Does CPAC need medication en masse?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Ivon Denosovich, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Ivon Denosovich New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Yesterday, McCain was booed by conservatives at CPAC when he mentioned immigration reform. ( is reporting that Laura Ingram refused to clap even when McCain touted pro-life values and everyone in the room except her was cheering.)

    Then, amazingly, the man who signed McCain-Feingold into law and tried to do the same with McCain-Kennedy waltzes into the same room filled with the exact same people and isn't booed but is met with this:

    (Source hint: scroll down to the Kathryn Jean Lopez entry of the blog.)

    So, Bush has the IDENTICAL positions on CFR and immigration that McCain does and is applauded: McCain is treated as the second coming of Benedict Arnold. Precisely, how, is Bush more conservative than McCain? The only issue that stands out is tax cuts, but isn't that even offset with Bush's lack of fiscal restraint in spending?

    So, does CPAC need to be medicated en masse? And should these people be allowed to vote? ;)