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Featured Armageddon & 7 The Last Plagues & Millennium & New Heaven and New Earth

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alofa Atu, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    ??? Not sure why this was quoted in response to the texts cited you, showing that there were sacrifices before Noah.

    Hebrews 11 is speaking about physical worlds, what we would call planets., see also Hebrews 1:2, as it deals with things which are "seen", and not matters spiritual. Therefore I could not disagree with your presentation more, as it is a misuse of the text.

    Several things here:

    [1] the "Lord's Day" is not the millennium. The "Lord's day" (Rev. 1:10) is the 7th day. The "Day of the LORD" is the Millennium. The two phrases are differing, yet related, though not the same.

    [2] Not sure why you cited this passage in response to what I shared about sacrifice before Noah.

    Several things here also:

    [1] the Jews as a nation were punished in the destruction of Jerusalem.

    [2] the Pharisees, Sanhedrin and Highpriest will indeed receive a special resurrection (Daniel 12:2; Revelation 1:7, etc) to face Jesus in person as He comes in glory.

    [3] I pray you are not teaching that Cain was a physical descendant of Lucifer (ie blood, seed and flesh), and are merely speaking of spiritual matters.

    [4] Cain was not born a devil. Cain was born with fallen flesh nature, but God was clear that he could have had victory over it (Genesis 4:7)

    More than the "144,000" will be saved. Their purpose is unique, true, but they will not be the only ones delivered. Most have a great misunderstanding on them, in relation to the other number "heard", the "200, 000, 000".
  2. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Actually I was referring to Gen.3:v.21 you have posted: - Gen 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

    And I quoted Revelation 12: v.1 because even now, having passed about 6.000 years after Adam, and also the end of the sixth Day (behold, we have just entered the first century of the seventh and last Day), again the Most High and Almighty has prepared a special garment for a special woman, in accord the revelation.

    Brother, let us study more deeply the matter. See, you are saying from your own it is speaking about physical worlds, but it is not what the Word of God says, as follows:
    Hebrews 11:v.3 - Through faith we understand that the WORLDS were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen (you said physical worlds as planets???) WERE NOT MADE of things WHICH DO APPEAR.

    In my understanding, the physical worlds - the planets - according you have interpreted, they ARE really MADE EXACTLY of things such as THEY DO APPEAR, of course . What you said it is contrary of what the Word of God says. For me, Truth is the Word of God.
    Moreover, for further clarification and to get in the way of the true interpretation of the things revealed by our God, when our Lord Jesus Christ said in Luke 20: v.35-36
    35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain THAT WORLD, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

    What JESUS meant in Luke 20:35-36 about to be worthy to enter in the WORLD to come and the resurrection of the dead, He was not speaking of creation a NEW PLANET evidently, but of the Kingdom of God that will be established here on Earth in this
    millennium, the millennium of Christ, the seventh and last millennium or seventh and last Day. By the way, the world of the Devil, the presente satanic world, is already being DEMOLISHED and punished severely under the manifestation of God's wrath, in fulfilment His righteous Judgment . Peter, the Apostle, wrote: 2Pe3:v.7-8 & 12-14 :

    7 - The heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same Word are kept in store, reserved UNTO FIRE against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

    8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one Day.

    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of God, wherein the heavens (the 1st and the 2nd heavens) being on FIRE shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

    13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

    14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

    John 2:v.28 - And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at his coming.-
  3. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    My concern with all readers in this Christian forum is the manifestation of God's Truth.
    The ascention of JESUS into heaven happened in the end of the 4th Day and beginning of the fifth Day or around 33AD.

    At that time God the Father had yet two days of the six days for to work and to complete His works planned to make them until the end of the sixth Day.

    What did happen really after the ascention of JESUS to the heaven (by the way the 3rd heaven), exactly in the end of the fourth Day or two thousands years ago and beginning of the fifth Day?
  4. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Non Baptist Christian
    My concern with all readers here in this Christian forum, among others, is the manifestation of God's Truth.

    The ascention of JESUS into heaven happened in the end of the 4th Day and beginning of the fifth Day.

    What did happen really after the ascention of JESUS to the heaven (by the way the 3rd heaven), exactly in the end of the fourth Day or two thousands years ago, and beginning of the fifth Day?

    First He - JESUS - did sit at the right hand of the Father. As all Christians know, the Omniscient, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God had planned since the beginning that His rest would be in the 7th and last Day, that is the 7th and last millennium. By the way, God had planned also since the begining to RESTORE all things in this last millennium or last Day
    (Acts 3:v.19-24), known as the time of end, called also time of Apocalypse, exactly in this millennium that started recently and in which we are living.

    The sealed book was with God the Father, written within and without and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woes as was seen by the prophet. Check out it in Ezekiel 2:v.10

    JESUS received the sealed book from the Father to reveal its content, whose content did reveal all things to happen in this last Day, i.e in this last millennium that is the millennium of Christ, the end of the time. So, most of the content of the book would happen in the seventh and last Day exclusively. This book would be the last of the Bible, the book of Apocalypse. .

    The sealed book was with God the Father and He gave it to JESUS. The next step was with JESUS in breaking the seven seals revealing the content of the book unto His people describing all things to John by a strong angel, actually an Archangel, whose things would happen in this last period of a thousand years, that is the Lord's Day, the seventh and last Day, or the seventh and last millennium, in which we are living.

    I would like to remember you and all that John was caught up TWICE, firstly John was caught up and brought from the first century to the twenty-first century, that is this seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium in which we are living, the Lord's Day(Rev. 1:v.10), and after this John was caught up again, now from the Lord's Day or from this present time, to the third heaven (Rev.4:v.1), right?

    Believe you and all or not, John made mysteriously a travelling through the time(from around 95BC) and in the space, even unto this seventh and last Day, Apocalypse's or Lord's Day , or seventh and last millennium, by the way , something similar to the rapture of Philip from the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza to the place called Azotus- Acts 8:v.39-40. After this John was caught up out of the environment of the Lord's Day, Apocalypse's Day, after have written the chapters1-to3, and he was brought within the environment of the 3rd heaven as a host, after have being caught up again from the Lord's Day, where he was before.

  5. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Non Baptist Christian
    My concern with all readers here in this Christian forum, among others, is the manifestation of God's Truth.

    The ascention of JESUS into heaven happened in the end of the 4th Day and beginning of the fifth Day.

    What did happen really after the ascention of JESUS to the heaven (by the way the 3rd heaven), exactly in the end of the fourth Day or two thousands years ago, and beginning of the fifth Day?

    First He - JESUS - did sit at the right hand of the Father. As all Christians know, the Omniscient, and Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God had planned since the beginning that His rest would be in the 7th and last Day, that is the 7th and last millennium. By the way, God had planned also since the begining to RESTORE all things in this last millennium or last Day
    (Acts 3:v.19-24), known as the time of end, called also time of Apocalypse, exactly in this millennium that started recently and in which we are living.

    The sealed book was with God the Father, written within and without and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woes as was seen by the prophet. Check out it in Ezekiel 2:v.10

    JESUS received the sealed book from the Father to reveal its content, whose content did reveal all things to happen in this last Day, i.e in this last millennium that is the millennium of Christ, the end of the time. So, most of the content of the book would happen in the seventh and last Day exclusively. This book would be the last of the Bible, the book of Apocalypse. .

    The sealed book was with God the Father and He gave it to JESUS. The next step was with JESUS in breaking the seven seals revealing the content of the book unto His people describing all things to John by a strong angel, actually an Archangel, whose things would happen in this last period of a thousand years, that is the Lord's Day, the seventh and last Day, or the seventh and last millennium, in which we are living.

    I would like to remember you and all that John was caught up TWICE, firstly John was caught up and brought from the first century to the twenty-first century, that is this seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium in which we are living, the Lord's Day(Rev. 1:v.10), and after this John was caught up again, now from the Lord's Day or from this present time, to the third heaven (Rev.4:v.1), right?

    Believe you and all or not, John made mysteriously a travelling through the time(from around 95BC) and in the space, even unto this seventh and last Day, Apocalypse's or Lord's Day , or seventh and last millennium, by the way , something similar to the rapture of Philip from the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza to the place called Azotus- Acts 8:v.39-40. After this John was caught up out of the environment of the Lord's Day, Apocalypse's Day, after have written the chapters1-to3, and he was brought within the environment of the 3rd heaven as a host, after have being caught up again from the Lord's Day, where he was before.

  6. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Oh yes, Israel was banished from their land from the year 70 to 1948, 1878 years of severe punishment and plagues, as described by Moses in Deuteronomy 28: v.15-68, so 53 verses of great and harsh punishments in fulfillment of the Word of God. God given to Moses. See, Israel had killed all true prophets sent by God and left alive the false prophets, messengers of Devil, which walked freely among the people, to make them to worship their false gods, horrend idols, and refused the true God of Israel, the God of their fathers. The worse is that they crucified the true messiah, the only Son of God, JESUS Christ, they rejected Jesus instead of Barabbas, an evil man, a demon. Consequently they were punished as is written: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    The return of the nation of Israel to Palestine was allowed by God for manifesting their false messiah even now at the end of time, the Beast that comes from the earth - land of Israel - and has two horns similar to those of a lamb (a false lamb, a false messiah), but he speaks as Dragon, Satan himself incarnate, a former cherub, the man of sin, the son of perdition. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they ALL might be DAMNED (except the sealed 144.000) who believed not the truth (believed not in JESUS) , but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    Oh yes, only and only the true Israelites will be saved, only the 144,000 sealed will be saved, all the others will believe the ESOTERIC/SPIRITIST/KABBALISTIC false messiah and they will be dragged by the false messiah, the incarnate Satan himself, an ex cherubim, the son of perdition and these will be lost for ever, together the resurrected false prophets of the OT and all idilaters and worshippers of idols.

    Daniel 12:v. 2 - And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. This prophecy of Daniel will fulfil LITERALLY in this seventh and last millennium or seventh and last Day. There will not escape, by no manner of means.
  7. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    It is written: 2Cor.13:v.8 - We can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth.

    1John 3:v.10-12 -
    10 In this the children of God are manifest,
    and the children of the Devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

    11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

    12 Not as Cain, who was of that Wicked one (of the Devil, now the Red Dragon), and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

    John 8:44 - Ye are of your FATHER the Devil, and the lusts of your FATHER ye will do.

    Matthew 23:v. 33-36
    33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers (sons of Devil, serpents, generation of vipers), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

    34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

    35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

    36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
  8. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    From the twelve tribes of Israel, only and only the sealed 144.000 will be saved, by the way, a remnant, as says the Word of God, 12.000 of each tribe of Israel, as follows:

    Revelation 7:v.4-8
    4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

    5 Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand.

    6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand.

    7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand.

    8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand.
    Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.
  9. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Jesus is Israel.

    To begin with, Jesus Christ is the true Israel, the anti-type, the Israel that is not the type as Jacob was.

    Jesus is Israel (Matthew 2:13-15; Hosea 11:1; his children are his disciples; Hebrews 2:13; Isaiah 8:16,18; John 13:33), the true "overcomer" (John 16:33; Revelation 3:21), the real "Prince" with God (Isaiah 9:6; Daniel 8:11,25, 9:25, 10:13,21, 11:22, 12:1; Acts 3:15, 5:31; Revelation 1:5), being Lord over His own house, whose house are we (Psalms 98:3; Hebrews 3:6; Jeremiah 31:33), who himself is the "elect" (Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18; 1 Peter 2:6) of the Father, in whom all the promises of God find their realization (2 Corinthians 1:20). The promises made by God were all based upon condition (Exodus 19).

    Mat 2:13-15; Hos 11:1; Jer 31:33; Rom 9:6-8; Heb 2:13; Isa 8:16,18; Jhn 13:33, 16:33, 17:12, 18:9, 21:5; 1 Cor 15:46; 2 Cor 1:20; Gal 6:16; Heb 3:6, 8:8,10; Rev 3:21

    'Israel' "after the flesh", as a 'nation', is left desolate (Matthew 23:38; Luke 13:35), to bear no more fruit ever again (Matthew 21:19), cursed, withered away (Mark 11:21), dried up from the roots (Mark 11:20), "twice dead" (Jude 1:12), and the axe already laid at their root (Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9), cut down and to be thrown into the fire.
  10. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Yes, spiritually speaking. in matters of character, mind and heart, not physical (genes) descendancy.

    See also the following for “sons”, “children”, “father” of the good, etc:

    Genesis 6:2,4; Deuteronomy 14:1; 2 Samuel 7:14; Isaiah 8:18, 9:6, 63:16, 64:8; Hosea 1:10; Matthew 5:9,45 6:9; Luke 3:38, 6:35,36, 11:2, 20:26; John 1:12, 11:52, 12:36; Romans 1:7, 8:14,16,17,19,21, 9:8, 9:26 [citing Hosea 1:10 KJB]; 1 Corinthians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 1:2, 6:18; Galatians 1:4, 3:26, 4:6,7; Ephesians 5:1; Philippians 1:2, 2:15, 4:20; Colossians 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 3:11,13; 2 Thessalonians 1:1,2, 2:16; Titus 1:4; Philemon 1:3; Hebrews 2:10,13 [citing Isaiah 8:18 KJB], 12:7,9; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 1:3, 3:1,2, 5:2.

    See also the following for the “sons”, “children”, “father” of the evil, etc.:

    Genesis 3:15; Matthew 13:38; John 8:42,44; Acts 13:10; Romans 6:16, 9:8; Ephesians 2:2, 5:6; Colossians 3:6; Hebrews 12:8; 1 Peter 3:19 [compare to Psalms 142:7; Isaiah 42:6,7, 61:1; Luke 4:18 KJB], 3:20; 1 John 3:8,10,12, 4:4,5,6,7,8.
  11. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    No. The Ten Tribes of the north, were "Israel", while the southern was "Judah" The Ten Tribes were long before AD 70 carried off into Assyria and replaced by Assyrians, etc.

    The people in the middle east today are a mixture of blood, such as the Ashkenazic line. 1948 has nothing to do with Bible prophecy timelines in Daniel, Revelation or other. That is all Jesuit futurism - The Catholic Origins of Futurism and Preterism

    If we consider the word "Israel" on the wider scope, it still fails:

    Again: 'Israel' "after the flesh", as a 'nation', is left desolate (Matthew 23:38; Luke 13:35), to bear no more fruit ever again (Matthew 21:19), cursed, withered away (Mark 11:21), dried up from the roots (Mark 11:20), "twice dead" (Jude 1:12), and the axe already laid at their root (Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9), cut down and to be thrown into the fire.
  12. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Is not referring in context to an eschatological day (7,000th year), but to a natural day, the 7th day (Gen 2:1-3; Exo 20:8-11; Isa 58:13; Mark 2:27, etc).

    Rev 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
    Rev 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

    John gives the location, and then the time. Nothing eschatological about it.

    The Lord's day is simply the 7th day of the week. The "Day of the LORD" is totally differing in the koine Greek and so also the Hebrew. They are related, but not the same thing:

  13. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Revelation 1:10, says nothing about being "caught up". This is imagined into the the text.

    Revelation 4:1, is John seeing into the Holy Place (vs 5), from the Courtyard of the earth (Patmos, Rev. 1). Thus the "door".

    Revelation 3:7-8 refers to the moving into the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place (thus the doors) by Father and Son, as Daniel speaks of, Daniel 7:13,22.
  14. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    This is a good thought. I agree.
  15. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Sorry, did not you understand what JESUS said in my post? He said that only and only the SEALED 144.000 of Israel will be saved, i.e. 12.000 of each tribe of Israel, these are the remnant of the people that will be saved in this present time. Revelation 7:v.4-8
  16. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    You are saying that. To discern what really happened with John you need to have the Spirit of Christ, otherwise you will say the same things the ministers of Satan say (2Cor,11:v.13-15) What prevails is the Word of God. The Word is God, understand?

    John was really caught up TWICE, firstly he was caught up and BROUGHT FROM THE FIRST CENTURY to the twenty-first century, that is THIS seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium IN WHICH WE ARE LIVING, that is the Lord's Day (Rev. 1:v.10).

    Having been brought here in this time of Revelation, the seventh and last Day, the Lord's Day, or seventh and last millennium, John heard behind him a great voice like a trumpet, it was the voice of the archangel Michael who spoke to him, under the command of JESUS to tell John all the things that should happen in this time, and will happen from now on. Actually it is already happening in fulfillment of all that was revealed, for example, the present destruction of the Devil's world that still exists. Revelation 11:v.18

    Believe you and all or not, John made mysteriously a travelling through the time and in the space, from around 95BC unto this seventh and last Day, Apocalypse's or Lord's Day, or seventh and last millennium, by the way , something similar to the rapture of Philip from the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza to the place called Azotus- Acts 8:v.39-40, and being here John spake with the Archangel Michael, even he who will now cast down Satan from heaven into the earth, and after into the bottomless pit.

    LATER John was caught up AGAIN unto a higher place, yeah, now from the Lord's Day where he was FIRST unto the 3rd heaven, the 3rd heavenly place (Rev.4:v.1), right?

    For better understanding, John was caught up out of the environment of the Lord's Day, Apocalypse's Day, Having written the chapters1-to-3, he was brought within the environment of the 3rd heaven as a host, being caught up from the Lord's Day, where he was before.

    What prevails is the Word of God. The Word is God, understand?
  17. Oseas3

    Oseas3 Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    By the Word of God given unto the Apostle Peter , you are wrong completely. Peter Apostle said: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one Day.

    If you want to ignore the Word of God, ignore it.
  18. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Peter was referring to the days of Creation and the promise of the New Heavens and New Earth from there. 7,000 years.

    John in Revelation 1:10, speaking of the "Lord's day" is not referring to the Millennium, as John is in the Spirit "on the Lord's day", and it does not say that John was in the millennium by vision from the Spirit. The entire book of Revelation, beginning in Revelation 1, shows much more than the final millennium for this present world. Revelation 2-3 covers the entire period of Christian history from Pentecost to the end.

    "The Lord's day" is the natural 7th day (first the natural), while the final millennium (7th 1,000 years; then the 'spiritual' antitype 7th day) is the greater "Day of the Lord", and the two terms are not the same in the koine Greek.

    The "Lord's day" according to scripture, is the 7th day, the sabbath day of the Lord.

    Genesis 2:1-3 - 'the seventh day', 'God'

    Exodus 16:3 - "to morrow [the seventh day] is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD'

    Exodus 16:25 - 'to day [the seventh day]; for to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day'

    Exodus 20:8-11 - 'the sabbath day', 'the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God'

    Exodus 31:15 - 'the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD ... the sabbath day'

    Exodus 35:2 - 'the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD'

    Leviticus 23:3 - 'the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD'

    Deuteronomy 5:14 - 'the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God'

    Psalms 92:1 - 'A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD'

    Isaiah 56:6 - 'Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant' (context new covenant)

    Isaiah 58:13 - 'the sabbath ... my [LORD's] holy day ... the holy [day] of the Lord'

    Isaiah 66:23 - 'one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD'

    Jeremiah 17:21 - 'saith the LORD... on the sabbath day'

    Matthew 12:8 - 'the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day'

    Mark 2:28 - 'the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day'

    Luke 6:5 - 'the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath [day]'

    Revelation 1:10 - 'the Lord's day'​
  19. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    The "day of the Lord" is the return of Jesus. It can occur on any day.
  20. Alofa Atu

    Alofa Atu Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Yes, as it is the period of time called the millennium, for the second advent is its beginning (heaven passes away) and the 3rd advent its ending (earth passes away).

    It cannot occur on 'any' day. It cannot occur today, or even tomorrow. There are events of prophecy that must yet be fulfilled and thus cannot take place until those take place. It is soon though by the signs and events even now transpiring. The exact time is known to God, and won't be known by us until after probation closes and just before Jesus' is seen coming in the clouds of angels when the voice of God the Father speaks it from Heaven.