As a lay person what would you do?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Thinkingstuff, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    My thoughts are very clearly defined about a situation like this one. I keep things like finances, personal relationships within the family, what my kids got into, or any other such prime movers for jaw flapping in the church as many light years away as I can. That would include details about my job, my wife's job, or my children's jobs. If I ever need prayer of the church, I will ask for it, and from experience, probably in a vague way. There are way, way too many people who use the mask of being concerned about someone's situation for prayer and edification, that use the information as an entertainment time for gossip in remote corners of the church.

    This seems to be an element of most any church, and I cannot quite pinpoint why. Even where I just retired from, the same information amongst workers would be kept much quieter and with much less talk. It seems to me it should be just the opposite.
  2. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    If it were me, I would go to the individuals doing all the talking and tell them to stop and stop now, as tactfully as the Lord would allow. If they did not, I would take a deacon or the pastor and request it again. If that fails, since we are talking about business meetings, bring up a motion to have the offending person disfellowshipped for gossip. It is a sin listed in the Bible as much as adultry and drunkedness. If one or two examples were made, I bet it would stop.
  3. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I don't have any solution but I will give you my opinion about how the staff on a church should function. If a member of the staff cannot get along with the head pastor he should leave unless the head pastor is guilty of misconduct.
  4. Jkdbuck76 Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2007
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    ^^^What he said. The Lord was VERY VERY clear on how we are to handle problems with our brothers and sisters. Too bad nobody does it!

    I've watched our church. When The Big Brouhaha hit, I had several people leave and one of them told one of my deacons that she hoped he dropped dead. Wow! How's that for Christian love!? Cooler heads should prevail, but when Satan gets in there, they don't.

    And instead of going to their brother or sister and handling it the right way, they get mad and leave. People love to get mad and leave. And they think that they are somehow getting even with the people at the church. When a person "gets mad and leaves" without God's OK, then they can expect to spend some time behind His wood shed.

    That is why we have to pray for those who offend us because they are going to go to God's wood shed.

    I mean, the church is so much bigger than us! It existed before us. It will exist after we die. It does not belong to us. He paid a price for the church that we will never truly fathom. Yet people bring harm to the church without really thinking about what I just said.

    OP, I'm sorry you're caught in this. It is probably time for you to get mad and leave. :tonofbricks:
  5. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Matthew 18 is for very serious sins and offenses, not light and transient ones. Gossip for the most part is a mere irritation, and unless it has the potential of permanent damage to one's reputation and standing in the community, it's to be ignored. Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile—you know—respond as you would have others respond to you.
  6. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    What if you brought this up during a business meeting, or at the end of a regular service? Maybe you should give your pastor a heads up that it's coming. If he says you shouldn't, don't do it. But otherwise, you could say something like:

    "Brothers and sisters I'm concerned about the dissension in our congregation. I cannot believe it is of God. Unresolved conflict will kill this church.

    I have avoided taking sides in all this, and still don't want to be part of any church fight. But I want you to know this. I stand with my pastor. God called him here, and he called not a single one of you to be pastor.

    I call on every one of you in this church to examine yourself to see if you are contributing to the conflict, and thus aiding Satan himself. Satan has invaded our body, and I would be in fear that my actions my help him do his demonic work.

    I don't care which side you are on. I call on all of us to repent and ask for forgiveness, and seek reconciliation with each other.

    The only reason I can see for chaos in a church is if there is heresy being taught and preached. Since this is not the case, it's now a question of power. Are any of you really willing to tear this church apart just for the sake of getting your way.

    There are many here who have no dog in this fight. They want to worship and fellowship in peace, and if they can't find it here, they'll go where they can. And I may be one of them.

    In the meantime, my pastor gets the benefit of the doubt, and gets my loyalty."

    Maybe this won't work But it won't get any better by ignoring it or trying to stay above it. So I'm just throwing it out there for everybody to chew on or shoot at.
  7. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I would do my best to ignore these members who are stirring up discord. If someone were to come to me with a rumor, I would tell them that I suggest we get together with this person and discuss it. If they did not want to do this, I would tell them I did not want to hear what they had to say.
  8. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Gossip is not a mere irritation. It destroys lives, reputations, and divides churches in half. There are enough problems in themselves. We as flawed humans rank sin. While you might find gossip a mere irritant, and say gambling or drinking a grevious sin, the poison out of a gossip's mouth can cause as much damage as anything else. Try reading James 3:8. If that does not convince you, try Proverbs 6:17 or 19. Try Jude 19. Who do you think the whisperers and backbiters are in Romans 1:29-30? What do the words of the Lord in Matt 15:11 say? What are dissensions in Gal 5:20? Doesn't one of the Ten Commandments relate to gossip, something like false witness? Does the second great commandment relate? No sir, it is not a mere irritation. These are verses just off the top of my head. No doubt there are ones about those who cause dissension within the fellowship.
  9. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thanks for the replies. This is what I think. In the gospel of John it speaks of Jesus not giving himself over to men because he didn't need anyone to witness to him of what men are like he already knew. I view that verse to mean that People in Jersusalem loved Jesus because of the Miracles and things they heard. I'm sure they would have created a faction of followers to him much like Hillel and Shemmai. And because he would have a faction people would begin to tell Jesus about all the things they were dissatisfied in other factions in Jerusalem at that time. In otherwords he would be baraged by gossip and the evils of other men. Also the likelyhood of betrayal was high. Jesus knew this and didn't need a witness to mens evil, and betrayal. He already knew. I know if I go public with these issues I will become the common enemy for pointing it out. I know if I confront these gossipers and discenters I will continue to be their "enemy" and further things will be said whether factual or not. I know there is a jocking for power and some want only their POV to be furthered rather than an equitable hearing. So any decision I make to confront the issue will further add fire to the flames in this mess. I have a family that will suffer by any action I may take about these issues. And I will lose my temper and be very confrontational if that happens. So Maybe devoting myself to prayer and getting out of the way is the best option. And let the others fire at each other and blow up and when the clean up time comes just help out with the healing if the church is still around. And I think it will be though the congregants may have split. I don't believe in regularily switching Churches because I have a non theological difference.
  10. sag38 Active Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    When people come to me with gossip or concerns of others I want to know who the others are. And, if the person want tell me who these others are then I cut them off. I don't want to hear what "others" are saying. Plus, I have found that the "others" is none other than the person bringing the information to you or at least he or she is right in the middle of it.
  11. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    I agree. (inserting spurious characters here to meet the irrational and oppressive minimum character requirement for posting.)
  12. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Good post. I agree. I would not leave the church over this issue, however, I would find a way, whatever it took, to stop the gossip.
  13. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Thinkingstuff, I can certainly see where you're coming from. I can understand your reluctance to publicly confront this problem, particularly since there's no guarantee of a positive outcome.

    Usually, though, conflicts like this don't resolve themselves.

    Where is your pastor in all this?
  14. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I spoke with him a little about it and he seems to take the posture that nothing is really going on and he claims ignorance of that particular part of the business meeting because, since it has to do with his salary, He had no direct knowledge of it because he was not at that part of the meeting. But I know the Hallways are full of talk.
  15. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Bingo, this is core of the problem, and this is what must be stopped. These are the people that need a dose of Matthew 18, however far they want to take it.

  16. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    You really think that kind of gossip is worth worrying about? You'll never stop it, Matthew 18 notwithstanding.

    TS, so people disparage the pastor's salary; so they disparage your single-income, homeschooling decisions; so they think they're holier than everyone else; so what?

    If that's something you want to raise Cain over, I guess that's your perogative, but make sure it's a hill worth dying on, because die on it you will. It's not like you're being accused of something scandalous.
  17. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I don't plan on doing anything about it as I've mentioned before. However, I'm pretty sure this is how thing will very likely play out. As for the pastors. The New Pastor will get a following these will grow disatisfied with each sermon and spread their thoughts around until it becomes such an issue that there will be such division that people will start strong clicks. More request for getting rid of the head pastor. There is and will continue to be more talk about "if pastor ________(the new pastor) leaves we will go with him" Others will leave believe the Head pastor is useless. As far as I go. Nasty words will be said (and have) to my wife for being a stay at home mom. Even though we participate in small groups we will be accused (again) of using the Nursery as a babysitting function (which when you're in small group it is). Certain people will begin to refuse to speak to either myself or wife because of the gossip. And my children will be left out of certain functions. I've already noticed my older daughter has been ignored in her AWANA classes when she was ready to give her scripture reading. My five year old is being told that even if he remembers the scripture verses that he can't progress in Sparkies because he must bring two friends to AWANA. Which all of his friends are all Church already and since he doesn't go to public school and there aren't any kids in the Neighborhood his age its skewed against him. BTW I don't think AWANA purposely holds back awards if you don't bring a friend to it. And my Anger is increasing as each day goes by. My wife didn't want to go to Church last night (Wednesday) because of the snide comments made to her. None of these issues are theological but it is sure disruptive to the church and I may die whether I do something or not. But I'm not kidding. I'm becoming angry and its hard to refrain from action at that point. I start to think things like: I will take notes of everytime this happens or this is said. Noting Day and time. And if I'm angry enough I won't be charitable I will read it in an open forum naming names. Which this stays in my head because that will definately cause more problems.
  18. Crucified in Christ New Member

    Sep 3, 2009
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    I have been in a few of these situations as I guess anyone in ministry in a SBC church will sooner or later. I want to say a couple of things:

    1. I believe that your strategy to stay out of this conflict will fail to deliver the results you hope. The people who are gossiping already see you as a player in this conflict or you would not be targeted. I have seen it several times...minisers are attacked primarily in their ministry (although personal attacks can occur to), but lay people get attacked viciously if they are seen as having taken sides. This group must feel you have taken sides. The reason that i do not believe that staying out of it will work is that it is never good enough for the gossips once they target you. as long as they are losing, you are still "against them", if they win they equate your being quiet with knowing they would win. God can change hearts, but if He does not, don't expect anything other than what you have seen.
    2. I do not, as a rule, tell people to leave a church over problems. The one exception to this rule is when children begin to get hurt. You have a responsibility to make sure that your children are in a good environment. I have seen children, damaged in church fights, who are left with a bad taste for Christ's church. I wish it were not true, but it is.
    3. Lastly, if I am reading between the lines correctly, a full-scale civil war is about to break out. It sounds like a group is complaining about the Senior Pastor's salary (which is really about something else they do not like about him) particular the raise he is about to get; the new pastor, helping the dissension along, is turning down his raise- which makes the Senior Pastor look bad. I have seen this exact situation in a friend's church. If the new pastor is talking about leaving (which he likely is if people are saying that they will leave with him), then he is making power plays. I personally have not seen things get that bad and then work themselves out. Usually a war erupts, only ending when one side leaves. Sad but true. You, your family and your church are in my prayers.
  19. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The sin of gossip needs to be taken a little more seriously than a wink and a nod. It is very destructive to any local church, which is how the Lord carries out His work. We harp all day on lotteries, drinking, cheating, etc and make lite of something as much if not more destructive. One may not be able to put a total stop to it, (as you cannot the other) but you can stop the offenders that are destroying your church, and maybe the lesser offenders will get the message.
  20. Thinkingstuff Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Thank you.