Attention-attention !!!!

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Gregory Perry Sr., Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Gregory Perry Sr. Active Member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Now that I (maybe) have everybody's attention why is it that this section of the Baptist Board gets SO LITTLE ATTENTION????

    Missions/Witnessing/and Evangelism is the prime and maybe the ONLY reason that God has left us here on this earth since He came in the flesh and lived,died and rose again. It is the main mission He has charged us with. evidenced on this Board (in its entirety) this seems to be one of the last things that we place any real importance on or devote any real relevant discussion to. This section of the board seems to be one of the "least traveled" of the sub-sections. We'll talk in EXCESS about nearly anything BUT these topics (and for the record, I BEAR EQUAL GUILT in this regard). Brothers and Sisters....there are a lot of interesting and even important things we can talk about and that is fine...but let us not forget our main mission nor the fact that TIME is getting shorter by the day. What do ya'll think?

  2. 12strings Active Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    1. Any response to this question that argues that we DO give adequate attention to thinking about, and doing evangelism & missions is probably very self-deceptive. We are often drawn away to more controversial, or seemingly entertaining topics of conversation

    2. However, I believe the structure of the Board plays a role as well. The top 2 sections (General Baptist Discussions, Baptist Theology) get the most traffic, due to their being at the top. The Music section also gets very little traffic, such that the best discussions about music also happen up in the General Baptist section. There have been several threads on outreach also in those top sections. I personally thing there are too many sections on this board, but that's a small problem.

    3. The TYPES of people that would spend any amount of time at all on a Christian debate forum, are likely those who enjoy debate, which is why they came here. And there is not a lot of debate topics regarding evangelism...perhaps their should be, but perhaps there is simply not much difference among us all...we all think we should evangelize more, and we don't, so we all feel bad about it and don't want to talk about. It seems like a daunting challenge with no easy answer.