Does God approve of prisons as a form of punishment?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by bonniej, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. williemakeit New Member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    OK. I guess that is one way to end a discussion, quickly.
  2. PJ Active Member
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    Feb 20, 2003
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    I have a cousin who was in prison for 18 months and came out a changed man. I appreciate him for who he's become, for how much he's grown. He owns a used car dealership now and has a wife & 5 children. They're wonderful people. I don't know anyone more trustworthy than this man.

    I am saddened to say that others I've observed post-prison have returned there in short order for similar crimes. Changed? I don't think so. Some of them probably never.

    Someone said earlier that our country has become too soft and I agree. Someone also said punishment should be semi-public and again, I agree. At least where the other inmates are concerned.

  3. dianetavegia Guest

    We have two 13 year old girls who baked cornbread and put bleach, glue and supposedly some expired medications in it, fed it to 12 school kids, who are facing 12 counts of attempted murder here in Georgia.

    This is the second incident of poisoned baked goods being taken in to public schools in just a few weeks. The other was a giant cookie with mercury in it.

    I would support prison sentences for these girls if the tests results show poisonous substances.

    A college girl in the next town put bleach into the milk and fruit punch of her roomate, wanting to kill her. She's also facing a prison term for attempted murder of more than one person. She's 18 years old.

    The boy who killed the 8 year old girl in our town can only get 2 years in a youth detention center because he was less than 12 years and 40 days old.
  4. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    We know that Paul was placed in Home Detention towards the end of his ministry, I cant recall a specific example of a Prision in the New Testament though, you were more likely to be put into slavery and work off your crime.

    Yet if we have a look at the history of modern prisions, they were actually invented by the Quakers of all people. The idea was that people were put into isolation to have a think about what they had done. They were permitted to speak to no one, nor were they allowed to see another member of the public, they would be moved about the prision with sacks over their faces.

    Our world is pretty much had it, mankind cant fix its social problems, Prisions are a good attempt as are alot of other punishments. Yet ultimatley it comes down to what brings true reform and that is only going to be a relationship with Jesus.

    I might as well add that I am not in favour of substandard conditions in prision's despite the crimes. It might be popular to talk about packing them in there until it is standing room only, but the idea is reform, if Christians can not show true compassion to those that have hurt them, are they genuinley giving Christianity 100%?
  5. Lil Sister New Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    There are prisons, and then there are "prisons". Martha S. and Jim Bakker (PTL) were in a "prison"--one for "white collar crimnals" with private cells & color TV. Not all behind bars enjoy such luxury.
    There is rampant crime going on inside prison walls...gang rape, drug dealing, and other such horrors by inmates. But also by many wardens & guards! This horrendous truth is ignored by lawmakers, who (in both political parties) seem to shrug and think "it serves crimnals right."
    But it only hardens men and women to do further acts of evil, if they are treated with inhumanity.
    Many times wardens and guards play mind games with inmates; putting them in "lock down" for little or no reason. Sometimes their mail is tampered with--giving the inmate an empty envelope with no letter inside--or half of the contents removed. Sometimes guards deliberately place certain inmates in the same cell, knowing the bigger, stronger one will brutalize the smaller one. Many times sick inmates are denied medical care, or not provided what they need to get/stay well.
    These things only occasionally make the newspaper; and usually the articles are small and "buried" way in the back.
    Massive prison reform is needed; and Bible believing Christians can make the difference! We need to stop ignoring Jesus' words "I was in prison and you visited Me." More strongly-rooted Christians need to become involved in prison ministry. (The majority out there in "prison ministry" offer nothing more solid than spiritual baby food.)
    Churches need to be willing to accept and disciple men and women coming out of prison. They need to lend a hand to the wives & children of inmates. What tremendous opportunities there are to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ among "the least of these."
    My husband & I have been involved in prison ministry for over 5 years. We've had (former) church elders who dragged their feet & complained about every penny spent on getting the Gospel to the imprisoned--but go home to their multi-million dollar homes, driving their expensive Suburbans.
    We've called church after church on behalf of paroling inmates, asking for godly men who would be willing to take a new believer under the wing and teach him how to walk with Christ "on the outside." Few have responded at all; even fewer positively.
    The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Please pray for those of us involved in the harvest--and for more laborers besides. And pray about what you can do to visit Christ in prison.
  6. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Some of them are finishing schools. I had a relative who went to jail for mail theft. In prison he learned the printer's craft from the institution. At the same time he learned the art of counterfeiting from the inmates.

    He graduated and came out a "counterfeit journeyman", went to work for the syndicate later to serve time for that also.

  7. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I mentioned I preached some time in a prison in Mississippi here---not one of those local Mayberry things---where the inmates do favors for the Sheriff---but a major Lock Up facility

    I'd preach---the guys who came were always receptive---we were not allowed inside the dorms/living quarters but had services in the dining room

    Everytime I left---I'd remind myself

    "There's not a crime I can commit that would be WORTH it to come here!!"
  8. Curious George New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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  9. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    I am not sure as to what exactly the Bible's stand is on prison that is somthing I have to study. But I will say that the Bible does not agree with putting rapists in prison.
  10. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    We took the Bible away from kids in school then we give it to them as they enter prison. What is wrong with this picture?

    I have nothing further to add to my earlier comments.
    In His service;
  11. dianetavegia Guest

    "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" Eccl. 8:11

    "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God…" Romans 11:22

    "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as them that are sent by him FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF EVIL DOERS, and for the praise of them that do well". 1 Peter 2:13-15.

    In John 18:10-11, Pilate said to Jesus, "Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and I have power to release thee? And Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN THEE FROM ABOVE: therefore, he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin".

    Notice first, that Pilate claimed to have the authority, or "power" to crucify, or put to death. Then Jesus said that Pilate would have no authority unless "it were given thee from above". Therefore, this conversation shows that Pilate, AS A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, had authority from God to crucify, or execute capital punishment.