Do We Remember?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by chuck2336, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. chuck2336 Member

    Mar 8, 2007
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    I was at the computer reading some post about politics, and translations, and all kinds of stuff, and a question hit me.

    Can we get to smart for our own good?

    With all these post spouting off opinions about everything from sports to divorce, from translations to racism and everything in between. I wonder if we have forgotten how sweet it is to know that Jesus loves us. That thought thrilled me as a kid. I loved to sing the song and to learn the truth of God's Love for me. However, I see, as I grow older and "wiser" the simple truths no longer thrill me as much.

    Do not misunderstand what I am trying to say. I love to study and learn and to grow, but at what expense? Do I have to sacrifice the simple truths that brought so much joy in order to learn more complex knowledge that IMHO cannot compare to this one simple truth?

    Jesus loves me this I know.

    Learn and grow. Expand your boarders by the leading of the spirit, but never forget no matter how smart you get Jesus Loves You too!
  2. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    I like Dr. Bob's variation on Jesus Loves Me:

    "Jesus knows me, this I love."

    I think Jesus Loves Me comes off our lips to glibly sometimes.

    Try it this way: Jesus LOVES me! He really LOVES me!

    Jesus Loves ME? Yes, Jesus loves ME! Oh, Wow, he actually loves ME, who deserves his wrath.

    Simple yes, but never to be taken for granted.
  3. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    To take no credit of my own ----- I once heard Dr. Adrian Rogers say

    "God does not love us because we're valuable! We're valuable because God loves us!!"

    Imagine that--------God allows us as finite to probe, wonder, and recieve His infinite love!!

    I heard the story of an old dairy farmer who had a weather vein on the top of his Dairy Parlor-----beneith the directional arrow of the vein was an enscription that read

    "God is love"

    One day-----the county agent from the feed store was down visiting the farmer during milking time---tryin' to sell him on the latest dairy feed/milking product for the farmer's milking machine-----by and by a thunderstorm blew in and the wind started gusting causing that weather vein to turn one way then the other---back and forth that vein was turning

    The sales man watched the weather vein being blown by the wind --- first one direction then the other--- and then noticed the inscription beneath the vein that read "God is love" and he commented to the dairyman

    "Does that mean that God's love is as fickled as the wind??"

    The dairyman thought for a second and then said

    "No!!! That just means that in and from whatever direction the wind is blowing----God is love!!!!!"

    Lets remember that next time the winds of life are contrary to us!!!

    Bro. David

    aka Blackbird
  4. ajg1959 New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Let me try to understand this, are you saying that God's people that 'spout off" about their opinions on non-spiritual issues are neglecting the love of Jesus?

    That sounds a little harsh. Just because a person is concened with the events of the world around them doesnt mean that they forget about Jesus.

    I am a welder, and I must weld to make a living for my family. Do you think that the 8 hours a day that I spend welding is a waste because instead of welding I could be thinking about the love of Jesus?

    Yes, I love Jesus very much, but I still have to live in this world until He comes to get me, or I die and go to HIm.

  5. chuck2336 Member

    Mar 8, 2007
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    No offense AJ, but where in the world did this come from?

    All I said was let's not forget the simple truths that once brought so much joy. The OP had nothing to do with welding, or being concerned with current events or really anything else along those lines other than to indicate what brought this thought to my mind.
  6. ajg1959 New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Sorry, I guess i took your post wrong. Please forgive me.

  7. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    The late Dr. Karl Barth, a brilliant theologian who remains, overall, arguably the single most important and influential theologian of the last 100 years, a pastor and Professor of Theology at Göttingen, Münster, Bonn (from which he was forced out in 1935 for refusing to swear alliegence to Adolph Hitler) and Basel, and whose commentary on Romans is considered one of the best ever, and whose own (never finished) huge work, Kirchliche Dogmatik (Church Dogmatics) ran to 13 volumes and >six million words, and who is considered the 'Father of Neo-orthodoxy' (an appellation he rejected, BTW), was asked once by a student, to sum up in a few words, what he considered the most significant thing about his life's work and his theology.

    Barth smiled and answered, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."

  8. stilllearning Active Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Thank you Ed, for finally giving us, the second line to that song:
    “.....for the Bible tells me so.”

    (This is my favorite line!)
  9. skypair Active Member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Mt 18:3

    That doesn't mean we stay children -- nor does it mean we grow out of the simple memories like "Jesus loves me."

    There's an "adult" version of the song out that I heard at Bellevue Church. It was so beautiful! But when it started, I thought, "No, please don't try to embellish and make that lovely song more grandiose!"

    Perhaps someone here more computer savy than I could find a link so we could all listen. :wavey:
