Common Ground Coffee House #99

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jul 1, 2006.

  1. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Don't help much here, waitin' till evening that is. Better off gettin up early, which I have a hard time doin bein outta work this long!!!
    O.K. Gang, I'm fixin to TRY again to give BH a bath. Worked last time...but momma was here & she could see her. This time I'm on my own, so I don't know if it'll work or if I'll get eat up!!! But she'a my baby & I gotta try. If I can type I'll let ya know how it went!!!
  2. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    YooHoo!! Page 21!!! Has that ever been done???
    FYI...Gave BH the bath...she's dryin off in the livin room...give ya the details in CGCH 100!!!!
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Actually, it has. One night, after I went to bed (it was on page 19 at the time) a few posters who will remain nameless...had an idea to run it up before I arose the next morning. I believe they posted, double posted, and triple posted until it reached page 23 or 24. When the cat's away.... :laugh:

    It will be done on a regular basis with this new format.

    We relocate to a new Coffee House when the old location has reached 300 posts.

    The old format had 15 posts per page making a total of 300 posts at the end of page 20 (and a new one was started).

    This new format only has 10 posts per page, so in order to get 300 posts, we will now be going to page 30 before we relocate.

    We will have to be planning our 100th anniversary party soon though!!! :praise:
  4. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    0 that case...BH is in here with me now, been awhile for her. She'a runnin all over the wingback chair...& me!!!
    Bath didn't really go too bad, my left hand was a bloody mess from her not sure what was going on....but I'm used to it. No worse than playin with a hyper kitten!! But she calmed down & let me get her clean. Then I wrapped her in a towel & she played "pitiful" for a bit lettin me dry her.
    Now she is contently explorin around me in the chair, findin a place to settle down! She's sumpin else!!!
    I just picked her up to double check if I did a good enough job, she just spread all 4 legs like..look I'm clean!!!! Ain't our Lord Amazing with His blessings!!!
    I know some will read this & go BIG DEAL...but it's the simple pleasures that make life so GOOD!!!
  5. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    How 'bout comin and bathin' a couple of BIG DOGS! That'n in my avatar and her buddy both need to be brushed and bathed. Brushed first cause they are still losing their winter coats and that makes for a mess in the tub if'n they're not brushed out first.

    My cute animal story of the day is about the cat though. I was sorting laundry when she decides that Chris' basket was the one she needed to take a nap in. So she crawls in, curls up, and goes to sleep. Didn't move even when I piled clothes on top of her! Didn't move when I picked up the basket and moved it to another room. Crazy cat didn't get out of that basket until she was done with her nap. :rolleyes:

    My hands are feeling a bit better this pm. I still can't move my right forefinger and thumb real good, but at least it doesn't hurt to touch something anymore.

    House is straightened, laundry is done enough, so tomorrow I will get back to the bathroom. Tonight I'm going to work on getting my and T's karate patches embroidered and on our uniforms. Can't test this week unless I do.

    PTL! Cassie's migraine lifted this afternoon! I've still been making her take it easy but she seem to be better. Chris is some better but still in pain. Maybe his will break overnight.

    Ya'll have a good evening!
  6. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Don't have much problems givin Sam a bath either, short hair & all. All we have to do is ask her if she wants a bath & she'll go get in the tub. She much prefers a shower. I guess being half lab helps!!
  7. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good, can I schedule your visit for Monday? :D
  8. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    I think we should hunt them down and make them eat 25 chocolate almonds. And when the cat's away, hey, it's a great day.
  9. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    I tell ya what MK, you bring them up here & I'll stick'em in the tub.....hows about that?? Hey you could go another 30 or so miles & visit MC while yur up this way!!!
  10. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    MK, my daughter has had a headache all week too. I think it's related to sugar though. I warned the child to stop, then it got real bad and I thought "ok, maybe not", but then I found she'd snuck and ate a pecan log. That thing was huge!
    I figured the headache was punishment enough for that one. I considered making sure there was nothing like that in the house, but instead she's just gonna have to learn that if she disobeys from now on, I won't consider the headache punishment enough. I was really suprised that she directly disobeyed like that. And she didn't even clean it when she was done, left the wrapper and the pieces of nuts laying on a chair. GRRR!!!
    She's going on a full week of it now, but now that I know she won't help herself by simply doing what she's told and should be very simple, I don't feel very bad for her. It can't hurt as bad as she says it does if she thinks it's worth getting just to have a moment of disobedience and sweets.
  11. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    huh??? Tried to
  12. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    "It can't hurt as bad as she says it does if she thinks it's worth getting just to have a moment of disobedience and sweets."

    Kinda remind ya of what the Word means by....sin?? ;)
  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well, I'm up way past MY bedtime!

    I got home from church around 8:00 (and could have gone to bed then), but Brent stayed at the church for a pizza party and one of our friends brought him home. He didn't get home until 10:00 and by then I was wide awake again.

    I think my eyelids are getting droopy now though...

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue :sleeping_2:
  14. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    You ARE up late!

    I'm on a new kick of not taking any medicines, so I'm up too. LOL

    Pizza actually sounds good. They have a frozen garlic bread pizza now, have you seen those? I don't like pizza much, but it sure smelled delicious when I baked it! They should make a candle scented like that! :laugh:
  15. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Well I've slept a whole 3 hours!! Had to get up & take my Honey to work so figured I'd drop in.
    BH is even up, I gave her a carrot & she's content...for now anyway.
    Figure Vicki will be callin in a couple of hours, have to go up there aroun 10 anyway whether I'm runnin today or not. But for some reason I figure I'll be taking the route over , but if so we can use the money. The hard part will be getting back to going to bed earlier.
    Jerry is supposed to be in today. Should go wed to turn his truck in & leave next Mon. for orientation with J B Hunt. I'm glad he's gettin a better job, but it's gonns be a chore with him here for a week. Guess Me & BH will camp out in here a lot.
    Well gonna check some other things, be back in when I can!! Have a Blessed Day!
  16. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Preacher -- 3 hours! I used to do that all the time, but doesn't happen much any more.

    I hope everyone is on the mend today.

    Coffee's on -- tea is out. Have a great day guys!
  17. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    YES!!! Everyone at the menagerie is on the mend, except the keeper! :rolleyes: Everything from my neck up is congested. To bad, cause I have work to do and I'm not stopping because of an allergy attack. I don't even feel bad, just can't talk, breathe or swallow. Even my tongue hurts. Unlike Gina, I've actually taken some meds and they should be helping shortly. My hands are much better this morning. Best of all, all three kids woke up smiling!!!!! :applause:

    Gina, I tell mine that if they are going to risk the trigger they have to deal with the migraine without whining at me about it. They know what meds to take(they do have to tell me they are taking it) and if they need a shot I'll take them, but they are not allowed to complain or not do chores when I've warned them not to risk the trigger. If they caused their own migraine then my life goes on. Chris especially, is unwilling to risk most of his triggers. HE's had enough shots to last him a lifetime. Cass though is a different story. She's not had them long enough or severe enough to accept that her triggers are GOING TO give her a headache. She always thinks that this time it will be okay. She's learning though!

    I'll see ya'll later. I'm going to go finish sanding those doors before it hits 90. It is supposed to make it up to 100 today. By that time I intend to be INSIDE!
  18. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I went to bed late, but slept in until 7:00. Brent is still asleep. Yesterday wore him out (mainly the pizza party where they played games)!

    I thought I'd just let him sleep in because he will be swimming all afternoon and he has a Boy Scout meeting at the park tonight where they will go hiking. Both of those activities will wear him out...

    Humidity is 100% (but I still need to water my outdoor plants) and the temperature is 83º with an expected high of 96º. We might get some isolated thunderstorms tomorrow or Wednesday. The heat index is well over 100º already.

    I believe I'll have some sweet, iced tea this morning,
  19. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Morning everybody,
    Thanks Bitsy, I'll take half a cup of coffee(I never drink coffee), but I just can't wake up this morning.
    I guess my weekend finally caught up with me. I collapsed into bed last night and slept for 14 hours. No wonder I need coffee.
    Actually today I'm going to try and be online as much as I can. My doc says it's good therapy for me to be around happy, positive people, and I can't think of a better place to fill that "prescription" then here on the BB.
    A BIG thank you to all of you who've been holding me up in prayer over the weekend. There was no doubt in my mind that if I posted my prayer request in the prayer request/praise forum, and asked for prayer here that my "family" would be there for me.
    I will never be able to adequetely express how much all of you mean to me.
    Have a great day my friends. My day is certainly brighter because you're in it.


  20. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    :D That's us, happy positive people! :laugh:

    I am almost ready to start painting!!!! Just a little bit more sanding to do and the paint can go on! Yay! Not painting today though, cause I have sewing to do that I was supposed to do yesterday.

    Gayla! You inspired yet? What project have you decided to start on?