Army teaching EEOC officers to "beware of the 'white male club' "

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by thisnumbersdisconnected, Oct 31, 2013.

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    Apr 11, 2013
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    The course material relies heavily on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which recently came under fire for providing materials to another military course, this one on terrorist training, identifying conservative and fundamental Christian groups and churches as "extremists." The EEOC course goes so far as to include a 20-page section on "white privilege," stating at one point that "Whites are the empowered group. Whites represent the 'haves' as opposed to the 'have-nots.' "

    Plus, it apparently takes a page directly from the race-industry ilk of Sharpton and Jackson: "Assume racism is everywhere, every day," and "One of the privileges of being white is not having to see or deal with racism all the time. We have to learn to see the effect that racism has."

    Now, I know you-know-who and his cohort (if he ever dares return to the BB) will instantly jump all over this and cry "foul" that I disparage a "valid teaching" in the course. Utter nonsense. For one thing, take that last statement in quotes int he last paragraph. Ask yourself: If racism was truly present, and evident, would you really have to "learn to see it"?