Does anyone ever need a break from church?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Jim Ellis, Jun 3, 2003.

  1. hsmom3 New Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I can definitely understand the need for a break. Church can be overwhelming with all the services and activities that they offer. If you check many church calendars, they only leave 1-2 days of the week open. When are people, espcially fathers, supposed to spend time with their families? I heard a pastor on the radio this morning saying that one should never sacrifice their children for the sake of the "Lord's work."

    Which brings me to another thing,never forget that you are serving your Lord when you are the godly parent/spouse you need to be. It is not limited to the church facilities.

    I love going to church and the Lord always speaks to my heart, but as a single mom, it's very hard to get there and I've cut back a whole lot on activities. On Sunday nights, they do not have anything for the children to do and I leave church feeling like I've wrestled 3 bears, trying to get them to mind. lol I don't even get to open my Bible, trying to keep them quiet and occupied.

    I've seen people in my own family kill themselves to get to every church service, but tear their wife to shreds after the service, because they are so tired and stressed out from a full day or a full week at work. That is no profit whatsoever. God is not pleased in that at all. I dare say that most folks who go to all the activities never open their Bibles at home or pray. :( What profit is that?

    I would never stop going to church, but I think it's ok to cut back on things. It may just be a temporary thing because of certain situations in your life.

  2. LauraB New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    Ernie...your my hero!

    I whole heartedly agree with you. We posted just about the same thing, I just went around Texas to get there...LOL...

    Right on my brother.
  3. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Pastors traditionally take Mondays off and get far away from the church and their home. Why do you thin we do that? Everyone needs a break. We take a deep breath to exercise our lungs to go the next step and the next step. The people in the pews are no different and it has nothing to do with one's spiritual values.

    We also like to hear different preachers. We can't always get them to preach in our church, so we must go to them.

    Cheers, and God bless,

  4. Mitsy New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I think situations like what happened to Abiyah are more common than people realize. (Plus pastors who are sometimes controlling--run far away from a church where the pastor is like this.) You feel like the "church" sometimes OWNS you because you are in too many activities. I can't say that was ever the case for myself in regards to church alone, but if you count church activities plus any other community clubs, etc., it can be overwhelming.

    Because I just plain got sick of "meetings", I recently dropped out of our local Christian Women's Club group (where my officer position would be up soon) as well as another community-county club. I have had to learn the hard way that if you try to do it all, oftentimes, nothing much gets accomplished, plus you end up hating the whole process anyway. And yes, 3-4 times a week for church would definitely be more time than I would care to spend at church. If we are going to measure christianity by how many times we "attend" church functions, then we are getting as narrow and judgemental as some other folks. That was somewhat the sentiment at the Pentecostal Church I used to atttend.

    I do appreciate the fact that the Primitive Baptist Church that I'm now a part of does not do Sunday school. I personally never cared for that part of most church services. But, I think that kids can benefit by that type of program. However, if there are many kids, it often requires many adults to teach/supervise. That's when you start seeing the burn-out we've been talking about here. To take on a weekly job, that would have to be stressful, would make someone think twice about signing up for such a position. I know that I would never be cut out for that type of work, although I did a lot of years of nursery duty at the E-Free Church (was a rotating schedule so I wasn't in there every week). I think as humans, we need to know when to set limits and when to say "no" to more jobs - even if they are church-related. Sometimes adding more to our plates does not make us better Christians, it only makes us less focused and forces us to give up time with family and friends that might actually be more rewarding to us. I know that I won't be joining anymore clubs in the near future--maybe ever.
  5. dianetavegia Guest

    Everyone who has replied agreeing that a break is good are people who do massive amounts for the Lord. The original poster only attends 3 +/- hours a week and did not say he did anything in a teacher/ worker capacity. Just attends.

    I think the original poster needs MORE time with the Lord instead of less.

  6. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    I'd be careful about making such assumptions, Diane.

    You're judging him on information you don't know. You don't know what his walk is like outside of church.

    Church doesn't equal "time with the Lord". Time with the Lord equals time with the Lord and you can have time with the Lord in or out of church.
  7. Speedpass Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Five years ago I needed a break from being Discipleship Training director when very few members were interested in the program I was trying to put together, a break from being department director of Young Adult Sunday School when I was only filling that position to please the Minister of Education and Sunday School director, a break from contentious business meetings, a break from putting denominational brand loyalty over what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do, and a break from trying to do too much in my local church when I didn't have alot of time to commit to what I was doing.

    Right now I need a break from churches which claim that their style of worship is the only true worship form, a break from churches which sing the same songs over and over again, a break from churches that expect you to be happy all the time, a break from churches whose ministers expect a great emotional response from the congregation every time they preach from the pulpit, and a break from churches who expect me to be there all the time but don't offer me anything to do beyond attending Sunday school and morning worship.
  8. Mitsy New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I agree with you Mike. I don't equate church attendance with being more spiritual or getting closer to God. Sometimes the very church environment itself might not be the best place to be (depending on the church)...thus, my sentiments about doing something different..maybe doing a community service thing or spending time with someone who needs a visit or even visiting a different church can make a huge difference on someone's outlook. Church can become a chore...I've been there and it is not a good feeling. I believe that that is when the spirit might be leading you to do something else or be somewhere else (even temporarily.)
  9. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    And that's another excellent point, Mitsy.

    Even worse than church becoming boring or stale is church becoming another duty to fulfill. That amounts to legalism, which we've been delivered from.
  10. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I'd be careful about making such assumptions, Diane.

    You're judging him on information you don't know. You don't know what his walk is like outside of church.

    Church doesn't equal "time with the Lord". Time with the Lord equals time with the Lord and you can have time with the Lord in or out of church.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I reread the OP, and it really does not state specifically how much time this person spends outside of church doing the Lord's work.
    Diane was making a statement based on the information available. I see no assumptions that were unwarranted.
    Should we assume people are doing things away from church, or go by the information given? Perhaps if the OP would elaborate on how much time he spends both inside and outside church doing God's work, we can draw a better conclusion.
  11. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Because that's not the point of this thread. That wasn't his question.

    I disagree. When she says that he needs to "spend more time with the Lord", she's assuming that he's not doing that now or that his time with the Lord is somehow lacking. I think that's very dangerous grud she's treading, judging someone like that.

    We should go by the information given and where there is no information given, we should keep from trying to fill in the gaps, ourselves.

    That's how we jump to conclusions like Diane did and that's how rumors and gossip get started.

    Again, the point of this thread isn't to examine his walk with the Lord but to address what happens when church becomes a chore, as it can from time to time with many of us.
  12. wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I have reread the OP, and Diane's post, and I still don't see where she has jumped to any conclusions, or "judged" anyone here.

    The OP said this:
    What can you deduce from that? That he spends between 3 to 6 hours per week in church.
    No, nothing was mentioned about outside activities. But if someone told you they were burnt out from doing something for 3-6 hours per week, what would YOU say? What would you assume? What conclusions would you "jump" to?

    Are you not also judging Diane by telling her she has jumped to conclusions and is judging someone else?
  13. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Yes. Roughly the same as me, give or take but, for most Christians, their faith is not limited to their time in church. I see no reason to assume anything different about Jim.

    That's right. Nothing was said about outside activities. 'Nuff said.

    The first thing I would do would be to ask them (a) what they meant by "burnt out" and (b) why they think this might be.

    I wouldn't assume anything based on such scant information.

    I would jump to the conclusion that I don't have enough information to imply that he doesn't "spend enough time with the Lord".


    If I said that Diane was judging him because she was trying to hide sin in her own life or that she was judging him because of sin in her own life (neither of which I believe), that would be judging her.

    All I did was examine her words and suggest that she wait until she has a little more to go on before she makes such assumptions.
  14. dianetavegia Guest

    Mike, in my experience, when things bug us or get us down, the best place to go is to Jesus. It doesn't matter how many hours I've spent doing HIS work if I'm not sitting at HIS feet in study or prayer, I won't be filled, healed and renewed. That is the reasoning behind my remark to spend more time with the Lord. Can we ever spend too MUCH time with Jesus?

    There are 168 hours in the week. If Jim spends 3-6 hours in church, he still has 165 hours for other things. He has a GREAT website that has his personal testimony and information on how to receive Jesus and links to his church. I do try to always check out the profile and links of people before I respond. I was able to see how long he's been a Christian, his church affiliation, what his interests and hobbies are. I also got to see his 5 parakeets!

    I certainly did not mean to imply I was judging Jim's walk with the Lord! I hope my conservative friend, Jim, did not take it that way! If so, I hope I've cleared it up.

  15. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    I agree but is church the only place to do that?

    But it's like I told Jim: it's not walking with Christ that gets old, it's how we express it.

    I don't think we can spend too much time with Jesus but I do think we can spend too much time in church. In fact, too much time in church can risk the danger of becoming a ritual and can actually help to hinder your walk with Christ. There's got to be balance.

    I'm sure you didn't and I didn't mean for my responses to wiz, concerning you, to say that you did but do you see how your words might be interpreted that way?

    I'm sure he didn't. He seems like a pretty level headed guy.
  16. dianetavegia Guest

    Mike, I didn't say IN CHURCH but with the Lord. My most precious time with Jesus is right in my own home, usually with praise music playing pretty loudly to be honest! God inhabits the praises of HIS people and my heart fills with praise as I sing off key praises to HIM! Oh and in my car, driving down the highway.......

    However, I do think something more is going on if 3 or so hours a week in church is becoming a chore instead of a blessing. When things get stale, toast 'em! Light the Holy Fire!

    Yep... Jim seems very level headed and came with an honest question. I tried to answer honestly and to the point. I guess I didn't word it well enough to be well understood but I meant no disrespect to anyone.

    Thanks, Mike.
  17. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    How can anyone get burned out going to church 3 hours a week? Seems it is signafies needing more time wiht God, serving Him, worshiping Him, instead of less time.
    Oreohaps you are participating in a ministry that you need a break from. Could it be you are serving in an area that was not meant for you to serve in, prephaps God has another different area for service for you. When I got overwhelmed, I stepped back, took a look, how many are perment, how many are over soon(like VBS, angel tree), if most are short term then I just stick it out. If not I choose which ones I care most about, which are closest to my heart , and ask to ahve someoen else take the other. WHich is just what I did when I gave up teaching children's sunday school.
    When I feel overwhelmed with life, thats when I run to church. There I can rest in Jesus, be renewed by hearing God's word taught and preached, be strengthened by my brothers and sisters, as they help bear my burdens.
    Ok, on the other hand, if all you do is go to Sunday school, and then attend worship services 1 hour, and attend another bible study,and are not at the moment doing any other service, then theres a problem, what you need is more of God and church and not less.

    Fact is if someones spiritual life is in good shape your going to find them in church, and loving the chance to worship God, not trying to get out ot it and finding ways to justify not going to church.
    When you love the God you worship, it can never become boring or stale. In this case theres a spiritual problem.

    [Q]That's how we jump to conclusions like Diane did and that's how rumors and gossip get started.

    First no one is spreading rumors and gossip. Using the information given, and the original poster asking for an opinion, an opinion was given. You speak of jusging, then do it yourself.

    Forsake no the assembling together of yourselves.
  18. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    How is he trying to get out of it? How is he trying to find ways to justify not going to church?

    When you love the God you worship, it can never become boring or stale. In this case theres a spiritual problem.

    [/quote]That's how we jump to conclusions like Diane did and that's how rumors and gossip get started.[/quote]

    I agree. Who said that they were?

    Who did I judge? When?

    Need I remind you of your words towards Jim?:

    Fact is if someones spiritual life is in good shape your going to find them in church, and loving the chance to worship God, not trying to get out ot it and finding ways to justify not going to church. In this case theres a spiritual problem.

    That's judging.

    I agree. That's not what he's talking about.
  19. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Go back and read your own posts.

    Like I said go back and read your own posts, your are judging Diane.

    And I beleive he is 100% correct!

    Then pray tell, what is he talking about? Is he talking about not wanting to go to church, becaue he's tired of it?
  20. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Nice cop out, Katie.

    Since you made the accusation, why don't you show me. I don't believe you can since I never said anything of the kind.

    Again, instead of backing away from it, demonstrate where I judged Diane. If you're going to make such accusations, then it's incumbent upon you to back them up.

    He who? Those were your words and they're judging. You judge him pretty harshly in the same post where you falsely accused me of judging Diane.

    He's talking about what happens when church becomes not a place for refreshment and fellowship and hearing God's word, but a drudgery and a duty.

    I'm glad if you've never experienced this, but many of us have and do.