Are there any cat people here?

Discussion in 'Travel Forum' started by SueLyn, Dec 12, 2002.

  1. SueLyn New Member

    Aug 23, 2001
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    I don't know what to do, actually that's not truth, I know what I should do, but I'm just not sure I can do it yet.
    Fourteen years ago I got a tiny kitten from my aunt after begging and pleading with my husband for it. The only thing that finally changed his mind was the fact we had mice and were very unsuccessful at getting rid of them. ;) I named her Pandora because my cousin brought her to me in a shoe box. This tiny kitten soon found her way into my husbands heart, she knew which one she had to win over. Our children were still in grade school, except our oldest, she was only in jr. high, this cat could hear the school bus drop off the kids and she waited at the front door for them, she could also hear my husband's old diesel truck coming and she would be waiting at the door for him also. She would wrap herself around his boots, making sure her scent was left on them. ;)
    She soon got rid of our mouse problem, but she never actually would eat these mice. She would bring them to us after she caught them, dead of course. In the last fourteen years, thru three moves, adding two more cats to the household, and watching our children grow up and leave, there has always been Panda Cat. Now, she is fading, she has asthma and coupled with her age, she isn't doing so well even with the medication. I try to get as much of it as I can in her, but it is a battle. And in the past week, she hasn't been eating or drinking. She used to wait in the hall but still in the living room, for one of us to go the bathroom. She would run ahead of us to get in the bathroom with you, it was just one of her things, she wanted you to pet her if you were just going to be sitting there doing nothing, from her view point. ;) If she did this to guests, it really kind of freaked them out. Anyway, as I watch her, every day, growing worse, I know what I have to do. :( I've never had a cat for fourteen years. And no cat has ever became such a strong part of our family life. I don't know when I'll take her back to the vet, I know that I will not do it alone. I've never had an animal put to sleep, but I know that I can't stand to see her in such pain, as if she is being suffocated very, very slowly.
    Well, that's all, I guess I just needed to let it out somewhere. Thank you.
  2. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    We have 7 cats and 6 dogs in our home. I am not a cat person, but wife and I picked up two stray cats in our village. They had been wandering the streets for some time, so we picked them up and brought them home. One disappeared soon after, but the other had kittens.....6 of them, and we have them all.

    Three of our dogs are old, and starting to show the signs of the end. One dog has shown the early signs of kidney failure. We took him to veterinary with the thought that we wouldn't be bringing him home. The veterinary said the "magic" words, he is not in pain. He is eating and drinking and doing his bathroom duties. he will tell you when it is time.

    We brought him home and he is still going. We have put several dogs down and one horse over the years, and it is never easy. I think veterinary gave the clue though..not suffering, doing regular things, and he will let you know when it is time.

    We take our animals to veterinary, we say our cheerios and leave....the veterinary does the job at hand and disposes of the body. We have found this the best way. Our minds remember the pet as it was and do not have the memory of the animal falling off on our eyes.

    Cheers, and God bless you for caring for the animals that God gave us responsibility over. It is our duty to care for them......then let them go.

  3. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    My neighbor asked me if I like cats.
    "Yes, typically with a side of au juis" I replied.
  4. stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    It's hard to see a well-loved animal suffer. My cat, Miss Priss, lived with us for nearly 20 years before her kidneys failed and we went to the vet for the last time. Some people don't understand and say things like, "It's just a cat - what's the big deal," but we know. We know.
  5. SueLyn New Member

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Thanks Jim and Kelly, my very faithful friend is at my feet now, if I'm on the computer, she is laying on the floor under the computer desk. I'll have to wait until my husband's day off to take her to the vet. Thanks for understanding.

    John, you sound very much like my brother, until he had three daughters, that wrapped him around their fingers, last time I counted their cats, it was nine. ;) Of course, they are farm/outside cats, but well loved.
  6. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I have two daughters. They don't call me "Dad", they call me "Dadc'ni-havesummoney".

    I had a dog, but he went to that great kennel in the sky after severe arthritis.

    I have a bird. It's the most my condo can handle. She's a sweetie, though. She likes to cuddle with people.
  7. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    I am not a cat person.

    However, three stray kittens adopted by the wife and kids have consented to stay with us, at least until they find a better offer.

    One is currently perched on the top of the monitor taking a nap; if she's awake, she often likes to help with the typing. (Don't tell her, but she's not very good at it.)

    We also have three dogs, two chihuahuas (don't ask, gifts from the in-laws) and a holy terrier.

    A few years ago, our long-time pet, a dachshund mix, had to be put to sleep because of a chronic illness. She was suffering; we put it off, but finally there was nothing else to do. I sat with her for a few minutes until the vet came in and administered the injection (I couldn't stay in the room the entire time.) He wrapped her up and I brought the body home and buried it.

    I miss her often, but I have never regretted the decision.
  8. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Yes Sue, cat person here.
    Cats and kids are drawn to me, it's strange, lol. I had a cat I loved very much, (her name was Beautiful) and I had to have her put to sleep. She wasn't even really sick, she just hated everyone but me. I had to have her declawed, all four paws because she was more than mean to everyone but me, but then she'd bite them. I had to move and wasn't allowed to take her with me, and she couldn't survive on her own declawed, but wouldn't go to anyone else. (even the vet feared her, lol) So, it had to be done. First time I cried or understood how close we can get to our pets!
    Now, we have a cat named Jake. The owners tried to get him when they moved out, but he hides from them and they can't catch him. He snuggles with me though, and comes when I call him, but I don't have the heart to break his trust by handing him over. LOL. So they can keep coming over occasionally and trying, I'm not letting out a peep.
    Anyhow...pets can be so precious. I know it's hard, but you have your memories. Make a little scrapbook of memories, take a picture of her now for it. Then take her in so she doesn't have to suffer anymore.
  9. Speedpass Active Member
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    Feb 14, 2002
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    I don't have any, but I sure do love them Especially when they lie on their back, roll over, and show off their tummies.
  10. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Everyone knows Dogs are better than cats!

    Dogs show the mirror image of God's unconditional love. Don't believe me? What's Dog spelled backwards???
  11. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Backwards? goD. Shows all dogs are mormon with their backwards logic. The one true God never spells his name with a lower case G!
    Catz rool, dogs drool. ;)
  12. tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Its true you spell god backward and you get dog... I have three cats and they really don't care and keep reminding me dogs think they are gods but we know we are... Then they bring up that Egyptian worship thing!... I would argue but then they break out the book and who am I to argue with history?... I wait on them hand and foot they must be!... Brother(slave to three cats)Glen
  13. Jeff Weaver New Member

    Oct 10, 2001
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    Now. Bro. Glen. We are going to have our first disagreement. ;) Dogs rule and cats just stink. Ok, I'll admit it, I have an alergy to cats, and I can't stand the smell of them. Now, our dog would love to have one for a playmate. My uncle's cat had kittens a couple of months back, and Pip thinks she should be their mother. Funniest thing you ever saw, a daschund carrying a kitten around in its mouth, gently, and giving it a tounge bath. :D

    Seriously though, there are very few animals I don't like.


    [ December 12, 2002, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Jeff Weaver ]
  14. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    What does an agnostic, dyslexic insomniac do?

    Stays up all night and wonders if there really is a Dog.

    My wife tells me I'm a cat person, but I don't think so. OTOH, I was out tonight taking photos of Christmas lights and met a black-and-white cat who not only posed but followed me across the street ... on two occasions.

    Bro. Glen is right about the Egyptian cat worship thing. I have to make sure they don't watch A&E because they are SO hard to live with when their natural inclinations are reinforced.
  15. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I have two cats, but I wouldn't call myself a cat lover. I like them, though.
  16. stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    My father never thought he was a cat person, either. Until our cat (who'd been living with my grandparents) came to live with us. He still tried to pretend he didn't like cats, but he does. He loved her, and he loves my Clio. When we go visit (yes, I take my cat with me any time I'm going to be gone more than one night - I know, I know, it's pathetic), he spends more time on the floor playing with her then he spends on the sofa talking to me! He's already bought her umpteen presents for Christmas, and every time we go, he's got more and more toys for her. Some are still in the packaging, he's bought so many over the past year!

    But he's like the Pied Piper anyway - animals and children just love him. When he's out in the yard, the bunnies and chipmunks all follow him around. He swears they glare at him for putting out bunny, chipmunk and squirrel deterrent around his plants! But I think they just like him because he plants all sorts of good stuff for them to eat (strawberries last season, cucumbers the season before).

    I love my baby Clio (who's really not a baby anymore - she's a 13 pound queen!). She sleeps on my bed with me (and sometimes hogs the bed - how a cat can hog a double bed, I'll never know), and is such a good girl . . . she hardly ever scratches the sofa anymore (although one of my chairs is pretty much ruined because of her). But I love her. She keeps me company, and whenever I'm somewhere overnight and she's not around, I miss having her jump on the bed as soon as the lights go out.
  17. Dave Bussard New Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    I love catfish. Does that count?
  18. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I have always had cats...ever since I was a little girl... I have two toms now. I have never had to put an animal to mother did make me give my dog and her new puppies to the pound though..and thinking about it still makes my throat tighten. I didn't know that they automatically put animals to sleep that are brought in by their's not the same for strays...they are given a waiting period in which they can be adopted.

    I think it's a good idea if you think you should do this to not do it alone. I'ts an emotional thing that you shouldn't have to bare by yourself.

    [ December 13, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: WisdomSeeker ]
  19. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    stubbornkelly said:

    Because cats are like Visa -- they're everywhere you want to be.
  20. SueLyn New Member

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Thank you everyone, you are all so kind. ;) Today my husband only worked six hours, so he was home by two, he drove us to the vet. The vet believed old Panda Cat probably had cancer, so we stayed with her until the pain shot had put her out and then the vet asked us to leave, and she brought her out to us when it was over. I had to take her home, one son always has to have closure, he would want to see where we laid her. I've had many, many different pets and saying good bye is never easy.

    Before my husband was lucky enough to find me, :D he had never had animals of any kind in his life. When we returned home, I knew he was very sad and had shed a tear or two. He even made a marker for her grave. ;) And he told me he had no idea it would be this difficult.

    We still have two cats and one Chihuahua. I watched a program once that said the cats seen in Egypt may have actually been Chihuahuas. Whatever! :D