Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Aug 11, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Ouch Debby!

    MK: We are using rolled roofing for the porch. The rest of the house is shingled.

    The reason we want the tar out is to push the rolled roofing up under the flashing we will be replacing.

    I think that one problem area is what caused the leaks to begin HAS to be fixed right.
  2. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  3. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I didn't know they still made rolled roofing. Learn something everyday.

    I'm taking that the problem is where the flat roof meets the house under the eave of the first roof? (this is an add on room correct?) And when they first roofed it instead of building a framework to hold the flashing tight they simply filled the gap with tar and nailed the flashing to the flat roof and the edge of the original roof? Have I got the idea?
  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    You got it! Now what do we do about it? lol

    We may have to do the same thing they did if we can't get the tar removed. There's a bunch of it!
  5. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    &lt;&lt;&lt;won't say it....won't say it....wooonn.nn't&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I would say BLAST! Of course you might not like the results, but it WOULD INDEED get the tar out of there!
  6. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Happy Tuesday, people.

    I just got told that I don't need to be at a big meeting that most people in my department are going to, so now I've pretty much got nothing to do!
  7. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Personally, I'd leave the old flashing where it is and put new over top of it. Make sure the new flashing gets up under the edge of the shingles on the original roof and then do the same for the rolled stuff(I don't know if you can put rolled on a vertical surface but they can tell you at the roofing place, if not get just enough metal roofing to cover the flashing).

    LOL Tony!
  8. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    The old flashing is gone and the tar is removed. A frame is being put in place (made of OSB) to hold the new flashing.

    Thanks for the help MK (not you Tony!)
  9. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    How did they get the tar out without blowing anything up????
  10. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    You mean you fixed the way it should have been in the first place!

    Did Dale make it home to help?
  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Debby: Chip by chip! :mad:

    MK: Yes and yes.
  12. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Yah, thats a problem alright Sue.
    I heard tonight my favorite aunt (her and my uncle were divorced long ago, but I always loved her growing up) passed away on Sunday, and her funeral is tomorrow. It is a good ways off(especially now with gas prices) I'd like to go, but not sure I can afford it.
    What do you all think, go anyway?
  13. TaterTot Guest

    I'd go, but thats me.
  14. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    DonnA, sorry about your aunt. I'm more for visiting people when they are alive than going to funerals. Most of the time when I go to a funeral, it is to support the relatives.

    I can't believe how busy I have been today. I didn't even get a nap so I'm headed to bed. I didn't get a chance to read many posts today.
  15. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    It's cooler here in Tennessee this morning. About 7 degrees cooler than it has been...PRAISE THE LORD! It actually felt good this morning outside!

    Last night was a hard night for Vivian and me. After much prayer and searching yesterday, I felt very sure that the Lord has led us to leave Midland. I was reading Matthew 10 for devotions and it talked about shaking off the dust of ones feet (speaking of the disciples in the cities/homes they went to) if the people would not hear them as a testimony against them. In another section of scripture yesterday in study, the Lord made it clear again "Come out from among them and be ye separate". It was strange that these two sections came up the same day.

    In trying to prepare my sermon for Sunday, I have not had a peace about preaching. I usually wouldn't even consider turning down a chance to preach, but, the Lord has taken the peace from me concerning preaching this Sunday. So, that, in conjunction with the directives yesterday, I believe it's time to go. Sunday afternoon was pretty much a clencher for it for us...the church has put the motion to research this proposal and "doctrine" in a committee (subcommittee) and it will take six months to a year to research it out, which is ridiculous. God has made it clear in the Bible, it has been clearly pointed out and stated in my paper and in the proposal. The church is stalling. Then there is the fact that they were talking with me concerning reconciliation, but put disclaimers on reconciliation stating that the former pastor COULD NOT/WOULD NOT be allowed back, and that two families would be under church discipline if they came back and rejoined...but then the subject of "rebaptism" came up with this one deacon, and he stated because they left and joined a "non denominational church", which they haven't because NO CHURCH HAS BEEN FORMED, and even if it had, it would be SBC, as they are seeking to do so at this time, they would have to be rebaptized into the Baptist church. Can anyone else see where this has gotten out of hand? This deacon is running this church into the ground and no one can stop him. They have not followed their own bylaws/constitution, and it is clear they are unwilling to follow the Bible in reconciliation, so, we have no choice but to shake off the dust of our feet. It's been a vey hard decison on Vivian and me because we love the people on BOTH SIDES of the split. But, we are going this evening to the Bible study on the other side. I'm turning in my resignation Thursday and writing a letter to all members stating that there is a hindering spirit in the church and growth will not be possible until this is addressed. I hate to leave. One older couple are like parents to me and Vivian. We love them dearly, and this hurts us greatly to do this. But, I believe it may be the wake up call that the church needs. At this time, they are trying to bring in a man to candidate who was called to be a missionary to a foreign land, got cancer, had it go into remission, but now is seeking a church instead of proceeding to the missionfield where God called him. He is a liberal in doctrine, and I believe this fits "having heaped to themselves teachers, having itching ears". I cannot be a part of such ungodliness.

    When this decision was made, it was like a ton of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders. I actually even slept some last night. So, God is good. But, please, continue to pray for Midland Baptist. They are going to have a rough road ahead. Also pray for those on the other side of the split, which now includes us. This "mission" is growing, leading souls to the Lord, witnessing, and the Lord is blessing.

    Enough of that!

    It's supposed to be cooler for the next several days. I'm going to try and do some push mowing today, against Vivian's wishes, while it is cooler. It's got to be done. Someone offered to cut it for $65.00, but I don't think the Lord would have me paying out that much money to have it cut when Vivian and I could do it in a couple of evenings.

    DonnA, sorry to hear about your aunt. I'd go if I were you, if it's what is truly in your heart. I believe God will supply if it's what you're supposed to do.

    Sue, glad to hear about the roof and that Dale was able to be home to help, finally.

    God bless ya'll today. Time is short...keep HIM first and keep looking up! He may come today!

  16. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Praise the Lord for the courage to do what's right. The pastor of my parents' church had to leave a similar situation about a year ago. (From a different church-not my parents')

    By the way, I have never heard of anyone being baptized into the baptist church (rebaptized or otherwise). I was shocked when I heard that.

    Hopefully you are right that this will be a wake up call, and they will see the changes they need to make.

    God bless. Our prayers are with you.
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all:

    Dale took off work again today to finish the roof, but it did not get finished. He ruined almost a whole roll of roofing, so he has to drive to Bloomington, after work tomorrow, and buy another roll.

    Church is in 20 minutes and we are all tired, so I will say good night now.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  18. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Having received an ominous phone call with the voice muffled so that I could not tell who it was stating that I needn't come back to Midland that they didn't want me there was just a childish move on their part. So, to avoid confrontation with the person whom we believe it to be, I wrote out the resignation along with a private letter to the man in the church who is like a parent to me, taped them separately to the front door of the church, my resignation having my key to the church in it, and the packet of materials from Olan Mills for the church directory left inside of the front door. Again, it was like a ton of bricks off of my shoulders, and Vivian actually seemed to feel relieved that it was finally over for us at Midland. We met last night for a time of Bible study and prayer, and even prayer over one who was sick in the congregation and myself also, both of us being anointed with oil after calling the elders of the church as scripture teaches, and had a prayer for healing if that be the Lords will. It was a blessed time of fellowship, prayer and true seeking of God's face like I've never seen before! We were so glad to be in a place where the LORD was first! There were 28 people there last night, including kids, and that was more than we had on Wednesday nights at Midland. God is truly blessing here, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being presented!

    They decided on a name, and it is to be the Faith Community Church. It is Baptist in doctrine and practice, but leaves the stigma from the split behind, starting by FAITH in the Midland COMMUNITY as a CHURCH! Praise be to God for HIS unspeakable gift and his blessings on us!

    Viv and I were welcomed with opened arms and hearts. They had been praying for us because they knew of the struggle in presenting the truth to Midland. They knew that I had been left behind there for a reason, and that was to present that Bible truth. It's up to that church now to decide what to do with it. I have a feeling they will reject it and follow the deacon. It's a shame. All I can do is pray.

    Again...enough of that! This is the day which the Lord hath made! We will rejoice and be glad in it!

    This morning was a bit warmer, muggy and there was some fog in the area. It's supposed to start cooling off tonight, and we pray it will. We want to mow the lawn. We're going to have to push mow it, but I believe we'll get it done.

    Vivian is working OT tomorrow, but leaving off Saturday and Sunday. There's a lot we have to get done! Mom is coming on the 9th and dropping off her piano at our house so that I can continue to compose and play. It's a true blessing to be able to get that piano. It's been in our family for 50+ years and holds many fond memories for me.

    Don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the Lord helped concerning the Life Insurance settlement money on Viv's mom. The executor, her uncle, finally had enough of people doubting him and split the money three ways and sent checks. They still all three believe money was skimmed, but believe that it would be senseless to fight with their uncle since he is truly physically and mentally ill, close to a nervous breakdown. None of them want anything to do with him, but I know Viv and I have been praying for him. He is saved but backslidden and we would love nothing more than to see him come back to the Lord.

    Rain is coming...when I don't know, but I can feel it in the old arthritic bones of mine! ;)

    Thanks to all of my Bro's and Sisters here who prayed for us through these tough times. You will never know just how much it meant to us, and we could feel the prayers being raised. God bless you.

    Make it a great, Christ centered day!

    Bro. T
  19. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Tony: So glad things are working out for you.

    It is supposed to rain today, tonight, and tomorrow and we still don't have the roof on! Dale is working today, so I'm not sure what will happen...

  20. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Morning to all the Peeps:

    Tony-I see you got my phone call