Bring in the Youth But Not at the Expense of the Elderly

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Hiloan, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    I think you have given a lot of wisdom in what you wrote. However I would tend to think that if a younger man is making disciples then he will continue to do that the rest of his life. I see the problem among many my age is they talk about retirement, their home, and health. What kind of a life is that to be born, work and die. Too many my age treat the church as a job they once did. Christ's church is more than just a building and work to maintain it but a living breathing organism of people trying to glorify God in all they do. Now that I am older I see things as even more urgent than ever. I meet with students whose parents are about ten years younger then me. I have not heard any of them complain about the help they are getting and following me in ministry. The times I ever hear complaints is when the older do not engage them in ministry and whatever they are doing. Young people want high quality leadership who are loving for Jesus not some kind of mediocre stand around and watch.

    When I was much younger the man who got me started in business also led many others in making disciples. There were about 1200 at his funeral. Some of the businesses in town shut down for the funeral. Some of the city leaders were there. His wife told me that there were people there she did not know. The funeral lasted for about three hours with person after person who stood and told about how he impacted their life. I figured that about 1/4 to 1/3 of those who were doing ministry were there. So many are living for Christ missionaries and pastors today because of his life. Until he died at the age of 76 I got letters regularly from him asking about my spiritual life. Young peope were around him all the time. In that same church were people his age and younger who would complain about being neglected. I never heard that from him. He gave away 1/2 of his income. The funeral was paid for by a person he had built a home for and finished two weeks earlier. I had the privilege of living in his home for one year before I was married. Every day I think about his example to me of godliness and how he lived his life. He did not have time to spend on things that did not matter.
  2. nodak Active Member
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    Feb 9, 2008
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    This summer at VBS we had at least three seniors postpone needed surgery to serve in VBS. Two were orthepedic surgery, one cancer.

    Another is having serial surgery to repair internal every few weeks. She also served.

    Seniors were out in force, as were younger workers.

    Still, when one of those seniors stated she was now going to take time off for surgery the attitude was "God didn't give you the right to retire from serving Him."

    My previous post (from as best as I remember a previous pastor) was this: not all seniors are blessed with robust health, and most face challenges younger folks have never imagined. Before you judge their level of service, consider that their abilities may have changed.

    Oddly enough, the fastest growing Baptist church in our town isn't the culturally relevant one. Its the fundamentalist one that still does things in a way that might make you think of the 1930's. They point blank do not entrust serious decisions to the younger folks, but to the true elders.

    Folks are getting saved and it is growing.

    Maybe being culturally relevant isn't all its cracked up to be.
  3. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Isn't that great for everyone to hear!!!!

    A friend of mine pastors a church which is much the same way and it is growing like weeds. Christian Schwartz said that it is the ability of the church to love that determines its growth. Most anyone can listen to great music on TV and the radio so if that is all there is then why go to a church and listen a to a bunch of amateurs? Love is there.

    When everything else is gone love never fails.