"Dominionist Theory"

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by dumbox1, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. dumbox1 Guest

    I ran across this term in some materials given to me by a gentleman from a Baptist background. If anyone could give me a brief description of what this theory is, and how it differs from (or is the same as) typical Baptist beliefs, I'd appreciate it.

    Based on the context, I believe it has to do with the relationship/contrast between OT Israel and the NT church.

    Are any of you familiar with it?


    Mark H.
  2. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    It is based on covenant theology and is generally (wholly?) post-millennial. Many Godly Christians are of this stripe and I find at least some of their teachings very edifying.

  3. dumbox1 Guest


    Thanks very much for the link. I checked out the "Credo" section of the website, which was helpful. Can you suggest any other parts of the site I should check out?


    Mark H.
  4. CatholicConvert New Member

    Jun 15, 2001
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    Ahhhhhhhhh.......my old Calvinist teachers.

    And STRICT Calvinists they are, too.

    Rousas John Rushdooney is well known as a "Theonomic Reconstructionist" who looks forward to the day when Jesus will be Lord of all kingdoms on earth, the Law of God superceding all the perverse laws of man, and the rulership of the world being under Christ and His DOMINION.

    Funny, the Catholic Church (the HISTORIC one) has much the same opinion.

    I also find it interesting that in their CREDO page they have the Council of Trent among the various printed councils.

    I personally like Dominion Theology. After all, if the original purpose of God for man was that there would be a divine covenantal family ruling over the world, headed by King Adam and Queen Eve (that WAS their destiny if they hadn't messed it up!!) then wouldn't God's redemptive plan be to redeem and restore that orginal plan? And if so, then Christ, having done sucessfully the work to restore all things, WHY do we let the wicked rule the world? (And what is worse in America is that we actually VOTE the wicked into office to rule over us!!!).

    Interesting link. Thanks. I bookmarked it for further reading.

    Brother Ed
  5. dumbox1 Guest

    Brother Ed,

    Thanks for your comments. If you could point me toward any sort of "beginner's guide" to what exactly it is, I'd appreciate it.

    (I've run across some anti-Dominionist websites that sort of vaguely connect it to "replacement theology" -- are those concepts similar, or different, or what?)

    God bless,

  6. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    Mark, I'd say the best thing to do is to browas the articles. The Late R. J. Rushdoony was brilliant. Andrew Sandlin's articles are interesting.

    Another site: http://www.nationalreform.org/

    William Einwhchter writes very good articles there, as do the others.

    Hope this helps.

    -PA Jim