David Wilkerson?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Born_in_Crewe, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Born_in_Crewe Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it.

    I just wondered what people's thoughts on David Wilkerson are. I have recently read "The Cross and the Switchblade" for a second time, and as with the first time found it very uplifting. However, when I did some further research on Wilkerson, to see whether he was still alive and what he is doing now, I was disappointed with the results, as it appears he has made a lot of prophecies dating back to the 70s which didn't turn out to be true; and more worryingly has made a lot of money out of writing books advising Christians what to do to prepare for the end times.

    I also read a disturbing article which he wrote in 1987 where he basically denounced all Christian rock music. One book reviewer even said he was a false prophet. It all came as a shock because he seemed such an ordinary, humble man in his original book. Makes me wonder if he started believing every hunch he had because of the great things that happened in New York in the 50s and 60s.

    So, what are your impressions of him?
  2. Heavenly Pilgrim New Member

    May 7, 2006
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    HP: I am wondering just what prophesy he made that ‘didn’t turn out to be true?” As for the money off of the books you said he made, is it a sin to make money on books? Do you know how he spends his money? Just wondering.

    There has never been a man of God that I can think of worth his salt that has not been the target of other men at times. One has to be very careful in taking for granted the remarks of one man against another.
  3. Heavenly Pilgrim New Member

    May 7, 2006
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    I would be remiss if I did not say that over the years I have appreciated the letters that Brother Wilkerson has sent out. They at times were seemingly the only source of spiritual meat other than the scriptures in some of the darkest times in my spiritual walk. I thank God for the man, his family and his letters sent to me. God bless him, His family, and his ministry. May God grant him increase financially even as he blesses him spiritually. May his tribe increase!
  4. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Anybody who denounces Christian rock music can't be all bad.
  5. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I believe he's a great preacher. I'm listening to his sermon entitled, "Wicked Youth."

    Look for my post about him.
  6. Gerhard Ebersoehn Active Member
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    Jul 31, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    So say I! But anybody who sets dates in my book is suspect!
  7. Heavenly Pilgrim New Member

    May 7, 2006
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    HP: What date did he exactly set? I am asking because I simply had not heard any myself. If he actually set any dates for whatever, I am simply unaware of it.
  8. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Here was somthing post in another section.
    He is a good man and a humble servant of God, but he has made false prophesies about coming (past now) events which never took place. This makes him a false prophet according to scripture. Though a god fearing man, he has disqualified himself as a "prophet" through his presumptions, and that being to speak for God when God gave no such things to declare.

    Personally, I love his heart and enjoy much of his ministry but he is also one to cautious of and not one I readilly recommend to those not mature already in the faith.
  9. Ulsterman New Member

    Aug 13, 2002
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    This seems self contradictory. How can a man be a "good man", "servant of God" and a "god fearing man", yet simultaneously be a "false prophet?" Show me from Scripture where a "false prophet" was deemed to be a servant of God. Surely men who presume to speak for God and then do so falsely can hardly be described as God fearing. Was Barjesus a "good, God fearing, servant of God" Or Balaam? Or the false prophet of Revelation? Being well meaning does not equate with being godly, or God's servant. You cannot recommend his ministry, you are cautious of the things he says, and yet you still salute him. This doesn't make sense to me.
  10. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Wilkerson said on one of his sermons, either Wicked Youth, or Hell, what is it like? That he is not a prophet.
  11. Ulsterman New Member

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Then he should cease "prophesying".
  12. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    He is a good man because he trusts the shed blood of Christ for his salvation and he truly desires to serve the Lord. He has given his life to the work of the ministry of which bears spiritual fruit.

    He is a servant of God because he proclaims salvation by grace through faith and not of works and that Jesus Christ IS God. He has yeilded his life as a servant to God that he might reach those whom many pastors walk right past in the street because they smell.

    He is a God fearing man in that he believes in living a Holy and seperated life unto God and God alone that we might be (live our lives as) an acceptable sacrifice. And that God is both our Father and Judge and therefore we should fear such a great God.

    But that does not mean he can not be under the influence of other false teachings and the view whereby they come to accept them. I agree that it is a serious charge to speak for God and it not come to pass. But I am not permitted to judge a persons salvation by it and neither are you. He is in sin by doing such but not because his intention is to lead people away from Christ but that he is mislead in many teachings and so his theology is affected as such. I am sure you can name many people you know who do not hold everything YOU consider biblcally sound but are off, and even way off is some area or another.

    So I state that he is a good man, God fearing, and a servant, with regard to his heart for the Lord but at the same time is mislead in his theology which allows for his and many other peoples deviation from the truth into error in this area (gifts). This does not disqualify them that we must see them as unsaved because that is based SOLELY on their understanding of salvation and Christ, not whether they think they speak the Word of God prophetically.
  13. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    On that we both agree.
  14. Allan Active Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Yes, he flip-flops back and forth.

    In one place he says he is not a prophet and in another he states that God has shone him what is to come to pass and that he needs to declare it or as in another place (form the links I gave from another) he questions if he really is a prophet as others claim. This reveals he assumed they were right and is now questioning it due to a failed prediction.

    I don't think even he really understands what a prophet IS and specifically (like MANY of people today) WHAT the message is they bring.
  15. Heavenly Pilgrim New Member

    May 7, 2006
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    HP: I am just wondering what you think. Is it sin to feel strongly about something you believe is real and to say it and then find out that you have either not heard it from God or that you have misinterpreted it?

    What is the real distinguishing factor today between a prophet and a preacher? If one falls into sin should he never preach again? What about those preachers claiming to sin every day in thought word and deed? Should they step down from preaching? We may be close to agreement on this issue.