
Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by Preacher Boy88, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    My college isn't accredited. I don't want to go to one that is. I don't need the world's approval to do the Lord's work, and God willing, that's what my life will be about. It's not a "bubble" or a "subculture". It's simply following were the Lord leads. Think about it: God could have taken us straight to heaven when He saved us, but He didn't. He left us here for a purpose. What is that? To wittness to others, to see people saved, to live for the Lord and to be about His business. Anything else is just extra. There's nothing wrong with it in and of itself, but when it becomes more important than serving God, then there's a problem.
    Years ago when I first told my family I wanted to go to Tabernacle the first thing my grandmother said was "What if you can't find a job that accepts your degree?"
    But I don't have to worry about that! God lead me to apply to that school, and I was accepted. God will continue to guide my life. He will provide. The song Living By Faith is more than a hymn I grew up singing. It holds truth that I believe.
    Some people have said things like "She's young, and just dosn't know better. She's too unlearned about life, hasn't experianced enough. Wait untill she dosn't have a job, and no way to make ends meet. She'll know we were right." I've heard it. I've been told that by many people.
    They're right on a lot of their accusations. I'm young, I'm unlearned about the world, and I only have seventeen years of living to draw from. I may go through some hard times. But that dosn't mean everyone was right. Because the people who love me, and care about me have all told me the same thing: "Just keep serving the Lord!" Even my granmother who at first didn't approve of me going said to me recently that she was so glad I'd not given up, and that she felt the Lord had a plan for me.
    I've seen the Lord literaly work miracles for people. I'm talking about missionaries who went to the middle of nowhere with half their support raised and started a church with five precious souls they'd recently won to Christ. I'm talking about a pastor with three children, two of which are severly hadicapped, and God provided for them a new home that they didn't have to pay anything for, and glory to God, moved in this week! I'm talking about a missionary in Grenada who's church has been destroyed twice by hurricanes in the past two years, but God keeps providing money to rebuild.
    I'm not worried about the future, because the same God who provided for these precious people, and the same God who feed Elijah from ravens mouths is the same God that will take care of me.
    If God wants you in an accredited school or non accredited, go! I'm not condeming the accredited schools. Maybe there are good ones. They're just not the schools for me, and there is nothing wrong with that. And there's nothing wrong with anyone else here going to a nonacredited school.
    Neither am I trying to discredit those here who've lived a little longer than me. Things aren't always fun, and enjoyable, or easy, or pleasent. Trials come, hardtimes come, testing comes. But it comes to everyone if they live long enough. A person may have their doctorate from the most prestegious school in the nation and things may not turn out well or simple.
    Accreditation isn't a sign that the school is good, or better in education. All it is does is garuntee the ability to transfer credits earned, and in some cases, is required for certian positions. It just means the school has met certian standards an association requires.
    Accredited or not, go were God leads.
    Oh, and btw, change isn't always good. The Bible tells us to seek for the old paths and walk therein. God rejected the "new cart" from the Old Testement. The Bible says to remove not the anchient landmark. The majority isn't always right. In fact many times the minority is. After all we do walk the NARROW way and FEW there be that find it. Landmark is training people to do the Lord's work, and I sure can't find fault with that.
  2. Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I went to Cedarville University and I'll second that recommendation. It has great nursing and engineering programs. They can't be held responsible for the way I turned out. :D

    I think accreditation is useful at establishing a minimum standard of academic excellence. I'm sure there are good schools that aren't accredited, but unless you're personally familiar with that school for some reason, it's going to be a wild-card when you try to determine where to go.
  3. ForHisGlory15 New Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    No, Kayla. Your information about accreditation is completely wrong, and I would encourage you to get the facts before stating these kinds of accusations that reflect poorly upon many fine accredited Christian institutions that certainly DO speak against homosexuality or any other sin in the Bible. It is disheartening to hear the misinformation flow that surrounds accreditation (i.e. they can't teach creation, can't have strong standards, etc.). I am certain you are just repeating what you've heard from someone else, but again, let me kindly encourage you to research the facts so that you are not guilty of spreading rumors.
  4. ckm49er New Member

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I have attended Texas A&M University where I majored in engineering but now im going to Central Texas College to get my associates in Buisness then Im going to UMHB to get by BS in Buisness and minor in youth ministry