Biblical "Zerah" (2 Chr 14:9) = Osorkon I

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Bismarck, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Bismarck New Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Dear All,

    If the Biblical "Shishak" (1 Kings 11:40; 14:25; 2 Chronicles 12:2-9) who attacked Judah in c.926 BCE is identified as Pharaoh Sheshonq I (r. 943-922 BCE), the founder of the XXII Dynasty...

    And if Sheshonq I's successor was his son Osorkon I (r. 922-887 BCE)...

    Could not Osorkon I be the Biblical "Zerah the Ethiopian" (2 Chr 14:9)?

    (There are other instances where Biblical "H" corresponds to "KH" — "Zerakh" is even more similar to '(O)Sorkon'. For ex., the names 'Terah' and 'Nahor' in Genesis 11:22-26 correspond to Assyrian 'Turakh' and 'Nakhir'.)


    (1) Zerah's attack on Judah dates to Asa's 15th year (2 Chr 15:10, "spoils"). This is around 896 BCE.

    (2) Let us bear in mind that, from the days of David & Solomon, the Dynasty of Hiram king of Tyre had been staunch allies of Judah.

    (3) According to the "List of the Kings of Tyre" on Wikipedia, the Hiramic Dynasty was OVERTHROWN by coup precisely in 896 BCE. The infamous Ittobaal — a Priest of Astarte, according to Josephus — assumed the throne. Ittobaal (or Eshbaal) was the father of the infamous Jezebeel who later married the Israelite King Ahab, and through him then corrupted Israel and Judah. (Note: her name, Yetsabel, is very similar to her father's, Ittobaal / Eshbaal.)

    (4) Within a decade at most, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was ITSELF OVERTHROWN by coup amidst the maelstrom of Zimri, Tibni, and Omri, father of the afore-said Ahab, sometime around 887 BCE. Scholars have noted that Omri's reign reflects strong PHOENICIAN / TYRIAN influence.


    In c.896 BCE, Osorkon I invaded Canaan. Although unable to conquer Judah, Osorkon toppled Judah's ally Tyre. Under Osorkon's influence, the Hiramic Dynasty of Tyre was ended, and replaced by that of Ittobaal — presumably a pro-Egyptian vassal.

    Further Egyptian influence can then be inferred as emanating from Ittobaal's Tyre into Israel (via Jezebel), and then on into Judah (via Omride domination).


    "Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple". Edited by Hershel Shanks.