Can't Stand Christians

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by CubeX, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. CubeX New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    (Caught you by the topic, huh?)

    ...Reason why? They're (we're) so fake! Step up to what we were commisioned to do! Come on already! You can't get all sinners to church! You have to bring the fellowship of the church out to the sinners! And why isn't that (showing the love of Christ outside of the church walls) working? Because we haven't even begun to set examples to today's teens, adults, or children! It's entirely pathetic. Christian men being brought down willingly by pornography! Christian teens watching MTV and not even be bothered by the trash being put out of it! When will someone preach out against MTV?! When will someone say something about the music out there? Why aren't WE doing something out there?

    Fact is, Christianity is NOT religion. It's LIFE. Christ is LIFE.

    Do something why don't you.

  2. KeithKorg19 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    What exactly do suggest? I don't watch MTV because they have cheap programing and play music that I don't like, I am not bothered by the trash it puts out. I am not fake. I enjoy a lot of things that conflict with my religion, I don't lie about it.
    I don't see anything good coming of preaching against something like MTV. Nobody cares.
    Personally I think the ideal Christian life is to live in a way that is right with God, be a friend and good example to everyone, and not alienate people by preaching about how MTV will make them go to hell.

    That is my opinion anyways. Preach love first, then if they are ready, preach morals.

  3. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    it is frustrating. To be honest the church today is weak and limp.The bible warned that this was coming and it is here. Many have traded nice buildings and programs for godly teachings. You seem to see that there is something wrong, and there is, and you are not sure how to fix it. May i suggest that you seek to see if the Lord will allow you to study and preach and teach His church, leading it towards the correct way. You stated that you can't stand Christians. My guess is that you are not seeing Christians, but many who claim to have something they do not.
  4. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    KeithKorg: with all due respect, that's not how Jesus or John the Baptist preached.

    They did not preach love first, morals second.

    They preached REPENT, turn from your evil worldly ways, deny self, take up cross, follow Jesus.

    I mixed worldliness with Christian faith many years, smoked pot, in an industrial noise band, chased women, drank, taped 120 Minutes and that Techno show on MTV, etc.

    Now I deeply regret mixing worldliness with faith in Christ. What a morbid dead end. The party ends eventually...then you're left with feeble faith, sickness, mental weirdness, lack of focus, spiritual animosity, etc.

    Go back to Jesus and make Him true Lord and Master. Be His slave, and He will heal and reward you abundantly.
  5. arnold andrew New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    i agree with mr.korg totaly we should not preach about stupid stuff like whats on mtv or on the radio. I think we should not care about that stuff at all. We should just love people and let Jesus tell them what is up. you all dig
  6. CubeX New Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    freeatlast, I am closer to Christ than ever before. I'm doing my Father's will by following His commands.

    I just want people to say everything STRAIGHT-UP! I just want people to speak the truth and stop sugar-coating it.

  7. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    OK. MTV is trash. REPENT!!!!!!! Now what?

    Joseph Botwinick
  8. lindz New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    CubeX I totally agree with you. It's totally GOd who showed me this today. I was looking for a SOLID BAPTIST or even CHRISTIAN magazine adn typed it in on a search engine adn it came up with something that said something about hindus adn baptists so i 2x clicked it and i read that many many many teens are into hinduism. There was a girl who said that she adn her parents were Batist yet they didn't care it she converted to another religon or not. I thought that was so sad. Her parents didn't care! SHe was going to leave maybe! I read another post like tht. I read so many adn they were so sad! Praise the Lord there were two teens on there that were ACTUALLY giving the GOSPEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were trying to convert them to Christianity!

    Also to agree with you, I can't stand MTV! it's horrid! Mr. Korg how can you say that you aren't bothered by that trash? I heard a vwerse fromt he BIble(don't know the reference) it says, "you have a whor's forehead, you refuse to be ashamed." What do you say about Romans 12:1-2 it says in verse 2, "and be ye not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds..."

    I was jsut about to make 2 new topics on prayer (to pray for revival!!!) and the condition of the Christians, church, the US, and the world.

  9. onestand New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    Okay CubeX,

    soo write to mtv and tell them what is on your heart, you have a voice and you can make it known. I will warn you however you will most likely either never hear a word from them or if you do it will be a word of profanity. It's because they really don't care what a minority thinks when they're ratings go sky high with people who do love the programming and music.

    Right or wrong, issues like this must be a choice made out of conviction from the Holy Spirit.

    Btw, even though men and many times women make the choice to engage in pornography, this too becomes an addiction which is difficult to end.
  10. lindz New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    i can't believe some of the things peoplea are writing! Do we doubt the Spirit's power when we call on His Name? C'mon guys, really preaching morals is for the Christian most, but when we preach morals we may have an unsaved one in the congregation. they hear that their sin is wicked and wrong and they learn that they need to repent. Tye get saved and the morals preaching helps them to conform to Christ adn clash with sin. That's how i think it works. Well, Keith, I just reread your post and it seemed to contradict itself, you say that you don't watch MTV,but aren't bothered by the trash, well, then you say that you think ideal Christianity is to live in a way that is right w/ God. Do you think MTV is right with God????????
    PS MTV=sinful music and programming Sinful music and programming= death in hell w/ no one and way to help you out of it!
  11. IdahoLabs New Member

    Mar 7, 2004
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    Nicely said, CubeX. To add to what you've written - it is embarrassing how many "so-called Christians" profess to live for God- but don't look too closely at how they live after they leave church!

    It often bothers me how Christians - even folks that have been saved for years, and many people look up to - gossip, complain, critize, refuse to live for the Lord, never hand out tracts, you never hear them witness...and yet the cults often appear to be wonderful, the people nice...

    At one time I thought, why is it that the cults are the ones that act like Christians ought to? and after much thought I reached a decision. The cults believe they have to work their way to heaven, and so that's why they live always doing good works. Christians KNOW they are going to heaven, and they feel...what's the point of doing good?

    There are many Christians in churches...but only a few really living for the LORD.
  12. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Very good point. Some Christians get the idea that salvation is the sole goal. Not so. Living a Godly life is of prime importance. But too many of us are busy talking that we don't have any time to do the walking.

    To add insult to injury, when you endeavor to do works of good, you get accused by some of those same folks as liberal or believing in works-based salvation. One of the most spiritually rewarding things I've done is volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. Several people, including two people on this board, called me a liberal religionist for being associated with a "liberal ecuminical works-based salvation" group. Sad.
  13. onestand New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    First of all...if one listens to Mtv style music, that certainly does not promise death in hell for them. Some Christians have a weakness for secular music, some is very unhealthy spiritually but definitely not going to send a believer to hell.

    No one doubts the Holy Spirit and what can be accomplished through him. However, the world isn't controlled by the Holy Spirit, yes, prayer does in fact work, but it's not in our timing for change to happen. If God changes one's heart imediately, that's awesome, but I think the common belief is that if beating the bible preaching against certain things occurs then automatically everyone will repent, sorry it doesn't always happen that way with all people. Preaching against Mtv and other types of personal convictions just gets on people's nerves and drives them away. Allow God to work on them in His time, if God wants them to stop doing or listening to this stuff then they won't be able to handle his convictions.
  14. lindz New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    when i said that sinful programming equals=hell i didn't mean that it would send a BELEIVER to hell, i meant that ANY sin would send a sinner to hell. "nothing can pluck us out of the father's hand", we know that we are never gonna lose our salvation! i'm sorry you misunderstood me, i'll try to be more clear from now on.

    yes, i agree some will still be involved in sin, even after a Spirit-filled preaching. usually when people are annoyed and sometimes driven away it was b/c they were being put under conviction and didn't like it. we have to leave the Holy Spirit's moving to God, but we still have to tell them what to base their standards are, i beleive that mtv, etc. is not pleasing to the Lord.
  15. onestand New Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    When I'm annoyed by someone's preaching,(and I have been) it wasn't because the Holy Spirit was convicting me, it was because either the style of preaching just really wasn't what I could get into or what they were preaching was purely self opinion placed in sermon form as "truth".

    When one is convicted by the Holy Spirit, there's a deep knawing inside that you know what they're saying has truth to it and eventually you search it out even more. The Holy Spirit is meant to draw others in, not annoy.

    As I said, you can say something to believers and non believers alike, but ultimately it's a choice really that needs to be made because God is moving in that person's heart.
  16. DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Why preach against MTV everyone knows they show bad junk and they dont line up with the Bible. What gets me is preaching against modern Christian Music. We all know MTV is wrong. just my perspective.
  17. shane usry New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Go to ,click on music, then click on the first two songs. Read the lyrics. They are the same message you are talking about! Also click on biography...How it all began, scroll down to the last paragraph and you'll hear another sermon that echos what you are saying! You are absolutely correct, Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.
  18. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    CubeX, You're right. I started reading the rest of the posts on the first page, but I was so fed up with some of them, I had to stop. (LOL, my blood boils up quick, I'm afraid! :eek: )
    People have forgotton what it is to have the old time relegion. By all means Preach against MTV, and anything else wicked and ungodly, because this sinful world needs to hear. I'm heartily sick to death of hearing "God is love" from almost every preacher around. My soul, please get some back bone and preach God's Word somebody! For those of you that said "preach God's love first" I want to share something with you that a friend of mine shared with me just recently. John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses, but have you taken a look at it lately?
    Notice "loved" and "gave" are past tense. God's love is at Calvary. The Bible says God is angry at the wicked everyday which is present tense, and further on in John chapter three it talks about those who don't believe have God's wrath abiding on them. First preach the devil out of them. Make sure they know they are a sinner, and that if they don't get saved hell is their eternal home. THEN take them to Calvary, and show them God's love. There was none no greater that's for sure. Yes, He's love, but He's also judgement, and righteousness and holiness. MTV, wicked music, ungodly living, and complacent Christianity don't go together with those atributes of God.
    This contemperary Christian lifestyle dosn't line up with the Bible. And I'm not being mean, just blunt. Jesus preached some of the hottest sermons I do believe I've ever heard. Let's face it, not too many preachers today would call the relegious folks snakes damned to hell, or take a whip and chase out moneychangers in a temple. He preached one of the hardest sermons on hell to his deciples! And He was the Saviour! He was the same One who loved sinners so much He suffered the ultimate death for them all. So don't tell me hard preaching isn't good or right, because you can have all the fault you want with me, but you won't find it with Jesus. He understood the urgency of getting people saved. I think it's time more of us followed His example completly and get back to the Christianity of the Bible.
  19. Greg Linscott <img src =/7963.jpg>

    Feb 16, 2004
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    When we say we should preach against sin, why is it we are limiting it to high-profile issues (such as MTV)?

    Don't get me wrong, MTV is not good.


    What about pride?

    What about anger and rage?

    What about covetousness and materialism?

    What about gossip and division?

    What about being a lover of pleasure (even "acceptable" pleasures) more than a lover of God?

    You don't hear as much of this- because it hits us closer to home. We need to speak out about obvious evils like MTV, or gay marriage, or promiscuity, and so on, while also including things like covetousness, pride, slander, bitterness, etc. But we also need to make sure that people undertsand that the real problem is that we are serving self instead of serving Christ. I John 4:21 warns us to "keep (y)ourselves from idols." If we want to do that, we must emphasize preaching Christ, not centering on societal ills. Paul tells us, "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof (Romans 13:14)." Condemnation of sin is biblical, but our emphasis must be one that offers hope and solutions through salvation and obedience to Christ.
  20. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I think we have to focus on 'walk the talk' and try to stay as close to the Lord as we can. We need to witness to our faith much, much more even if it is passing along a good looking, respectable Christian tract.

    I have a pastoral business card that has a pray that can lead a person to Christ. The Spirit of God reminds me at different times to pass one along to someone.

    Maybe if we lived in the Scripture and loved the Lord more, we might see more miracles in our area of living and even in Muslim countries. We need to pray for Christians who dare to speak about their faith in these depraved, godless nations. Just a thought.