Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Hi Jim, thanks for stopping by. Just drop in for a chat when you can


  2. ForYourGlory Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Good Morning all!

    Sue, just read the old thread and wanted to say thank you for missing me and my posting! :D Didn't think people paid that much attention.

    I've just been really busy here lately. Had my big 3 day family reunion during the 4th and had to get everything together for that. We where out of town for the whole holiday weekend. And my daughter left at 5:30 a.m. this morning for Tennessee and Centrifuge. So we had to get all the things that she needed to go too! If you could please say a prayer for her and the others who went.

    So now I can kinda (notice I said kinda) breath. I need to start working again on learning the music and motions for VBS. So now that will keep me busy. Our VBS is July 28 - Aug 1. And also July 24 - 27 will be busy getting ready and then doing the Gus Macker 3 on 3 basketball tournament here in our town. We will have a booth passing out free water (IN JESUS NAME) and passing out free bibles and Jesus videos.

    So if you don't see me post much, you will know why. Just being busy.........busy for Christ!

    How is everyone else? Have missed all of you!

    God bless,
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good Morning Jim and FYG.

    Of course I missed your posts FYG! I'm sure other people did too. Whew, you are one busy girl!!!!!

    Stop by anytime and grab something to go if you don't have time to chat. ;)
  4. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    It is very quiet in here today...I am begining to think you don't like my cooking maybe I should stick to making the tea and washing up
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    It's too hot to eat much today Sheila.

    I imagine a lot of people are catching up on work after the three day week-end.

    Plus a lot of the posters are having VBS this week and are busy with that. They will be back. :D

    We will start serving lighter foods, like a cold lunch plate or a nice salad.

    [ July 07, 2003, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: I Am Blessed 16 ]
  6. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Sue, sorry...being this side of the Atlantic it didn't occur to me

    Would you like me to make home made lemonade? :D


  7. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Popped in a couple of times, but no activity, so, I just go back to work. I will give it a go tonight and see wot happens.

    Cheers to those brave souls who did venture in.

  8. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Jim, sorry I missed you.

    I hope you helped yourself to a drink before you left Hope to chat later


  9. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Jim!

    I'm pretty sure we have enough for tonight Sheila; but you can sure make some for tomorrow! Thanks for asking!

    (That sounds good. I think I'll make some for supper!)
  10. Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Hello folks! I have returned from the 4th of July weekend from Schroon Lake, Word of Life Bible conference. Developed a mighty thirst on the road, and there was no service station. I would have to go off the road to get into a gas station or fast food restaurant and I did not want to do that. So, a big glass of lemonade sound just fine!

    Our speakers for the weekend were Dr. Dwight Pentecost (Distinguished Professor of Bible Expositions, Emeritus, Dallas Theological Seminary), and Dr. Wendell Calder (Evangelist, Local Church Evangelism, Newport, ME). We also had Ms. Robin Bulmer & Mrs. Diane Susek as soloists, who gave a concert on 4th of July and the following day respectively. Throughout the Adirondack Mountain area fire works were not allowed, except in Schroon Lake (under the close supervision of the local fire department). So all the tourists from far and near came to Schroon Lake and Word of Life provided the ministry with an hour of musical extravaganza. It was great. People were exposed to the Gospel and were also entertained by the collegiate of the WOL Bible Institute graduates. There were many people who were led to the Lord.

    Today we took our house guests to Bangor, PA., to meet one of their distant relatives. An elderly couple (87 & 84), who were very happy to see us. The interesting thing about the whole trip was that as I was rushing out the door, I forgot to bring the map and directions. But found it without much problem. We stopped in Portland and asked for directions and the man said, Turn right at the next intersection. You will see the sign for Bangor. But he forgot to tell us that we have to travel at least 10 miles before we will see the first sign toward Bangor....
  11. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Hello Barnabas,

    It sounds like you had a good week end Glad to have you back here with us tho'. It is a bit quiet in here today, stay and have a chat and a lemonade :D


  12. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Welcome back Barnabas! We have missed you!

    It sounds like you had a fun, interesting, entertaining week-end. I am so glad you are enjoying your company...and that you have a good sense of direction! :D
  13. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I posted something on the hobby "network" above-concerning honey bee keeping---My wife is looking for a hobby that could possibly make an extra income while getting our two kids involved---and since Blackbird is a farm enthuiest--and has had an interest in it before but never got started--I thought about producing honey and whatever goes along with Honey Bee keeping--I know that the wax can also be sold----

    Now, I don't expect Miriam to be the official "Bee Keeper"---Blackbird is willin' to take the whole hive(or however many will bring a challenge to Blackbird) on "singlehandedly"--I will set up a room at her dad's Alabama farm where she and the kids can work on extraction of the honey, the straining and then the jaring and selling---what do ya'll think!! Think Blackbird should look into it---remember, there ain't ever never been anything too too risky for Blackbird to try once---except those things against man's laws or God's---and God's law does say that we are to eat a little honey now and then, doesn't it!!!

    Your Southern Baptist preachin', Honey Bee keepin' buddy,
  14. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Blackbird, isn't that an expensive hobby to get set up? Just a thought. Will follow with interest, or is this one of you mad escapades, cos I never know when you are being serious. :confused:


  15. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Barnabas---welcome back---and I want to tell you that you are one lucky "Son of a Gun!"---you got to hear Dr. Pentecost at that conference---I've got a shelf full of his books here in my library----if you don't mind me braggin' a little bit let me say this----he's a whole lot more smarter than Blackbird ever thought about being!!! Pentecost is "Walkin' Brilliance!!!!!!!" A theological "Einstein!!"

    Glad you're back---nooooooooooow, start sheddin' some of that Pentecost brilliance on ole Blacky Birdy!!!!!!!!!!!! Next time you have a chance to hear him speak where you are---let me know-----I'll wire you up some money and get you to buy me and you one of his latest books---get it autographed and juicy stuff like that!!!

    Your Southern Baptist preachin' buddy,
  16. Gwyneth <img src=/gwyneth.gif>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Just finished topping and tailing 4 lbs of red currants, hope to make some red currant jelly in a day or two, I have popped them in the freezer for now. Tomorrow night my grand daughter aged 7 is going to be presented with a prize for designing a " don`t drop litter " poster for the local council...I am looking after her 2 brothers for her Mum and Dad to go to the prize giving. The eldest boy is 5 and suffers from Autism and the little one is 8 months old, I will be whacked when I get home, but I love them all to bits, and it will be a pleasure.... hope it`s not too busy in work during the day.
    I now have strawberry, raspberry and blackcurrant jam if anyone would like some on their scones or toast. I may have a cup of tea if there`s one going.
    Now I`m going to do a bit of mending :rolleyes:
    PS elderflower- ade is ready as well.
    Cofion ` orau (all the best )
    Barnabus, we have a Bangor in North Wales, it is a holiday resort.

    [ July 07, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Gwyneth ]
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Blackbird!

    I received the tapes and the book today! Thank you so much. I will listen to them this evening! There is a family in our town that has bee hives. They sell the honey, in jars, at fairs, flea markets etc. It is delicious and they must make a pretty good profit because they have been doing it for years.

    Brother Glen (tyndale) popped the question Saturday night and he is now engaged! They are getting married early next year. Read about it in the Women's Forum. He is such a romantic.
  18. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Sheila--I'm serious about the bee keeping---I had a preacher friend who lived in north Mississippi who had a bee farm----100 or so hives---he'd set them up in corners of soy bean and cotton fields---I got to hangin' around him and thought what he was doing was fasinating--every now and then somebody would call telling him they have found a "wild" hive and he'd dress up and go get the hive---he'd sell the honey and wax and whatever else!

    He's since retired and I have moved away from him--he asked me if I wanted to buy some of his hives--and at the time I wasn't interested---but the interest has since been renewed.

    I would plan on setting them up somewhere on my Father-in-law's farm/pasture land---in the spring of the year the clover is in the fields there that looks like it has been snowing--the clover is so thick and white--also we plant several acres of corn and field peas and such each year there---plus there's wild flowers the bees can "munch" on when the clover and stuff die out in the hot summer of the year! You rob the hives once or twice a year--then just maintain them---let the bees know you are still on "their side!"

    Sure, I'd get stung---but it ain't like I ain't never been stung before--I'll live to tell about it--and its expensive to start it off---I will have to "save up!" for it--or get me some sort of loan---right now--I need to start readin' up on it--the care and maintenance of the bees and their hives--getting myself started and things like that---I'll keep you filled in!!

    It'll be fun adventure for my kids--Rachel is 10 and Dolan is 8---just old enough for things like 4-H clubs and stuff---they'd like it(at least up until they get stung for the first time!!!)--but I'll buy them a sting proof suit along with my own if they want to go out with me to gather up the honey.

    Always your buddy,
  19. following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Thanks Blackbird,

    The friend we are hoping to stay with in the next few weeks in Wales won prizes for his honey. I think you would find him fascinating to talk to. He has a 4 1/2 acre small holding and we used to live opposite. Will be interested to hear how it all goes.


  20. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Gwyneth! Here is your tea. Thanks for stopping by!

    You have been a busy girl. I would love some strawberry jam! Yummmmmm. Congrats on your granddaughter winning the poster contest!

    Have fun with those grandbabies!