, function and calling. We need to hold high the eldership - far too many want to drag it low.
  6. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Verse 5 seems to connect with both 1-4, and 6-13. I think I am going to handle this by bringing it to light in both messages. I definitely think there is some legitimate application to be made from that verse along the same lines as Tom has suggested.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
  7. TaterTot Guest

    (Goodness, where's my spell checker...sorry for all those typos up there)

    Yeah, v. 5 seems pivotal there doesnt it? I think it definitely applies to your church leaders. Neat passage.