Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Bright and sunny here too! Would be a great day for a yard sale!
    Except I'm here in the office.
    We're going to a friend's daughter's sweet 16 party tonight. It's so big, it's in their church fellowship hall! They're not Hispanic, but there's going to be a ceremony that is supposed to be like what Hispanic folks do at a girl's 15th birthday, something to do with pledging chastity and purity. Then a party! Sounds like fun. She's a sweet girl.
  2. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Bright, sunny, and a little cool here.
    Yeah, let's find a yard sale. Good idea. Just the thing, Debby.
  3. dianetavegia Guest

    Jim has pneumonia and the doctor said his x-rays were very bad. I just got his medicine. The insurance company had refused to pay for it but the doctor called them so.. in and out, back and forth, etc. His fever is staying right at 100° but he feels really bad. Still cost us $40~

    I won't be around much during the day today.

  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Diane; I am so sorry to hear that.

    With my bout of pneumonia being so recent, I can certainly sympathize with him.

    Tell him Brent and I are praying for him!
  5. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Big, big hugs, Diane.
  6. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Wow . . . so quiet in here today.

    *** tiptoes around ***

    Be vawy, vawy quiet . . . Evwee one is sweeping . . .
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Almost every one is either sick or taking care of someone who is sick. :(

    Brent had several check-ups, self-tests, and pace tests today, so we are still home schooling.

    It's a good thing Prednisone peps me up! :rolleyes:
  8. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Viv and I got back from Wally World...didn't go into the one in's a mess. We went to Shelbyville and got in and out reasonably quickly. We were glad it was a short trip. Made a small deposit at the bank and came home. After eating a quick lunch, we went out and we got the push mower started and I mowed part of the lawn around the house. Wish I hadn't! The noise about killed me. It also set my asthma off. But, no...I wouldn't stop there! LOL...I had to go and start the weed whacker! Well, anyhow, it looks better than it did. I'm just all messed up. Had to take more Xanax and Robinul Forte. Not good. Also had to take my iron pills since I forgot to do it earlier today. Being anemic from this blood loss is a pain in the...Uh...foot! ;)

    Sue, I used to take Prednisone. It's what made me balloon up to over 400lbs, made me very aggressive and caused me to go after my supervisor and attack him at work! Not a good day, that day! The bad part was this guy was a LOT bigger than me and twice as strong, but I scared him senseless! That was three weeks before I went disabled.

    Diane, sorry about the misunderstanding. I'm just "not here" today.
  9. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Tony! That is JUST what I needed to hear! :eek:
  10. padredurand Well-Known Member
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    Oct 25, 2004
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    Hey Tony, my lawn needs mowing, too. Only problem is that it is under a couple of feet of snow.
  11. dianetavegia Guest

    Prednisone gave Jim a permanently enlarged abdomen. His doctor told him it'll also cause a 'camel's hump' on back of your shoulders. Jim's face went down after a year off the stuff but the tummy is still there. He's not heavy anywhere else tho.

    It's good for short periods Sue. Jim took it every day for a long time.

    Well all these sudden expenses changed my decision. I'm not going to ask the mother for more money. I'm going to accept what I'm given. School is out soon.... I'll begin looking for one other child to keep all day. I'd like to get away from driving to pick up kids every day.
  12. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I usually only take the Prednisone 8-10 days, but he gave me enough for 12 days this time. :confused:

    How is Jim feeling?

    With him being sick, I think you made a wise decision with the babysitting (at least for right now).

    A bird in the hand...
  13. dianetavegia Guest

    He's resting now, Sue. His fever's under 100° now without any aspirin, etc. I told him yesterday I thought he had pneumonia. I wish he'd gone back to the doctor then but he thought, since the ER at the VA said just a bad cold.......

    My mother called late last night. I told her about the babysitting change and my eye surgery and she's sending me a check for the co-pay. Did I tell y'all already?

    Sue, you were to have some tests done this week? Am I remembering wrong? I'm praying for only good results.
  14. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Diane, I was supposed to have them this morning, but with this other sickness, I called and rescheduled.

    Thanks for the prayers though! I will be needing them again. I can't get out of taking them for very long..

    Prednisone makes me 'ditzy' and hyper (no wise cracks). Does it do that to anyone else?
  15. dianetavegia Guest

    You're welcome Sue. I'll keep you in prayer. Did your muscle pain stay okay?

    I've not gotten any results back on my mammography yet and it's been 2 weeks today. :eek:

    Prednisone gave Jim wild dreams and made him 'on edge'. With the grown kids, I'd say 'Watch out! Daddy's on prednisone' and they'd be really good. It also caused him to have a 'metalic' taste in his mouth.
  16. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    "On edge" is what I was looking for. It seems to drain me of patience too. I didn't know whether to kick myself or the cat today!

    The metallic taste is awful too. That has got to be the worst tasting medicine I've ever had and the aftertaste doesn't seem to go away very fast.

    My back straightened right up after one day and a night with the heating pad. Amazing!

    The doctors are never in any hurry to call back with your results unless it is serious. If something was wrong - you would have known about it by now. It's time to celebrate!!!
  17. dianetavegia Guest

    That's what I think too, Sue. I know they sent away for the old film from 10 years ago but they said they'd be completed by mid week at the latest.

    I've got a scratchy throat and a tickle. Praying I don't get sick! The pollen is awful here and I was outside a bit. I took some Sudaphed but Jim coughed all over me for 2 nights. :eek:

    Ty's mom picked him up just minutes ago and said he's going to spend next week in Ala. so I'll be able to sleep late all next week!
  18. dianetavegia Guest

    UPDATE: Jim ate some shrimp scampi and is up and moving around. The antibiotic doctor gave him is a once a day pill of a quionic base??? It's made for serious bacterial infections. Looks like it's working already. He's hardly coughing at all! They also gave him the same medicine that made Jon's heart beat too fast and irregular. I took it for 4 days with my sinus infection and it just made my head feel odd so I'm praying it doesn't bother Jim!

    I've never seen such a quick improvement with pneumonia! Of course, Jim feels bad all the time so a minor improvement may feel like a lot more to him than to someone like me who is only sick once a year.
  19. padredurand Well-Known Member
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    Oct 25, 2004
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    Can I quote you on that, Sue? Never mind I just did.

    Our oldest took Prednisone when he was little. Nasty side effects!
  20. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Sue, I know what happened to your backache. It came down here and attacked me!

    I've been down with mine since about the middle of the morning. The worst part is that I don't know what I did to it to make it act this way. It finally got so bad that I took some advil and a muscle relaxer. That helped so long as I wasn't moving around. When I had to take Precious to the doctor, I took another half of the muscle relaxer and some more advil. Then it was so warm in the doctor's office that I very nearly fell asleep!

    Today's doctor visit earned Precious a visit with yet another doctor. The ENT decided that he was wrong in thinking this was carotid artery inflamation and with one of his partners decided that it is a muscular problem of some sort. They are making her an appointment with a pediatric reumatologist over at Children's. I figure that by the time we get the appointment that whatever it is will be gone. Children's is famous for not being able to schedule appointments in a timely fashion. When Son needed an appointment there for his migraines, the soonest they could get him in was THREE months later. We'll see.

    Diane, I'm glad to hear that Jim is feeling better. Don't let him get to active though, you don't want a relapse.

    These once a day antibiotics are really nice. I love not having to remember a medication schedule.