Are denominations and church splitting sinful?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by John Jacob, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. John Jacob New Member

    Apr 16, 2003
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    Philippians 2:2-"Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind."
    To the best of my understanding, this verse is telling all Christians to be of one mind and one accord. If all Christians were of one mind, then would there be any purpose for different denominations? Even if we interpret the Bible differently, we should still be of one mind and accord , in that, we are here to serve Jesus. That one similarity should be strong enough to keep us working together for His cause, and not arguing amongst ourselves about various doctrines. We shouldn't allow it to seperate us; and therefore, ultimately, hinder the cause and mission we have been given by our Savior Jesus Christ.
  2. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I think the answer is "yes" and "no".

    Jesus didn't come to earth to establish a new religion. He came to establish a new faith. Those are two different things. It is we on earth who have turned Christianity from a faith to a religion.

    OTOH, just as there are different ways to express one's faith, there are different denominations. Some denoms have broken from others out of protest, while others evolved over time to form their own traditions and expressions.

    Denominations in and of themselves are not a bad thing. What is dangerous to the faith is when one denominations believes itself to be better or greater than another. This happens al the time. We see two deminonations working together and accuse them of "ecuminism". We see a denomination and care more about their baptizmal methods than we to their ability to win and keep souls. We berate other denoms because they might have statues, or because they worship on Saturdays, or because their services go more than an hour, or because their women wear pants.

    Such attitudes divide the body of Christ, when we should be united.
  3. Tim New Member

    Mar 11, 2001
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    There are always two sides to these questions that divide us. To play off of JohnV comments, we see a church that believes it would be sending a wrong signal to cooperate with other particular denominations and we call them "paranoid separatists". We say all that matters is seeing people saved, other doctrines don't really matter. Practice worship in Catholic or Jewish ways (statues, Saturday worship)--what's the big deal? And why won't their women wear shorts and halter tops--what intolerant legalists!

    We naturally gravitate to those fellow Christians who share our beliefs and values on these and a host of other things. I'm not sure that's so bad. It's the attitude of superiority we have to watch out for.

    In Christ,

  4. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    From what I have observed when a church splits, there are usually two strong churches instead of one. The time of splitting may be unpleasant, but on the other hand two churches give more opportunities to the community than one. Here in town a hundred people from one church established another church. I think that was about 20 years ago. The second church is just as large and strong as the first one. The first one has gained those 100 members and more.

    I don't think it is always bad.
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I believe Christians should all get along; but what first came to my mind as I read the above quote was a 'One World Church'. That will never happen.

  6. Ernie Brazee <img src ="/ernie.JPG">

    Aug 17, 2001
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    This is a Baptist Board?????? :confused:
  7. Matthew 16:24 New Member

    Oct 25, 2002
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    Unfortunately, that old Serpent is up to his old tricks again, twisting scripture around just like he did in the garden of Eden and he tried the same trick with Lord Jesus, who of course did not fall for it.
    What I am getting at is, Satan is slowly twisting scripture around in today’s church to confuse and to separate believers. So, yes I believe we should not have any denominations. Baptist should be Baptist not IFB, SBC or the numerous other Baptist names out there.
    God is not the author of confusion, the Devil is.
    Just my opinion though.

    [ April 23, 2003, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Matthew 16:24 ]
  8. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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  9. Wygal New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    I don't think he was meaning a 'one world church', but I told him, when he posted this, that some people might think that, because that was also my first thought. (This is my son ). However, when he gets time to get back to the board, maybe he can elaborate more. He feels called to be an evangelist, and I think he can learn a few things from people here.
  10. Mitsy New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I actually believe having many denominations out there is not a bad thing. My background is Baptist, but I certainly don't subscribe to the concept that only Baptists are saved. There are many great churches out there and many are not Baptist. I think there needs to be many choices in order for many people to find the right church for them. This is not to say that I support ALL denominations' belief systems.

    Church splitting seems bad at the time, but oftentimes it is a result of someone being unwilling to compromise or seeing that it is time to move on. And there will always be the occasional trouble-maker in a church; that is a given really. I think that more choices allows for more people to find their place in the worship environment. After the dust settles, things usually work out for the best.
  11. Grasshopper Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Originally posted by Ernie Brazee:
    This is a Baptist Board??????


    I believe Ernie is saying that only those who think like him are true christians. And to fellowship with any one else is un-Baptist. Just a guess.
  12. John Jacob New Member

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I was not implying that we should have a one world church. I just meant that people of all Christian denominations should be able to work together in witnessing to the lost. If we as Baptists could work together with other denominations that believe in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation, we would be able to reach more people who still need to hear the Gospel.
    Hi mom. :D
  13. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    Right on. But it's kinda hard to do when you got people who will get their nose out of joint and run off and start another church because they can't agree where to put the water fountain. Reminds me of a joke. (Off to the clean humor forum)
  14. ras New Member

    Apr 24, 2003
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    From the beginning there was only ONE CHURH and unto this very day there is only ONE CHURCH. That church was formed during the ministry of CHRIST and recieved its power to carry out the great commision on the day of PENTECOST. The local church is a stem of the great missionary efforts of the apostolic era.What shows whether we are apart of that lineage is our doctrinal beliefs.(2 TIMOTHY 3:16) All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD,and is profitable for doctrine,for reproof,for correction,for instruction in righteousness: So we see that doctrine is important and yes it even divides.It divides those that are believing God`word from those that change God`s word to fit their own lifestyle.Most of the baptst faith are holding to the WORD of GOD,while others do not. I do believe that it is possible for people in other denominations that profess JESUS as the SON of GOD to be saved,however;their practices,standards,and some doctrines are contrary to the teachings of CHRIST and the early church. in chritian love
  15. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    So, ras, basically what you're saying is that if you ain't Baptist, you ain't goin' to heaven.
  16. LovesJesus New Member

    Mar 8, 2002
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    Interesting topic and question. Coincidentally, I was reading Second Chronicles today about the large gatherings that Hezekiah and Josiah had for feasts to show their obediance to the Lord. In one part, it said they had not been gathering enough people "as prescribed" and Judah (via Josiah) invited Israel to also worship with them.

    Maybe bigger is better?

    It does pain me sometimes that I don't feel closer to my brothers and sisters in other denominations and such. It does seem like a barrier that maybe the Devil himself would glory in.
  17. ras New Member

    Apr 24, 2003
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    Evidently you only read what you want to into what someone else writes. When you add any thing to the blood of CHRIST you have a mixture of the BLOOD and works.The only way to heaven is by the BLOOD of CHRIST.I said it is possible for people in other denominations to be BORN AGAIN,HOWEVER; they are not following the teachings of the BIBLE.I also said most BAPTIST for not all who proclaim to be BAPTIST hold to the teachings of the BIBLE.( DOCTRINES of CHRIST) IN CHRISTIAN LOVE
  18. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    This is the statement I was referring to.
    It looks like you're saying all other denominations are contrary to the teachings of Christ.

    But, thanks for clearing it up.