Baptist....But Don't Proclaim It????

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by RockRambler, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    My point is that the name often means little of what it is like inside especially for non-believers.
  2. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Most churches in our town have their denominational name included.

    We have First Baptist (Northern Baptist), Second Baptist (mostly Afro-American), Lincoln Southern Baptist Chapel (SBC), Park Meadows Baptist Church (IFB).

    We also have First United Methodist, Good Shepherd Lutheran, Faith Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, Immanuel Lutheran, Holy Family Church (Catholic), Cumberland Presbyterian, First Presbyterian, Jehovah's Witness-Kingdom Hall, Lincoln Church of God (Pentecostal), Seventh Day Adventist, Faith Assembly of God (Pentecostal), Church of the Nazarene, Trinity Episcopal, Jefferson Street Christian Church, Lincoln Christian Church, and United Pentecostal, Kingdom Life (non-denom), New Wine Fellowship (inter-denom), and Lincoln Bible Church (?).

    Our population is only 16,000 and that includes the inmates in two prisons! I would still venture a guess that 6o% or more are unchurched in our town.

    I am not saved because I am Baptist. I am saved because I am a Christian, but I am also not ashamed to say I'm a Baptist.

    People don't usually ask me my denomination - they ask me what church I attend and I'm proud that Baptist is included in our church name.

    This community respects our church and my Pastor, no matter what THEIR particular affiliation may be.

    As for the 'overseers'. They are tattlers and busybodies (and not because the Pastor asked them to be)...

    I remember years ago, a busybody went by and saw the church pianist in her backyard, working in the garden, with a pair of shorts on. This busybody went to the deacons and the pianist was replaced. Shortly, thereafter, she went to another church and became the pianist.

    Guess who got her position, as pianist, in the old church? You got it. The busybody!!!

    Folks, this should not be...

    §ue (proud to be a Baptist and respect other Christians - but not all of their beliefs)
  3. DavidFWhite3 New Member

    Aug 7, 2001
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    I want to join this church so I can get reported for drinking a beer.
  4. shannonL New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    He is about God becoming human in order to teach us how to be human.

    Any thoughts on what that means?

    Does it mean God became man to teach us how to live as humans
    That is just a different kind of statement of faith than the ones most put up.
  5. Archeryaddict New Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    why is it that we feel the need to emphasize what denomination we belong to other than who we gave our life to follow?
    News Flash! I am a Follower of Christ
    It just so happens I choose to attend a Baptist Church for Worship Service.

    I think we need to quit focusing on what our Denomination is and Quit debating on whether which one is right and which one is wrong concerning their doctrinal beliefs and start hearing what the Gospel tells us.

    Everyone who Proclaims Christ are a part of the family of God. denominations does nothing more than causes the family to be seperated and disfunctional.

  6. cindig2 New Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    Yes, we all are Christians, but without doctrinal beliefs we can get into big trouble. We have to be sound in our doctrine so we don't get swayed by false teachers. Yes, #1 I am a Christian, but I'm also proud to say I'm a Baptist.
  7. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    Denominations exist for a reason ... because we believe different things about what Christ taught. We are not all the same. The gospel tells us to believe right things, and when someone believes wrong things, the gospel tells us to separate from them. You can't just forget about those things or ignore them.

    That is certainly not true. Christ himself referred to those who "did wonderful things in his name" but whom he never knew. False professions abound, as do false teachers and false churches. We must be discerning people. Too often, we are not.
  8. patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Larry is right. We have to look at the Word of God and decide what is right. The Holy Spirit helps us with the truth. We have to study and have a answer for the hope that is within us.

    Mormons proclaim Christ. That is definatly false teaching. Many others teaches falsehood. We must identify ourselves.'

    I don't clear if you put it on the front sign or not. It is the doctrine taught on the inside that counts.
  9. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Baptist’s, as we know, speak from our autonomous belief, yet in an organization such as the SBC no church can be independent for certain conditions must be met. The churches are allowed to have their “oddities” as long as they go along with “hierarchy”.

    I have not read all of the replies, yet, but the term “overseers” is foreign to me, but not perhaps to others within the Baptist organizations. Something is wrong for this church evidently believes they should model themselves after the Jewish religion, operating as the “Sanhedrin”. That faith had more then 600 rules for conduct and action. So this was a “works” church.

    I personally believe when a church applies “do’s and don’ts”, these churches are into works being a requirement to remain a member in good standing, which also has to mean to remain a Christian. Rick Warren could pastor a church such as this. However when these “self made” rules, or required works, are accepted into dogma (a drink of alcoholic beverages is not sinful), they show the church does not believe the Bible is a reliable guide in our daily living, making our testimony ineffective to many, and to other churches we are legitimately seen as lacking in understanding the scriptures.

    I like you find it strange, but then again we are all strange for we set ourselves apart, choosing the church of our choice and sometimes not so much on what the church may teach, but on who belongs to that church. I joined a particular Baptist church at a very early age. I wished to go where the rest of my family, and some friends went. Most people choose to be with those of there own kind. This church most likely leans more heavily on “works” than they do “grace”.Christian faith, ituttut Galatians 1:11-12
  10. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Amen!Christian faith, ituttut Galatians 1:11-12
  11. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Very much agree we must determine which gospel we believe, discarding that which is not for us. However I believe that which we discard, can be believed by others in the church. Christians are all members in the Body of Christ, but not placed in the same location. Christian faith, ituttut Galatians 1:11-12
  12. shannonL New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    I don't have a badge on my shirt that says "proud to be a baptist". However I'am one by conviction.
    I think the "baptist distinctives" are biblical.
    Baptist have a rich heritage of defending the faith. I think that is pretty cool. Some may see it as a hinderance but you know why people kinda get nervous when you say your "baptist"? Its because historically the baptist have "stood by the stuff" my friends. People often know when you say baptist they figure "oh there into Jesus for real" I'm just saying other than the fighting and fueding at times, Baptist have had a pretty good testimony.
    With that said, I don't think baptist are gonna have their own little corner up in heaven. HEE HEE

    I agree with Larry's comments.
  13. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I still agree with yours I referred to, and I see you also agree with me, that Baptists will not have their own little corner.Christian faith, ituttut Galatians 1:11-12