Childhood Experiences

Discussion in 'Polls Forum' started by WHYME, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. I had a genuine childhood salvation experience. (12 yearsold or less)

  2. I made a childhood profession, but later under the conviction of the Holy Spirit had a genuine exper

    0 vote(s)
  1. WHYME New Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    I have heard many testomonies in my church of childhood "salvation experiences" that turn out later to be just an experience, and after the conviction of the Holy Spirit had a genuine experience. This has prompted me to say many times Childhood professions should not be encouraged, yet never discouraged. This is the reason for this poll, I would like to hear other discussion.
  2. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    My salvation experience as a 9-year-old was very real.

    But, I had a short lifetime of being saturated in God's Word and the church. My parents were active in the the Lord's service at church and I was taught the Bible, not only in church, but also at home.

    Many times, my parents would "explain" the sermons and the Sunday School lessons to me when we got home.

    By the time I was 9, I suppose that the Lord was ready for me to be saved.

    I was sitting by my mother in church during a youth revival. A 16-year-old boy was preaching. I remember thinking that he shouldn't be up there because he was too young and just a kid.

    That's when God spoke to my heart and explained to me that He can use anybody of any age. He explained that Christ was not just for "grown ups" and that being saved had nothing to do with an age, but His calling on your life. Then, separately and distinctly, I felt the Holy Spirit ask, "Now that you understand this, what are you going to do?"

    I tugged on my mother's dress during the invitation and she leaned down and I whispered to her that I thought that Jesus wanted me to be a Christian.

    She told me that I had to go and tell the preacher and she asked if I wanted her to go with me. I said no, that I was going by myself.

    I walked down the aisle and our pastor was surprised to see me, yet he also had a look of great delight on his face. He led me to the Lord and I was baptisted a week later.

    Did I instantly become wise and discerning? No. That is a continual growth process that will keep on changing in me until I die.

    Have I been deliriously happy all of my life? No. I was never promised that.

    Do I still sin and let God down sometimes? Yes. But I am saved and when I do mess up, God chastises me and He does so because He loves me.

    I know that not all childhood salvation experiences are genuiune. But mine was.

    Scarlett O.
  3. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    16 that is nothing, we have a young man of 11 who preaches all the time, his messages aren't that long usually, but he is being used of God. Then our asst. pastor has grown up in our church with me he is a few years older. He has been preaching since he was 12 or 13. He is going to bible college next year. Anyway on to my experience.

    I was 6.5 years old when I was saved. I went through a period where I thought I had been too young to be saved, but I was saved and I felt that. But I prayed about it and God showed me that I just realized at an early age about my sin. You see my friend Jenny was getting baptized. And she told me about it, and I thought "How neat!" Well I went to the Creature(that's what I called him in those days, couldn't pronunce my p's) tugged on his jacket and told him "Creature, I want to be baptized!" Then my dear sweet pastor asked, "Kayla, do you know Jesus as your saviour?" And I was like What??? Then my pastor showed me and read to me(couldn't read very well at the time), that Jesus had died for me on the cross, and that God loved me. And I realized that Jesus died for me, then I prayed and accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour. I cried, and got baptized with my friends the next week. One of them is the asst. pastor, who is a great man of God. And Jenny please pray for her.
  4. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    What age would Samuel have been when he was called by the Lord? My understanding is that may have been at a very young age?
  5. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    It would have helped if you had a "I was saved over the age of 12" choice. Otherwise, many of us are not going to be able to see the results.
  6. StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    Poll Results: Childhood Experiences (6 votes.)
    Childhood Experiences
    Choose 1
    I had a genuine childhood salvation experience. (12 yearsold or less) 100% (6)
    I made a childhood profession, but later under the conviction of the Holy Spirit had a genuine experience. 0% (0)
  7. FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    When I was 6 or 7 I got in trouble at school (Christian school associated with the largest IFB church in Murfreesboro) and they said, "I think you need to be saved," so I said ok thinking I would get out of the paddling. They told me to repeat the prayer and I did. No conviction there and not a full understanding. Still got the paddling and held a false hope until I was 22. I came under conviction at the church I had started attending (Zion Hill Baptist) and got saved right after the 9-11 attacks. Praise God I was given that second chance!
  8. WallyGator New Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Thanks StefanM, keep us "old-timers" posted.
  9. StefanM Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I had a genuine childhood salvation experience. (12 yearsold or less) 78% (7)
    I made a childhood profession, but later under the conviction of the Holy Spirit had a genuine experience. 22% (2)
  10. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I couldn't vote. I had a childhood experience. I believe I was sincere and meant it. I had been raised in a church and knew (pretty much, mostly, sorta) what I was doing when I asked Jeus to save me. My parents discouraged my baptism (I don't know why). I did not grow as a Christian but, I still don't know wheter I was saved then or not. Acting on the assumption that I hadn't been saved, I then got saved "again" when I was 20. I still have lingering doubts as to whether or not I was saved when I was 9 or 10.
  11. Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    I was saved at, I believe, about age nine. I no longer remember my exact age at the time, I remember the moment. Standard preacher, Standard Sunday, standard invitation, and I was under standard conviction. So I finally responded. First I went to my mother who was playing the piano. I told her I was going to go forward and trust Christ. "Well go on, then", she said, continuing to play. So I walked toward the preacher and right as I was walking towards the front, between one step and another, I felt the Lord come into my heart, giving my soul eternal life. That moment of dedication to Christ has stood firm with me all my life, I know it was a genuine new birth experience.
  12. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Jesus saved me when i was eight years old.
    I'm now Sixty-one, so that salvation experience
    was good for the past 53 years. I think
    it will last eternally!

    I've counseled young folks who 'come forward'.
    Some of them seem to understand, some don't.
    It is hard to say BEFORE HAND.
  13. AZfiddler_Oct1996 New Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    I was saved at age 7. -Alicia


    I had a genuine childhood salvation experience. (12 yearsold or less) 69% (18)
    I made a childhood profession, but later under the conviction of the Holy Spirit had a genuine experience. 31% (8)