Could Life exist on Mars?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Benjamin, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Not a Chance

  2. Highly Unlikely

  3. I Don't Have a Clue and Have Nothng to Base My Guess On

  4. Most likely...Yes

    0 vote(s)
  5. Why not, if All the Necessary Ingredients Exist are There

  1. Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Actually, thre case for Intelligent Designer , and for creation by a being outside our time/space continuim, IS indeed based yupon such mathematical odds/logic as earth being JUST the right mix to have life on it!

    Its much more than God creating all life forms here on earth, he also had to "work into" his creation all that was needed to keep it substainable here once he made it!
  2. Sapper Woody Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    You miss my point, or I am missing yours. My point is, this argument is totally invalid. If we say, "The air we breathe has just the perfect amount of nitrogen, so that proves that God created us", then all an evolutionist has to say is, "No, we evolved to need the level of nitrogen that was provided to us in our atmosphere." If we say, "The earth has just the right amount of <insert absolutely anything>" then all they have to say is, "No, we evolved to accomodate that." So, the argument using that the earth is perfect for us (and I am not arguing that it isn't) is completely invalid, and actually hurts our case.

    This is why the evolutionists will take a blow if we find no life on Mars. It will help prove that life can't just evolve to it's surroundings. It won't completely disprove evolution by itself, but it will at least get them to admit that certain circumstances have to be present in order for it to happen.

    Most people have done only a cursory study into the argument of creation and evolution, or have simply heard an argument for creation that sounded good, and so parrot the argument back. What we need is for people to actually study it scientifically and present the facts, or quit discussing it, so as to not hurt our cause.

    As for the mathematical improbabilities, it is more likely that a monkey, sitting at a typewriter with 26 letters plus a spacebar would type out the Bible exactly than it is for evolution. However, the mathematical improbabilities do not keep people from believing in evolution. So, no amount of math will keep them from believing it. In fact, they kind of have a point. If evolution were possible (although we know it isn't), then in an eternity even the smallest chance would eventually happen.
  3. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    To borrow a phrase, apples and oranges; but if you must know, I believe the creation account as told in Genesis.
  4. Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Ido NOT hold to any theistic Evolution, but still would say that there are evidences for god in the very fact that life could not exist unless ALL variables needed were present, and Evolution CANNOT account for them being met, as many of those laws had to be in effect with dawn of the Universe itself!
  5. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    That is good to hear.
  6. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    It is always interesting to me when mathematically probabilities are brought up in regards to creation. One of the advantages of being older is you get the benefit of seeing what some of the past was really like without relying on what someone else tells you which is almost always wrong in some way.
    In regards to the evolution theory the only thing that has ever evolved is the theory itself. I can remember when they said the earth was 2 to 4 millions years old. Then they changed it and changed it and changed it until we now have a creation that is billions of years old.
    I also remember being taught that the probabilities of this ever happening were so astronomical it could never happen again. Now they are saying not only it could happen again but it most likely will happen again and they get that from quantum theory and the string theory.
    When someone brings up possibilities that this could all have happened and they give some wild number as to the odds I tell them they are off just a little. The actually probabilities of this all coming from evolution is the same probability that a tornado blows though a junk yard and assembles a 747.
  7. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    On this planet, all life (even in the seas) needs air to survive. The creatures that live in the water get their oxygen from the water through their gills. Mammals that live in the water have to come up for air.

    However, there is no reason why God couldn't create some kind of life that lives on gas or anything else if He chose. Personally, I don't believe there is any intelligent life on any other planet, but I could be wrong. Of course, there isn't much intelligent life on this planet.
  8. Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    Could Life exist on Mars?

    "Exist?" I suppose. What else could life do on Mars?
  9. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    I don't believe there was life on Mars before, but since we have sent spacecraft there is a very good chance there is life on Mars now. Some bacteria can survive under extremely harsh conditions, it might be possible that there was bacteria on our spacecraft that has survived.

    But I do not believe there was life on Mars before we arrived there.
  10. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    I agree, and would accept it could be possible there is another planet out there that could sustain life, but I seriously doubt there is any life on such a place now and would expect it has to be a pretty ugly place compared to Earth.

    Even if all the ingredients to sustain our kind of life are there I don’t expect any life there. As per another form of life I just don’t see any reason other than one’s belief in evolution as opposed to creation for another type of life to be there. God gave His One and Only Begotten for life to exist here and I just don’t see Him experimenting with other type of life elsewhere.

    Yes, I could have chosen any of the first 3 options, but figured I’d just go with my gut instinct and vote “Not a Chance’ because even though the scripture is silent there just seems to be little to no reason for life exist to exist elsewhere from the scriptures when considering God's plan here.

    I had someone ask me once if “Didn’t I think it was kind of arrogant to think we are the only ones to be special enough to exist in the entire universe?” I answered: Well, we were special enough for God to sacrifice His One and Only for. I don’t see the character of God creating other life without hope nor needing any practice.

    I think the ingredients being there has no bearing on life being there whatsoever. If all the ingredients for cement were on another planet I wouldn't expect to see cement structures there.
  11. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Jon it is not about what He could or could not do. It is about what He has already told us He has done and if we believe Him or not. There is no room in the biblical account for any life of any kind in any other place but here on earth and every NASA mission is proving that there is not, not that there is..
  12. Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    My point is that God created everything "Just right" for life to have life exist and thrive JUST upon this earth!
  13. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    I think you are missing the point. The reason it is possible for life to exist is because He decided what conditions it would exist in. He could have created us breathing methane and eating rocks and we would then say that was the things that sustains life. It is not about what sustains life as to where He created. It is about when, how, what and where He created and this is the only place He did it based on the biblical account.
    If scientists find some planet someplace that has all the elements on it as this one with the same amounts of oxygen, and all the other elements considered to sustain life there still will not be life there as it is not about what sustains life but about it being created and this is the only place it was created. It has nothing to do with environment, but it does have everything to do with the actual creation of when and where.
  14. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    Live in fear of earthlings?
  15. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    I guess we are not satisfied with polluting this world so we are venturing out and polluting other planets of course with the justification of it being science, but who cares as no one lives there any how. The only draw back is the expense it takes to pollute these other planets. :eek:
  16. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    The question is WAY to broad. The answer depends on the definition of the word 'life'.

    1. Any form and all types
    2. or specific - as in - Bacteria, viral, intelligent, conscious, self-aware, ext..

    IF you mean potentially intelligent, conscious, or self-aware, then you also need to elaborate on what constitutes life that might given an informed opinion.

    For me, I don't believe in intelligent life out there (we barely have any here) but other various forms of organisms that can survive in varying conditions, climates, and or atmosphere, whereby the can reproduce, eat, and grow... I don't see anything in that which stands against scripture, nor potentially science.

    What is funny is the potential of life (intelligent and self-aware .. ie sentient life) to come into being spontaneously is next to a miracle or astronomically absurd (for those science buffs), yet what you keep hearing from our science and space agencies is how they are looking for and finding many planets and solar systems that can and/or possibly do have life on them yet unknown to us -- even though they KNOW the very fact of it is next to nill.

    My vote on the last one is NOT due to an evolution standpoint but the very fact that if life is there, the components for that life must be there, and thus God made everything to sustain that life as 'it' needed it to flourish or at least consist.
  17. quantumfaith Active Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    I think perhaps you are over reaching, to my knowledge, scripture does not declare that "life" on earth is unique in the universe, it simply does not address it. It is "dangerous" ( intellectually speaking) to declare things that scripture is not absolutely and abundantly clear with respect to. The "church" has "gotten in trouble" with things like this before. I for one, am amazed and appreciative that God gave man the desire and capability to be curious and inquisitive about His creation.
  18. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    There is nothing in Scripture that hints at, says, or encourages a belief there is no other life in the universe. Sometimes I wonder if there is intelligent life on Earth.
  19. Michael Wrenn New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    It is not readily apparent. :)
  20. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    It is quite possible. Take a look at Lady Gaga and Boy George.