Deion Sanders a Christian

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Nicholas25, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. Nicholas25 New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Do you guys remember in 1996 or 97 when Deion Sanders got saved? For a long time he talked about his relationship with Jesus often and the media commented on it as well. For the last several years you haven't heard anything about Deion being a Christian. I wonder if he is still living for the Lord?
  2. Site Supporter

    Jan 1, 2006
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    If you decide to write to him, tell him how much you appreciated his earlier witness and comment that you've not heard much lately, please post the response.

    Could be the media found that Christian living isn't news worthy after the first splash of change.
  3. Brian30755 New Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    One thing that bothered me about Deion was this: When he got saved, I saw him on several different Christian TV programs, and this is what he said: "My struggle has never been with alchohol or drugs or gambling. It's been with women. Lust."

    Okay, fair enough. Lot's of us struggle with that. Then, a year or so later, he's on TV hosting the Victoria's Secret fashion show.....standing back stage saying to the camera "It's like a smorgasbord back here".

    Doing that show was a huge mistake for him, in my opinion.

    I remember when he got seemed like almost immediately he was on TV preaching. Seems to me he should have taken some time to grow in Christ first, but again, that's only my opinion.

    Was he ever truly saved, or was it just all about him? Has he backslidden? Was he ever really living for Christ? Is he still? I don't know. Maybe someone can enlighten us.