Congressman: 'Remove' Boehner if he backs amnesty bill

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Jedi Knight, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Jedi Knight Well-Known Member
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    Mar 9, 2009
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  2. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    And slit the GOP's national electoral throat. Get real.
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    Distasteful as it is to me to see Congress allow a path to citizenship for people who have broken the law by entering the country illegally, something has to be done. What are we going to do, deport 12-14 million people? That doesn't seem like a viable option either, given that it would be time- and manpower consuming to the point of bankrupting ICE at best, or that it would cause nearly full-blown civil war at worst.

    It seems to me that though Rohrabacher is demanding "majority party majority support" while thinking it won't exist, he's wrong. Republicans, being pragmatic and knowing that this is eventually going to happen one way or another, will support border security first followed by path to citizenship for the majority of illegals as a second action in the bill. Therefore, he is likely all bluster with little actual threat.
  4. Jedi Knight Well-Known Member
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    Mar 9, 2009
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    It can happen.
  5. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    It seems that is what California's electoral votes have done for the past twenty years.
  6. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I do not know a thing about the Congressman from California, but maybe he is one of the few left that believe the Constitution should be the standard. Take a look at the two Senators from my state, Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. They are both Republican, but might as well be from different parties. One believes in following the Constititution (Paul) and the other is a liberal, big government, establishment Republican. (McConnell) I am hoping he is defeated in 2014. The House Speaker is exactly like Mitch McConnell.

    The immigration problem is very complex, because we failed to enforce the borders over the past several decades. Presidents and Congresses from both parties failed to solve the problem when it was manageable. There are no easy answers at this point. Perhaps having an immediate crackdown on the borders for one, and deporting illegals in stages over time. I do not know. I do know one thing, rewarding someone for breaking present law is not the answer.
  7. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    There were no failures involved. Congress was just living up to it's NAFTA agreement. The free movement of goods and people across the border.

    So far it's been a huge success. Ross Perot predicted it. Maybe he read the agreement, no? What was it the democrats and republicans said about Ross? Oh yeah he was a looney conspiracy theorist, yeah that's it.

    That's what they always say about those who tell it like it really is.
  8. JohnDeereFan Well-Known Member
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    Mar 26, 2009
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    We don't have to deport them all. Just make it unpleasant enough to be here illegally and they're self deport.
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    Unfortunately, that has been shown to involve incarceration and trial, not only before a criminal court (if the original arrest is in conjunction with a crime) but also an ICE court. That spends more taxpayer dollars for which we get absolutely no return, and eventually, because of overcrowding, the suspected undocumented alien is released and is not seen again until the next time he/she is arrested. SCOTUS has already taken the unfortunate position that local police can't enforce federal immigration laws, so to round up illegals, they have to be caught in a crime.

    Nope, give 'em a path, though I don't like it. In the long run, it forces them to pay taxes and support the government that provides them the freedoms they enjoy here.
  10. church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Thanks, Squire R! The Speaker is in a difficult position.

    I don't believe that the Democrats want the border closed because they think that they can capitalize on the emotions of Latin America to destroy the GOP. No matter what happens the Democrats win.

    Businessmen do not want the border closed because they want cheap labor. Criminals want an open border for the exportation of narcotics to the lucrative US market.

    However, the border needs to be closed for security and many other reasons but it has been open for over 100 years. During the Mexican revolution, many Mexicans fled to this country for safety. Under the PRI, Mexico was a socialistic state with little opportunity and much squalor. Mexico is notoriously corrupt and no business gets done without payoffs. Mexican aristocrats like Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, need to do more to build the Mexican economy and provide for themselves.

    I say all this to agree that the squalor of Latin America needs to be addressed.

    However, I believe that the motive of the Democrats is purely political. They think that they need the votes of the immigrants to win in 2014, and we all agree.

    The Democrats have proven that they are not going to enforce any laws that they do not wish to obey. So if the GOP passes any legislation before the border is actually secured once and for all, the Democrats will ignore it.

    Once the current ten or twelve million are legalized, then their spouses, children and parents will be allowed to enter legally to double or triple their numbers.

    All of this in our own deep recession where we cannot even employ our own legal citizens. We are reaching our own human limits. Proverbs 27:24 (KJV) For riches [are] not for ever....