Did Obama or Panetta order the killing of Osama?

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by targus, May 4, 2011.

  1. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    "Was it Leon Panetta – not a waffling Barack Obama, supported in his indecision by Valerie Jarett – who finally ordered the assassination of bin Laden. We don’t know the truth of this. We weren’t there. But a “White House insider” quoted on Socybrty says the following:

    I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president."


    A fuller report can be found here: