ASSESS: Your family "emergency preparedness"

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by TexasSky, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Me4Him New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Changes the Nature of alcohol, makes it unfit for "human consumption" but retains it "properties" as alcohol.

    It's the "BEST STUFF" in the world to prevent "Diesel Fuel" from "jelling" in cold weather.

    42 "BELOW", and no problems.
  2. ronthedisciple New Member

    Nov 23, 2005
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    If I recall my Scriptures correctly, as Christians we are taught to have respect for and to obey our governmental authorities, for God has placed them there to perform the duties fro which they are responsible. My scriptures also teach me not to put by faith and trust in governmental authorities, but to trust in God. That being said, I recall the story of Joseph in Egypt, how he made preparations during the seven years of plenty so that not only egypt, but all Egypt's neighbors could survive a seven year famine. I think this serves as a good example of how we, by trusting in our Savior, can be prepared for the natural challenges God brings our way. If there are those who look at the aftermath of Katrina and wonder with scepticism at how they might be able to trust in the government in the future, I would like to remind us that our trust should rest in God through Christ Jesus, then with that faith we can support and obey the government God has given us, and perhaps we - not just the government - but all of us together - can make the next "Katrina" a little more bearable.
  3. TaterTot Guest

    We have always had a "hurricane kit" that contained enough batteries, a tv, lights, canned goods and water for several days. After going thru Katrina, we have updated that kit to include more food and water, a chain saw (gas and oils) 30 gallons of gas. What we had, which was way more than others had, just wasnt enough for that large of a disaster. As for communications, even our charged cell phones didnt work after the storm for a few weeks, and the Post Office was closed indefinitely so there really was no way to communicate.
  4. Harold Brown New Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I just read John Hagee book, (Countdown Jeserulem) He suggest there is a country who is preparing a weapon to destroy our conduction of electricity. All electricity in America will be off for months. Not even our cars or generators will start.
    Are we ready for horse and buggy days again? I don't really know how to prepair for this.
  5. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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