Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by vaspers, Mar 20, 2004.

  1. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    According to George Barna, the famous Christian researcher, Christians are nearly exactly the same as non-Christians in their attitudes and lifestyle behaviors.

    Thus, it was America's heterosexual, nuclear family sins...

    1. gossip
    2. gambling
    3. Harry Potter
    4. shopping on Sunday and treating it as any other day rather than as set apart for the Lord
    5. grumbling about not getting desired answers in prayer: lack of faith
    6. "holier than thou" moral superiority Phariseeism
    7. tolerance of unspiritually discerning church leaders
    8. racism
    9. sexism: patriarchal over-exaltation of male
    "domination" & dictatorship over women & kids
    10. lack of concern for homeless people
    11. lack of compassion for all poor people
    12. lack of solidarity with persecuted church
    13. lack of care for widows & orphans
    14. materialism, keeping up with neighbors
    15. evangelism-phobia
    16. incest
    17. wife-battering
    18. physical child abuse by hetero fathers
    19. mental child abuse

    ...and many other sins, not just gay marriage, gay sex, and abortions...

    ...that CONTRIBUTED TO the events of 9-11.

  2. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    1. I am coming to the very sad conclusion that most who claim to be Christian have no intention of letting Christ run their lives, let alone live through them. They are, indeed, taking the name of the Lord in vain.

    2. Do you really think Al Qaida thought about those things when they hit the Towers? I rather think they were viewing us as a world power when that is the position they wanted to be in, so they were trying to destroy us, or at least terrify us into some kind of submission.
  3. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    This is what Al-Qaida's rage is all about:

    The American way: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

  4. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    I have no clear idea what was in the minds of al Quida terrorists, possibly that Koranic paradice with 72 virgins and heavenly wine...

    ...but what withdrew God's benevolent protection from our nation is most likely our accumulated sins of varying types.

    To blame it on the gay people or abortion clinics is typical narrow-minded, bigoted, Pharisee thinking: "Thank God, I'm not a homosexual or a pregnant woman about to have an abortion. I'm so holy, I love myself so much. Even if I sin, my sins are not as bad as those horrid gays and abortion women."

    I agree with some who say it is the negligence of church leadership and the apathy of pew potatoes that CONTRIBUTED to God withdrawing His protection from the USA.

    Plus the ACLU trying to get rid of anything that mentions God, or Jesus Christ, or the Bible.

    God is fed up with us letting unbelievers remove all mention and honor toward God Almighty. And our gas guzzling SUVs that make us dependent on Arab Muslim oil doesn't help much either.

    I have to clear my own conscience and focus on Jesus moment by moment. We all must band together and intercede for our nation, the persecuted church, and the world.

    Not bash gays and unfortunate women who mistakenly used abortion as a solution.

    It's not fair for men to bash abortion. We never have to deal with that decision, only women do.

  5. TC Active Member
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    May 7, 2003
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    Hogwash! It takes two people to make a baby. It's not fair that we let one person make the choice to kill it while excluding the other. What we need to do in this situation is to force the men to accept the responsibility and not back away from what is right. We should ban abortion and eliminate the easy way out instead of promoting it.
  6. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I think untimately 9/11 had nothing to do with what anyone thought of America's sins. It had to do with what God thinks of America's sins. So as I said on the other thread, it was the combined sins of all of America and the things we allow.
  7. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    TC: a man can have sex with a gal, and walk away. He can get her pregnant, and not be a father to the child, he can disappear like nothing happened. This occurs often.

    But a woman has to decide what to do. Can she support the child?

    Abortion is horrible, but for men to say "Stop abortion" that's easy for us men to strut around self-righteously.

    What if women said, "Okay, no more abortions. But you have to give up sports forever too."

    How many men would say, "Okay. You gotta deal."??

    No not equating abortions with sports worship. But addiction to sports viewing is a sin when it becomes an idol.

    donna: seems like something may have caused God's protection to be withdrawn from America. You are right: combined sins of all of us, especially us wishy washy pew potatoes.

  8. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Yep, it's sickening how men take advantage of women and walk away. As a man, it's hard for me to understand how so many women allow it, because it's usually predictable.

    No excuse for abortion, though.
  9. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Osama bin Laden caused 9-11. Nothing else.

    Not the majority of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Men, Women, Hererosexual, Homosexuals, Animal Rights Activists, Masons, Elks, Boy Scouts, or members of the Rotary.
  10. john6:63 New Member

    May 2, 2003
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    I believe God as He did in the OT will use other Nations or groups of individuals to carry out His divine punishments. We can still learn from the Prophets of the OT and repent as a Country and turn back to God, but as the OT outlines, men have their own agenda and it doesn’t include God. History will and does repeat itself. The U.S.A. and the road we as a Country are currently traveling on isn’t going unnoticed by our CREATOR!
  11. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    I agree john6:63.

    Osama may have ordered the 9-11 attacks.

    But what caused the withdrawal of God's protection over the USA?

    Yes, we should look at OT and see that, after much pleading and warning, God finally got fed up and allowed a fierce enemy tribe to devastate Israel, and even to destroy His Temple in Jerusalem, the Hebrews had defiled it so much with idols, sorcery, sex perversion, etc.

    Same thing happening here. God has moved on to South America, Africa, China.
  12. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Oh please!!!! 9-11 is not God's punishment on us. That's what Osama says. Those who repeat that line agree with Osama.

    It rains and shines on both the just and unjust. Not every case of sun is reflective of a society's godliness, and not every case of rain is reflective of society's ungodilness.
  13. TC Active Member
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    May 7, 2003
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    Just because something happens, doesn't make it right - which is why I said we must force men to take responsibility for their action. Ever hear of a paternity test? And what of the women that have abortions even though the father of the child wants to do what is right and raise and provide for the child. Protesting abortion has nothing to do with self-righteousness, it has to with recognizing God as the giver of life and that we don't have the right to take(kill) it.
  14. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    johnv: I can show you in the OT how God uses enemies of Israel to punish, reprove, and correct them when they mocked God and defiled His temple.

    We may be able to at least learn something from this, and consider how it may apply to USA.

    But can you prove that God did not take His protection off USA due to our sins?

    I mean: it seems like we did indeed have protection. I give God the credit for our freedom from terrorism and invasion and such.

    Then the protection vanished. Multitudes interceded for our nation. Protection seems to have returned.

    Why think things are just random acts that God has nothing to do with?

    I say God withdrew His protection. God punished USA? I don't know. I don't feel confident to assert that aspect. Could be though.
  15. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I stood 2 hours Saturday holding a picture of murdered baby Malachi...a few who sped by voted me #1, others turned their heads, some nodded, but most completely ignored us. For the cause of "freedom of choice", one innocent baby is murdered every 20 seconds. These murders are not carried out in secret, but under the protection of our government.

    A few days ago, I saw my first pair of sodomites in broad daylight & for a small rural town, this is quite unusual. It made me sick...but our government goes out of its way to protect them.

    These mentioned & also adultery, fornication, lying, government education, state-run churches, spineless pastors, the breakdown of the family, lack of Bible knowledge and indifference towards sin are all reasons why judgment is coming in the worst sort of way.

    And it will not be of 'natural' events.
  16. dianetavegia Guest

    I read that one out of every 4 Christian women has had an abortion!

    This weekend, at our womens' retreat, Haley Morgan-Smith, age 14, gave her life testimony. She was 'a bad decision' born to a Christian teenager who refused an abortion. Haley told her of adoption by older parents and how she is in contact all the time with her birth mother who has encouraged her to remain pure til marriage. Haley sang a song she had written, calling abortion murder and then reminding us that even this 'sin' is forgiveable. As she sang, her baby pictures flashed on the screen... and our altars were filled with young women, on their faces, sobbing and asking God for forgiveness.

  17. vaspers New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Wow! That's amazing diane.

    One out of every 4 Christian women has had an abortion?

    So I guess the churches are needing to wake up.
  18. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    God bless you, dear sister, for putting your faith to work in defense of the most innocent among us. I pray that God will bless you TODAY for your good work.
  19. Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    It is strange that the question has come up about who caused September 11th. I remember just a few weeks ago this same board was asking "Who caused the death of Jesus?". You would think that after awhile we could figure it out.
  20. john6:63 New Member

    May 2, 2003
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    We can debate and debate until we’re blue in the face about who killed Jesus or who caused Sep. 11th, but the fact that isn’t debatable IMO, is that NOTHING happens on God’s creation whether it’s to individuals or Nations without first being approved from the Throne Room of God. God is in CONTROL just as much today as He was during the OT days.