Can You Deny The Attributes Of God And Still have "True" God of Bible?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by JesusFan, May 2, 2011.

  1. JesusFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    We say that IF you have a jesus different than one of the Bible, have a fasle Jesus, cannot save you... JW/Mormons etc

    What IF though you deny a cardinal attribute of God the Father?
    Does that cause you to have a false God you worship?

    If you say that God is not Eternal, all powerful, all knowing (fill in the Attribute)

    If you deny one of His cardinal attributes, is it same as denying them all, having a 'false" God?
  2. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    When the Lord saved me at age nine, I still had a lot to learn about God, his attributes, his nature, etc. If someone had asked me what I knew about God's immutability, I would have answered, "I don't know what that means." I didn't deny it, I just didn't have a clue about any of that.

    Now that I know what it means, what if I deny it? The short answer is, I am still saved. The Jesus who saved me then has kept me as he promised.
  3. matt wade Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
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    There's a difference between not knowing something and denying something. If you deny a fundamental attribute of God, you are indeed worshiping a false god.
  4. Skandelon <b>Moderator</b>

    Jan 19, 2003
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    What if you understand or interpret an attribute differently than that of another believer? For example, two believers affirms God's omniscience, but one interprets it to mean that God knows everything that is knowable and argues that something not yet created (i.e. a free choice of man) is not knowable to God (not something I believe btw, but some do). Does that person worship a false god because they interpret omniscience differently than you?

    Keeping in mind, they affirm the Lordship and deity of of Christ and every other essential doctrine of Christianity, but only differ on this one understanding of this one divine attribute? Can we for certain say they are worshipping a false god?
  5. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    This makes sense to me. Another example would be conflicting views of God's omnipotence. One view is that God is all-powerful and even man's will is subject to His will. Another view is that God, even in his omnipotence, has granted humans free will to accept or reject him. The other side will say that when God gives up that kind of power to humans, his omnipotence is affected.

    While we can argue, the fact is that all sides affirm God is Lord, and Jesus as deity, as you mentioned. Both sides seek truth, just differ on what it is.
  6. humblethinker Active Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Good points. In agreement w Skan and Butler.