Dr. Charles F. Stanley Celebrates 50yrs in Ministry.

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by TCGreek, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    Though I do not signoff on everything that Dr. Stanley preaches, I was so encouraged to find out he is celebrating 50yrs in ministry this year.

    With pastors fallen into sinner, it is truly encouraging when one pastor can serve the Lord so faithfully for so long, and twice elected president of SBC.

    Indeed, Dr. Stanley will leave lasting legacy. When the average pastorate is 3-4yrs, for God to use Dr. Stanley in the same place for so long, is worth special notice and should be commended and imitated by all pastors. May God continue to bless his ministry.
  2. Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    When I think of Charles Stanely, I think of the early 80's, when I used to listen to and watch too many who use media to preach their gospel. I remember him saying a divorced man had no business and no place in 'ministry.' But when he got a divorce he overtly changed his tune on that. So for a lot of years I have ignored the guy. I don't know if his basic message has remained the same, but to say there is an automatic disqualification and then to change that when it happens to him-- he's hard to take him seriously.
  3. Purple Lady <img src=/PurpleLady2.jpg>

    Aug 31, 2001
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    Alcott, are you saying that no one can change their position on beliefs?
    Don't our personal experiences sometimes help us to see things differently, sometimes?

    Just asking because to dismiss anyone just because they changed a view seems to be like saying if you don't always believe the same then you are not worth bothering with.

    I'm not saying if Stanley is right or wrong. Just allowing that sometimes our views change.
  4. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Scripture never says a divorced man who has no remarried cannot be a pastor. You, and everyone else who holds this position, are making yourself judge and jury. That is wrong.

    As for Stanley's 50 yrs, thank God for this man! Like TCGreek I have some theological differences with Dr Stanley. However he has remained faithful to the Word of God. :thumbs:
  5. Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Alcott did not express that position, Stanley himself did.
    His change of view appeared a bit too "convenient" for many, apparently including his son and former associate pastor Andy Stanley.
  6. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I have to come to Alcott's defense here. He is not saying that people can't, or don't, change their views. He is saying that it appears that Stanley changed his views when it was personally expedient to do so. Sort of "do as I say, not as I do". The fact is, he would have condemned himself for remaining in the ministry after a divorce, until...OOPS...it happened to him.

    I liken this to the expedient "revelation" to the Mormon prophets who found that God changed his mind about polygamy when it became an issue in Utah gaining statehood in the United States. Just seems mighty convenient.
  7. Purple Lady <img src=/PurpleLady2.jpg>

    Aug 31, 2001
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    Well I am thankful that the Lord has shown me in some of those "convenient" times, of the errors of the ways of my own thinking.
  8. ShagNappy Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    There is a difference between a preacher going out and getting a divorce and his wife, with documented mental instabilities, getting a divorce. He never wanted it and fought it the entire time. And as far as he is concerned, he is still married to her and continues to live his life like a married man. I see no inconsistencies in his stance. I use to attend church at FB Atlanta and I know his stance on divorce. He is referring to preachers who get divorced and generally take up with another woman and live as though divorce of convienence is ok. He couldn't force his wife to stay married.

    Andy's problem is he can't decide which excuse to use as the reason he left. One day it's the divorce, the next it's because his dad was to committed to his ministry and didn't have time for him and was an absentee father. He has even used the excuse that he preferred a modern service as opposed to a more classic style and his father wouldn't change. Truth is, Andy is a good preacher and just needed to get out from under the huge shadow of his dad and make his own way. He has done that now and has been pretty successful.
  9. preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    Being blessed to serve on staff with Dr. Stanley has allowed me to truly see the man for who he is...a dedicated, humble, sincere, devoted follower of Christ. Dr. Stanley has given 50 years of service to the Kingdom and helped unnumbered masses hear the Gospel and receive life change.

    Many will throw rocks. I suggest they a) don't truly know the man, b) haven't contributed an ounce of good next to his tons of contributions to the Kingdom. I praise the man for his consistency, I honor his contribution, and thank him for giving God the glory. :)
  10. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    If it is true the Dr. Stanley did not want the divorce and still lives as though he were still married then I see no Scriptural prohibition to his remaining as pastor.

    The man is a great example to all of us. 50 years of faithfulness is something to strive for in each of our lives.
  11. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I agree. It is very encouraging to see someone leave such an impact on people over the long haul.
  12. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Andy Stanley now preaches at First Baptist Atlanta from time to time, does ministry events with his father, and looks to be the new face of In Touch (after the passing of Dr. Stanley). So any disagreements Andy Stanley had with his father have clearly been put aside.
  13. DQuixote New Member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    As I recall, Dr. Stanley agonized over staying on as pastor. It was encouragement from others and finally his peace with God about the matter that made the determination. I listened to him in the 80's and 90's, and catch him now and then today. While his style of preaching is not a favorite of mine, I can't argue with the content.

  14. TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    Thanks Martin for that input. Why some feel the need to be so disagreeable I will never know.

    In no way do I believe Dr. Stanley is an insincere preacher, like so many that I know. Why do we feel the need to rehash his divorce?

    Is any among us without failure of some kind? Where is the spirit of Christ? Sometimes, I shake my head and wonder. I pray that God will forgive us all of our shortcomings.
  15. SBCPreacher Active Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Although I don't agree with everything he as said or done, I hope and pray that I will one day be able to celebrate 50 years of faithful ministry. Far too many have self-destructed; far too many have bailed out for one reason or another. There aren't that many that I hear of staying in the ministry that long. May God continue to bless him and give him more years of teaching and preaching.
  16. Joseph M. Smith New Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    I had friends, years ago, who were members of FBC Atlanta, and who were thoroughly upset with Dr. Stanley's "taking" (their word, not mine) the church away from its previous pastor, who had become ill. I presume time has healed all those wounds.

    As one who on occasion is met at the church door with comments like, "You remind me so much of Charles Stanley", I guess I had better applaud his stick-to-it-iveness as well. Seems like friends of mine, when they retire from long pastorates, either quit going to church or deliberately disappear into megachurches, so that they can be anonymous. They speak of having been drained dry by their long service.
  17. Alcott Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2002
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    My thanks to Jerome and Magnetic Poles. No, I do not believe a man being divorced necessarily disqualifies him from ministry. But yes, the point is that he never (to my knowledge) changed anything about his view on this until he personally had something to gain. In that way he's like Davis telling Nathan the rich man who stole the poor man's lamb should not be allowed to live, while the even more serious offense of what David had done he covers up and thinks everything is okay.
  18. Site Supporter

    Mar 10, 2007
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    Congrads to Dr. Stanley

    Since I am still VERY VERY VERY new to the BB, I will just give my opinion (which every one has one and theirs are probably more accurate in all areas of Scripture, theology, and other parts). Did not Saul (Paul) change his view point when he had a personal experince with his view of 1st Century Christians? Secondly, can God use anyone He chooses to profit His Kingdom...including "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" those with an item(s) of their past that is not of Christian character.

    I, for one, am a divorced/remarried man who pastors a Souther Baptist Church. My wife is a divorced/remarried woman as well. We accepted Christ when we were in our youth. But because of my calling when I was a teenager, and because of my wife (current), I pastor a church, who has looked through my divorce (at least I think so) and still called me to their church and have given more than 110 percent of their support to me and God's (not mine) ministry.

    So, as far as those who say that Dr. Stanley changed his views after his divorce, well you and I don't know what God really laid on his heart. I believe that when he is called upto Heaven, God will say, "Charly, well done my good and faithful servant".

    I am just thankful that I know that with my divorce/remarriage, that my God is a faithful and forgiving God and continues to lead me in the pastoral, to serve Him at HIS will...not mine.

    So..Dr. Stanley, God bless you for all you do for HIM and congradulation on 50 yrs in the ministry.
  19. ehaase New Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    I just wonder what will happen to First Baptist Atlanta when Dr. Stanley does retire. I attended that church in 1999 - 2000 when my employer sent to Atlanta for an extended detail. The worship service was the best I have ever attended, but the church seemed to revolve around In Touch. As I recall, about 5000 went to the worship services, but only about 2000 went to Sunday School. (If my numbers are incorrect, please correct me.) I have noticed that they rarely have Sunday night worship services anymore.
  20. preachinjesus Well-Known Member
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    Feb 9, 2004
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    If I might might some minor adjustments to your statements.

    Andy Stanley occassionally teaches at FBA. By occassionally I mean twice in 10 years. Andy is, imho, a highly gifted communicator but his style is completely not First Baptist Atlanta. That same ministry philosophy will probably ensure that Andy will not take over InTouch. It's not his style. That's not a bad thing, that's not a good thing, it's just the way things are.

    Both Stanleys have terrific ministries that are touching the world with the Gospel. They are wonderful men of God who are really doing terrific ministry together and in their respective churches. I just don't see Andy taking up the mantle once his father leaves.

    I really respect them both and fully expect longevity in both of their lives with the end being millions brought into the Kingdom.