Do certain lifestyles keep one from being a Christian

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by freeatlast, Oct 18, 2004.

  1. manchester New Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    There is nothing in the Bible that says Christians sin, but not daily. The verses you cited support that Christians never, ever, ever sin and that was your original position. You claimed that "real Christians" never sin. Then you said you sin.
  2. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    BillyMac said,"And so it is that the dilemma of this thread is. How can one be an obedient Christian and walk in holiness and yet be carnally based and walk in sin???"

    The answer is in your question. Do you see it?
    One cannot be obedient and rebellious at the same time.
    The problem, I think, is in one's (subconcious) definition of 'christian' when speaking on this subject.
    What is the Biblicaldefinition of a christian. I think it is found in Acts. "They were called Christians first at Antioc." Why were they called that? Simply because they followed the doctrines of Jesus.
    Were the people at Corinth "christians"? I don't think a case can be made that they were not. However, a strong case can be made that they had many sin problems and were thus carnal, (or fleshly). So, too, can we see a similar "carnal" problem in Galatia. They did not stop being christian, but it is clear they stopped being obedient to Christ.
    Now do we stop being 'christian' if we are disobedient? No. Not any more than your children stop being your children when they disobey you. Are they a "pain in the neck"? Sure. Then what do you do? Discipline them of course.
    Carnality is by Biblical definition equal to disobedience. Therefore I think we can say that one can be christian and live a lifestyle that is abhorant to God. As in the case of the one who 'had his father's wife' in Corinth.
    IAmBlessed16 refer's us to 1 Cor.3 to make this very point. She uses "baby christian" as does Paul. I think Paul uses it in much the same way we would, i.e. quit crying about this or that, "Stop being a baby". Ever said that to someone?
    However, in 2 Cor. 5 paul goes on to explain the results and consequences of living in such a lifestyle. "...the terror of the Lord".
    In conclusion, let me say this.
    I think Scripture is abundantly clear that one may live (after salvation) in a way that is most displeasing to God. But there will come a day, whether in this life or the next, that one will face God and give account for that choice.
    Question: do certain lifestyles keep one from being a christian? Yes. That is why Jesus died. But once you are saved, you should not continue to live therein. If you do, you will be required of it by God.
    As for me, I would prefer to get it right in this lifetime rather than face God with it later.
    And I think Scripture supports this view.
    In His service;
  3. bonniej Guest

    I realize I am just a little late in getting in on this thread but since I am new to the forum, I'm having to play catch - up. If I am understanding correctly this thread is about whether or not a homosexual can be saved - and I'm guessing that it means a practicing homosexual. While I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle and I do believe it goes against God's word, there is no where that I know of that says a homosexual can't be saved, practicing or otherwise. In Romans, it says for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So knowing Christ as Lord and Savior does not make us perfect nor without sin. Sure we are supposed to try harder and if we get in the word and stay on our knees then, and only then might we get buy without making too many mistakes in our lives. I was saved at the age of 8. I was brought up in a Southern Bapt. Church and most of my life I have been in the Bapt church except for a few years in a non-demoninational church. I married at the age of 19 had two children and in l984 lost my youngest son in an accident on halloween at a church function. After 26 yrs of marriage I left my husband and consequently divorced him. Why? Because I knew one or both of us would wind up dead if I didn't. Even before our son was killed, there were many problems and to make a long story short, he was a very controlling person, a browbeater, a suicide threatener if I didn't do just what he wanted, when he wanted. There finally came a day when I felt like the Lord gave me the opportunity to get out and I did. I'm saying all of this to tell you that after my divorce was final - and I was 45 yrs old so not a young person, I got involved with a married man. This relationship lasted for several years and we probably would have married but because of his family, his children I knew that this could not be. I had 2 other brief relationships with men (not married) and then I met my now husband of 6 yrs as of today. My question to the person who believes a homosexual cannot be saved - Do you think that during the time I was not living as I should have been that I was without salvation? I don't believe you have to ask over and over to be saved. You have to ask forgiveness, sure but if we had to ask to be saved over and over, then Christ would have had to die more than one time. And we sin all the time - that thought, that word, that unChristlike behavior for whatever reason - which sin makes you unsaved again. A sin, is a sin. We as humans regard one sin worse than another but I believe God thinks they are all bad. He does say that homosexuality is an abomination but then what does he say about divorce - that he hates it and adultery? God does not put limits on who and who cannot be saved. For God so love the WORLD. Doesn't that mean everyone in the world. Anyone who repents and asks forgiveness of sins and believes on the name of Jesus shall be saved. How much clearer can the Bible be? Do we fall?- you bet we do. Do we go through periods where we don't show our fruits so that someone might not know we are Christians? Yep that happens too. So if you as a Christian whoever you are think that because you are a Christian, that you are without sin, then you need to redirect your thinking. God gave his all - and I do mean his ALL. When my son died, I new then, that there was no one, no not one person on this earth that I loved good enough to let me child die for - But God did. So anyone and I mean ANYONE can come to know Christ regardless of who they are, what they've done or what they are doing now. God can reach a long way into someone's heart and bring them to their knees and to him - even a homosexual.
  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Great post Bonnie!

  5. bonniej Guest

    Thank you Sue,
    I was just telling it like I KNOW it is.
  6. Wes Outwest New Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Lifestyle is the outer manifestation of the inward faith!

    Sins are not a factor in man's salvation, because ALL sin has been atoned by the Christ, Jesus. However, once one comes to faith in Jesus, one is then convicted by the Holy Spirit of the sins one does, and as John says in 1 john 1:8-10 "
    Therefore, once one comes to faith in Jesus, it is encumbant upon one to repent from sinning.

    By their fruits ye shall know them!

    Even so, NO religious organization can or should dictate to the individual a "prescribed" lifestyle. By doing so, an army of robots is created, and If they are "left leaning", the army of robots becomes "left leaning". God made us "individuals" and we should always retain our individuality while following Christ Jesus.