Common Ground Coffee House #101

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    We'll be back Sue. Life's just got us busy right now.

    Well, except for me this one morning when I only have two little things on my have to do list! I'll be in an out all day.

    Whining Rob? I thought that was me making all that noise! :D

    Thanks for breakfast. I've got a pot roast coming for supper. I'm putting it in the crockpot so folks can serve themselves this evening.
  2. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    JIM! You get back here!!!
  3. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    FoG, you're so sweet!

    Jim, it's slow because I've not been around much. I'm back, so I expect everyone to return. HAAAAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOTTTT

    Ok so I'm halfway through my kitchen. My goal is to finish that and the laundry room today. The laundry room was fine until this morning, when a certain un-named child spilled a whole bag of guinea pig food not just on the floor, but between the dryer and the wall. Then while looking for the garbage can I discovered that they haven't been using it (they get a kick out of cleaning the lint trap), but they HAVE been throwing stuff NEAR it!

    Sometime in here I'll get down to the river.

    I convinced my oldest (middle school gets out early on Wednesdays) to stay at school and do study hall instead of having me come pick her up and then have to turn around and go back for her sisters shortly after. I convinced her with the promise to pick her up early next Wednesday and we'll go to Taco Bell and have mommy/daughter fun.
  4. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Ok you non-postng people who are out there and...well, not posting!

    GET WITH IT! I'm actually here to read it!

    Got what I wanted done and a bit more, so I'll just keep going in a bit! YAY!

    I also had a miracle happen folks. Yes, a miracle! I finished and then decided to go get myself lunch.
    The miracle?


    I went and got it and will now enjoy it. ALL OF IT!

    Someone said I'd certainly be missing the kids while they're at school.

    Yes, I suppose I do, but I'm seriously beginning to ponder the merits of this alone time thing. Kids getting a good education, me alone, stuff getting done, and when they got home yesterday you know what happened?
    They didn't whine they were bored, or to go here or there, or do this or that.
    They sat and did homework, and they ate their whole dinner, and they were nice to each other and they straightened their room and we talked and they went to bed!

  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I have been so busy today, I haven't even had time to check my ebay store to see if anything else sold. And THAT is busy!

    We've had kind of a rough day with homeschooling today. I surely wish we had a good public school here, where most (or a lot) of the kids weren't alcoholics, on drugs, rapists, pregnant or under house arrest (and I'm talking about the Middle School 6th-8th grade)! If we did, I really believe Brent would be better off going there and I know I would!

    The Christian school is not an option because it is cost prohibitive. What a shame. You'd think they could find a way to make Christian education a little more accessible. :tear:

    Anyway, we just finished for the day and I'm starting preparations for supper (we eat dinner/lunch at noon in my neck of the woods).

    My empty nest is filling up again! My youngest daughter (Brent's mom) has moved back home for a while. On the upside, she will have to attend church with us (and she actually wants to). Of course, Brent and I had something to do with that. We've been :praying: for almost three years that she would realize the errors of her ways and get right with God!

    So, Gina, I believe a MIRACLE is heading our way too! :thumbs:
  6. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Ha! You know what mine did yesterday? Didn't have anything to do with being nice or homework. They waited until I left to run an errand and promptly got into a family fight!

    No blood was shed, but the friend Cass had over got an earful from them and me. Poor child probably thinks we're always this wild. :laugh: Of course you realize that laugh comes from knowing that we won't have that problem again cause I fixed it. :D

    And now it's time to go pick them up again. :(

    Enjoy your last few hours of freedom, Gina!
  7. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Sue, that is WONDERFUL news! I'll pray right along with you and Brent.

    One of the public middle schools out here is the same way. It's sad.

    MK, we're a few hours earlier than you so I still have a while! I'm all tired out now so I'm not doing anything else productive until tomorrow. I'd love a nap but I'd never wake up if I laid down now! Maybe after I pick them up...
  8. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thank you for praying, Gina.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if Brent could live with his mother again someday!

    Then I could go back to being 'just' Grandma again... Of course, I would probably still homeschool him.
  9. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey Sue, I just realized you've made it over the 40,000 post mark! Hurrah for you!

    Oh Gina, got kids? :D

    I've got two tired ones and one happy hyper one! Some boy came trailing around after Cass today. Love note and all. :rolleyes: It seems that Cass' "friends" had told him allllll about her. They left out something, though. They didn't tell the poor kid about ME! (gets out rag and starts polishing the bat)

    I am not going to survive their teenage years........
  10. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    ah man...

    I'm on the phone with the doctor and it's taking forever and I have to go pooooootttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thank you for sharing, Gina. :smilewinkgrin:
  12. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    LOL Gina! At least you are on the phone awaiting an actual person at your doctor's office.

    I get to call and leave messages and they get back to me whenever. Like this morning, I call leave my message, sit around the house for 3-4 hours and then run an errand. When do you think they called back. Yep, you guessed it, 5 minutes before I walked back in the door! :rolleyes:

    I have been to an absolutely lovely church service and choir practice. I should feel really refreshed and happy right? Well I do, except that about halfway through the church service I got attacked by autheritis. By the time church was over it was all I could do to shuffle back to the choir room where we sat and sang for another hour. Needless to say, I took the elevator down to get my kids, instead of the two flights of stairs I usually use. The really, really sad thing is that I climbed those same stairs when I came into the church! Grrr! I hate arthritis!
  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Cindi: Do you use Aspercreme? It's a topical ointment for arthritis. I couldn't sleep as well as I do if I didn't rub it on my hands before I went to bed at night.

    Speaking of bed....

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue :sleeping_2:
  14. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Can't stand lotions and creams on my skin. Makes my skin crawl.

    I swallowed some advil instead and am considering a muscle relaxer(helps with the neck pain). I think I'm just going to follow your example and hit the hay. Advil is already making me sleepy.

    See you in the morning!
  15. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    MK, how old is Cass?

    And the doctor's office called ME and put me on hold. LOL
  16. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Good Morning all:

    Well, I went through my "psychological exam" for the SSA Disability Division yesterday. I don't think they liked me refusing to answer some questions until they rephrased some of the questions to a neutral position. They asked some that had already reached a conclusion and were looking for answers to fit their position. I refused to answer until these were rephrased. I was told by the psych examiner that I should have been an attorney or a psychologist myself. I read him like a book, but, I was pretty nice, though straight forward with him. At any rate, I should hear something from the disability division on the continuation of my benefits in October. It was nerve wracking for me, and I've been ill at my stomach ever since. My primary care doc said it was stress and advised I take another xanax. So, I'm going to do that after I finish this post.

    Sue, that's great news about your daughter. I'll be praying for all of you. I, too, wish that Christian Education was more accessable. My sister who is very ill, is having to teach to help pay my nephews way through a Christian school in Augusta. It's almost $1,000 a year. She only teaches one or two classes, yet, that's more than she's supposed to be doing right now.

    Gina, glad to see you back and posting.

    mk...hope all is well with you and the kids. I pray for their migraines and other maladies, and for you. It must be trying at times.

    Jim, hope you're doing well, my friend to the North! :) The snow is coming soon to your area! Keep Warm!

    FoG...I pray for you daily. God bless.

    Make it a wonderful day, and remember,

    God is good, all the time!

    Bro. T:thumbs:
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hey, Tony! Good to see you posting and I'm glad that test is over with for you!!! Tell Viv "hi" for me!

    Cindi: Can you take Aleve? It's 'the' product for arthritis.

    Good morning all,

    It's a sunny 59º, heading for a sunny high of 84º. The rain starts tomorrow. It is supposed to rain through the week-end. I'm hoping the weather man is wrong because that's going to make the 'boys' trip to Chicago rather unpleasant.

    They've decided to leave around 3 or 4 Saturday morning and come home late Saturday night. They're going to go up one Saturday a month and just visit one or two places for the day. I think that's wise, because with all they had planned to pack into three days, they wouldn't have gotten to enjoy each place very long. It's cheaper this way too.

    They will probably go to the Sears Tower and The Pacific Mission Gardens on their first trip. Brent is very excited!

    Time to fix breakfast and wake the 'kids' up. :smilewinkgrin:

  18. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    I love your new sig line Sue. <snicker> This grandaughter was already considering making an apple pie today, but mine don't usually make to the window sill! My folks will eat them hot out of the oven.

    Gina, Cass is 14. Just the right age for the boys to start looking. I"ve got my bat polished up nicely today. Poor boy will have to wait for an answer to his note till tomorrow as Cassie has a migraine and is home today. :(

    Phone is ringing, see ya later.
  19. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning Everybody,

    I'd have been here sooner but I've entered the showdown on the Men vs Women Cooks thread. The OP over there doesn't think much of Women cooks, and he's not real sure about Men cooks[other then the original poster] either.

    I know I can't outdo a Woman in the kitchen [and why would I want to try in the first place?], but I think I can "throw something together" in the kitchen well enough to shoot down that OP's low opinion of women & cooks.

    It's getting close to lunch time and I thought folks might be hungry in the coffeehouse, so I whipped up Grilled Pineapple and Virginia Ham sandwiches, some Sweet 'n Hot Orange Wings, spicy hush puppy onion rings, and 'fixins for smoothies.

    I'm a combination of "Rain Man" and "Forrest Gump" , you can call me Rain Forrest.
  20. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Oh hold again...same hospital. *sigh*
    But so far so good...we got two appts set up on the same day and she's looking to see if we can get a third in. AND the two so far are back to back for optho and neuro, we're on hold for her heart stuff. I forgot she'd been to this one before and totally confused them by saying she wasn't. HA

    Hope everyone's having a good day. A great day. a MAHVELOUS day!